I have a Viewsonic P95f+ monitor. I was running at 1600x1200 @ 85hz. However, after I installed Windows XP SP2, I noticed that it won't do anything above 60hz. Should I use something like Reforce to get it back or is it different in the new service pack? Please help! My eyes are killing me!
I seem to have fixed it, but would still like to know what the problem might have been.
There is a known issue with win2k and XP reverting to 60hz --reforce fixes the problem, as do modern detonator drivers i believe. There is a refresh override built into them.
just use custom refresh in reforce or the newest Det drivers. it will automatically override any settings that come with XP, and force it to whatever you specify as long as its within the monitors capabilites.
the new 61.76 Drivers have a new feature which is very handy when specifying custom refresh rates, you can actually tweak the timing specs.
in the NVidia Menu, goto Change Resolutions > Advanced Timing ....you will come to this screen....
Yeah, I did. However, Windows won't keep it installed, it keeps switching back over to the Default Monitor Driver because it thinks that it is newer/better. It works fine now though, so I'm happy.