Having Fun In Subway Dancer

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Having Fun In Subway Dancer

Post by Zetal »

I finally slowed down after building my level, Twilight. Well, I thought I might have a nice spin over at Subway Dancer now that I have DSL.

I still need to sit down with some of the weapons, but overall I'm improving on that level (since I'm usually not good with modified weapons). But this time was different. I was flying around finding that I could actually dodge stuff (thank you DSL). ...even more amazing, I could kill people at a good pace.

The fun started ending when I was playing some guy. He was your perfect type killer. ...along with that, I was noticing something funny. ...and I doubt it was lag. After I finally killed the guy, I grabbed some of his stuff, and suddenly the backside rockets started appearing out from the spot he died. I'm not sure if that was some crazy lag (I'm not one to say hacking) or if that is something that goes along with the level. Just curious about that one.

Oh, well. It still was a fun game. :D
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Stuff like that happens with lag. You kill him but he fires after he's exploded. Seen it many times.
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Post by Testiculese »

Or the stuff he drops when he explodes takes a few seconds after he actually explodes.

watch out, that delayed explosion can kill you if you have low shields. (less than 40). I always keep away form where the ship blew up until I see the spew, then I know the explosion is done, and I can get my prizes.
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Post by kurupt »

try something besides subway dancer is my solution :D
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Post by Atan »

SD needs a good conection for all the players..
what you discribe is not level depending, it's lag.

But good idea, try out something newer...
i.e. Blown Starship ;)
I wasn't sure if that level would be playable online by inserting so much 'stuff' inside a MP-Level
and how it would work with the modded laser weapons then.
Anyone tried it out up to now?
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Re: Having Fun In Subway Dancer

Post by Top Wop »

Zetal wrote:I finally slowed down after building my level, Twilight. Well, I thought I might have a nice spin over at Subway Dancer now that I have DSL.

I still need to sit down with some of the weapons, but overall I'm improving on that level (since I'm usually not good with modified weapons). But this time was different. I was flying around finding that I could actually dodge stuff (thank you DSL). ...even more amazing, I could kill people at a good pace.
:cry: Please, dont make me cry.

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Post by Zetal »

Testiculese wrote:Or the stuff he drops when he explodes takes a few seconds after he actually explodes.

watch out, that delayed explosion can kill you if you have low shields. (less than 40). I always keep away form where the ship blew up until I see the spew, then I know the explosion is done, and I can get my prizes.
Turns out that the spew was already there and was for 2 seconds. The explosion was done.

But I was talking to [NuB2]Stryker about it and he said that Subway Dancer is known for lag spikes when certain weapons are fired.

Oh, well. Just screwy lag.
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Post by Bet51987 »

I was born here... :wink:
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Post by Zetal »

There's a funny thing about me though. I one of the only level builders who will even go near Subway Dancer. :P I'm in SDS, and everyone I've talked to on there has cringed when the heard SD. :P

Oh, well. Doesn't matter all that much. It's still fun to play (until the lag spikes get bad :P).
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Post by Atan »

I don't believe that you are the only one ;)
I know a lot L-builder who play(ed) this level a lot and have/had fun inside.
Remember, not all l.b. are posting here at the board.
But for sure everybody can say if he like or dislike playing a specific level, so I'm lucky to see you can like it. And your'e not such alone...
Look here:
search for
'Nach Hits'
and have a look at the dl counter for this level.
This speaks it own language :)

Ok, have fun playing SD,
but try out all the new stuff which is produced in the meantime too.
I think all levelbuilder would like seeing their level beeing played, that's why we are building...
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Post by Zetal »

Atan wrote:Ok, have fun playing SD,
but try out all the new stuff which is produced in the meantime too.
I think all levelbuilder would like seeing their level beeing played, that's why we are building...
Yep. That's why I even gave SD a chance. If I ever see people in a game, I join it to see how it's like. ...and sometimes I just join one to see if anyone will join.
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Post by Top Wop »

SD is pritty fun. Having different weapons to use once in a while is fun and keeps the game fresh. Too bad there are'nt more mods like it.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

Subway Dancer is the Death of D3 as I know it.

And not in a good way.
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Post by Atan »

I'm not sure if I understand your post in the right way, but it let ring a little bell ;)

-The Death of D3 as 'you' know it...

If your understanding of D3 is different as other players, where is the problem?
If one like it and you not, who cares?
I stopped thinking about why ppl like playing a level over years, if this is your thinking.
I don't know the reason for this and never found an answer anywhere.
I don't believe you can focus the general problem of the falling D3 star to just one level/mod or else single thing.
The q. must be WHY do ppl like this one so much, that it played over years now.
This is a question which ask generations before, just think about Minvera...
One hate it one love it, that's it so far.
Hating a level is the worst thing in my opinion,
I really found such bad bad kind of hating a level in the source of D3Edit and /that/ topped statements like I found in the past and now yours.
That's the death of a game, intolerance, no eyes for news, living yesterday every day.
You can't hold the things as you want them to be
for always, that's like it goes.
But you own a choise, play the level's/mod's you like.
Show the others online that there are more level to play outside.
That will help more as to state /here/ about Death of D3 forced by SD.
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Post by Stryker »

Subway dancer isn't liked by many of us because we simply can't get used to the weapons. We spawn, get hit by one shot, and die. All the one-shot kills in this mod get on my nerves very quickly. I like to think before I die. Some people have better reflexes than I, and are thus much better at SD. I'm one of those "strange" people that believes that the truest kind of skill is jumping in a level you've never played before and showing people that you CAN fight outside of Halcyon (or VV, or SD for that matter). Subway dancer servers always stay full. That annoys the heck out of me, as often that's the only server that has people in it. Play SD by all means; it's not to my taste, but if you like it, fine. Just DON'T PLAY IT EXCLUSIVELY! Try something else for once! I released a good, well-balanced, pretty mod lately. It has been hosted ONCE by a VEX server. The only people that played it without me asking them to specifically were a couple of VEX members, [PTMC]Chefckoc (or something like that), and Laria. That is the whole history of the mod. No one has as much as mentioned it since then. It's not that the mod is so horrible; it's that people won't play it. Play SD if you like, but for crying out loud, don't spend all day in it. There are some awesome levels out there. GET OFF YOUR DUFF AND TRY THEM!
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Post by Zetal »

Stryker wrote:Subway dancer isn't liked by many of us because we simply can't get used to the weapons. We spawn, get hit by one shot, and die. All the one-shot kills in this mod get on my nerves very quickly. I like to think before I die. Some people have better reflexes than I, and are thus much better at SD. I'm one of those "strange" people that believes that the truest kind of skill is jumping in a level you've never played before and showing people that you CAN fight outside of Halcyon (or VV, or SD for that matter). Subway dancer servers always stay full. That annoys the heck out of me, as often that's the only server that has people in it. Play SD by all means; it's not to my taste, but if you like it, fine. Just DON'T PLAY IT EXCLUSIVELY! Try something else for once! I released a good, well-balanced, pretty mod lately. It has been hosted ONCE by a VEX server. The only people that played it without me asking them to specifically were a couple of VEX members, [PTMC]Chefckoc (or something like that), and Laria. That is the whole history of the mod. No one has as much as mentioned it since then. It's not that the mod is so horrible; it's that people won't play it. Play SD if you like, but for crying out loud, don't spend all day in it. There are some awesome levels out there. GET OFF YOUR DUFF AND TRY THEM!
Right on! BTW his MOD is awesome. You should really try it sometime! It features the long lost Gauss! That weapon is awesome on here. Just try his MOD.


Now that I think about it, I think I like that level because I've been finding that I enjoy tunnel ratting. Probably because usually in dogfighting, I get beaten down because of a slower connection (by at least 60ms). Just enough so that it is hard to keep going. ...also being stuck with 56k turned me into a ratter. :P

I wasn't just playing that level either, I jumped into Waltz~~~ whatever (that Australian song :P). That one is nice and balanced. Also I'm an Entrophy freak. I can't get enough. But only now are we even getting scheduled times to play.
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Post by Sapphire Wolf »

bet51987 wrote:I was born here... :wink:
Remember that we encounter eachother in Hyperspace?
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Post by Bet51987 »

Dark Falcon...

Of course I remember you in Hyperspace. Your in my good guy book. Always were...always will be. :wink: :wink: See you in the mines.
P.S. I finally played Bada Bing....it's really kool, and am looking forward to playing "twilight" if it ever gets hosted.
P.S.S. I also notice that some games that are being hosted are never played. Maybe we can get them to host twilight.

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Post by Zetal »

bet51987 wrote:P.S. I finally played Bada Bing....it's really kool, and am looking forward to playing "twilight" if it ever gets hosted.
P.S.S. I also notice that some games that are being hosted are never played. Maybe we can get them to host twilight.

Working on that. But no one is responding. ...and still, I'm working on getting my connection working so I can host a server. I know what to do now, I just need to contact my ISP.
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Post by esa »

Zetal wrote:
bet51987 wrote:P.S. I finally played Bada Bing....it's really kool, and am looking forward to playing "twilight" if it ever gets hosted.
P.S.S. I also notice that some games that are being hosted are never played. Maybe we can get them to host twilight.

Working on that. But no one is responding.
Twilight is up on descent.cx (Southeast US)

Server requests welcome at server@descent.cx
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Post by Zetal »

Thanks! Someone actually listens. :P:P
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Post by UZI »

If you die in subway dancer, it's not because of the mods, it because of how you play subway dancer.

Don't hit the AB when you spawn unless you're spawning in the big room, in which case, get the heck out of there (only go down the elevator shaft, never up). That eliminates most people spawn killing you. Most people rightly don't care whether you spawned, as they likely either just entered the room or spawned themselves and aren't going to stop to ask if its OK to kill you yet. If you spawn and someone's in front of you, unload your concussions (they fire fast in SD, and are one of the most underutilized, yet effective, weapons in there).

In tunnels, hang out near the top or bottom so that you don't get stuck on someone else blocking the middle and so that you can tear out of there when they invariably shove their nose down and pop a cyclone on the floor.

Find the one spot in the level where homers work wonders, and terrorize anyone in their path.

Swing you tail when dodging cyclones (or those slow megas at close range), it allows you to double back and avoid taking hits.

Employ stealth.
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Post by Bet51987 »

But most of all.......run when u c me..... :wink:
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Post by Grendel »

Hm, maybe I'll just hop in one day.. :P
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Post by Suncho »

bet51987 wrote:But most of all.......run when u c me..... :wink:
why? ;)
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Post by {OSS}Paedric »

Suncho wrote:
bet51987 wrote:But most of all.......run when u c me..... :wink:
why? ;)

Come to Roadkill's Subway server and find out. :-Ã?
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Post by Nightshade »

Subway just plain sucks- even the un modded version. The level just doesn't flow very well. Add the modded weapons and it's beyond nasty. The weapons mods are stupid as crap and make things unplayable.
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Post by Krom »

Well compared to damage, a lot of stuff sucks.
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Post by {OSS}Paedric »

ThunderBunny wrote:Subway just plain sucks- even the un modded version. The level just doesn't flow very well. Add the modded weapons and it's beyond nasty. The weapons mods are stupid as crap and make things unplayable.
There are plenty of people around who will dispute that statment. It may not be to YOUR personal tastes but that does not make it a bad or unplayable level. I personally find it to be an enjoyable level and the jacked up weapons add a degree of challenge. That challenge is to stay alive which is no mean feat in a tank.

But hey, what do I know. Minerva in D1 and D2 was one of my favorite levels and it tends to get panned by the existing elite here also.
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Post by Suncho »

I don't think most people are saying that Minerva is a bad level. They're just pissed at it for being overplayed.

On the otherhand, Subway Dancer *IS* a bad level. =)
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Post by {OSS}Paedric »

It really is a matter of taste as to whether or not a level is bad. Much like musical tastes (or lack there of). What is considered trash by one demographic is considered poetry by another.

I've been reading the board for awhile now. Much of the commentary reminds me of movie critics panning the latest Schwarzenegger action flick, only to have it break all box office records. The difference being is that the movie critics usually don't go around calling the great unwashed masses losers and n00bs in public.

Just because some of you don't like it doesn't make it bad. It does have a glitch that needs addressing. If that's what you mean by bad, then I will still have to disagree. Flawed, yes. Perfect, no. Bad, plenty of regulars will disagree. If the level is so horrible, why has it gotten over 4400 downloads and a 9.4 ratingon this one site alone?
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Post by Neo »

You're right. It's not a bad level. It's just two years old! I played this level for about four months after it came out. I loved it at first, but I got tired of it since I played it so much. Yes, it does have stupid mods. But that doesn't mean it's not funâ??or funny. ^_~

Stop hiding in skybox and subway dancer and play new levels. Then other new pilots will see that there are other games being played and join those. That's why D3 "dies": because people won't play anything new.
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Post by Bet51987 »

FYI.....Last night at 9pm EDT there were 35 players playing D3. Isn't that Kool?
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Post by {OSS}Paedric »

Neo wrote:Stop hiding in skybox and subway dancer and play new levels. Then other new pilots will see that there are other games being played and join those. That's why D3 "dies": because people won't play anything new.
Why is it that all of you figure that those of us who play Dancer (or whatever) are "hiding". I play what I like, much like the masses that see the panned movie. And I don't buy this nonsense that those of us who do play this level are solely responsible for the death of Descent 3 and the demise of western civilization as we know it. That's just a bit hard to swallow.

D3 is dead because it is an OLD game that is no longer supported by it distributors, writers, or producers, and the majority of its (very small initial) fan base has moved on to the latest and greatest leaving an even smaller minority of die-hard pilots to soldier on. It was NEVER a commercial success which means that its fan base was small to begin with. It has a steep learning curve that accounts for a decent amount of user attrition. Newer games have pulled the many of the rest away. Motion sickness may even play a small role.

Why do you think that there will be this huge influx of players if only we would play this level or that level? PXO is down/gone. The game is less accessible now than ever. Most new "names" are connected to the same old faces.

Where is this influx of players to come from? Is this game even for sale anymore? Or is it mainly bundled with a sound card or purchased on EBay?

Enjoy the twilight while it lasts.
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Post by Nightshade »

Subway is still a rancid piece of shiz...sorry. :P
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Post by {OSS}Paedric »

ThunderBunny wrote:Subway is still a rancid piece of shiz...sorry. :P
And you are entitled to your opinion sir and/or madam (as I am to mine).
bet51987 wrote:FYI.....Last night at 9pm EDT there were 35 players playing D3. Isn't that Kool?
That's world wide.
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Post by DigiJo »

i like subway, if the unmodded version would be up i would play it all day. the level itself is very good made, just the weapons are overtuned, well or i just dont learn how to use them right.

want levels that suck? look at the serverlist, all the supersmall 2-room / 15-faces level played all day. they have driven away more noobs then any other level ever could. what do you think a noobs first impression is when he jumps in a level of bi3-caliber?

i find it funny that players complain about good made stuff just cause they cant win in them, while in the same second praise any amateurs 5-hour-made level in the sky just cause they played in them for the last 4 years and win every match in there.
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Post by Bet51987 »

Enjoy the twilight while it lasts.
I like everything you said, except that part. :cry:
I can tell you right now, I won't quit.

I will be the last player looking around for someone to play with. Then, if and when, the servers are all gone, I'll find a boyfriend and make him play. He WILL learn and he WILL :x play.
(And no smart remarks.....my guns are drawn.)
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Post by {OSS}Paedric »

bet51987 wrote:Paedric.....
I like everything you said, except that part. :cry:
I can tell you right now, I won't quit. ...
I simply ment that the game is fading. Enjoy it while there is still time left to do so.
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