-no driving between 12-5am
-no driving alone. must have someone with 4 yrs excp or more in front seat.
-all passengers MSUT wear a seat belt.
-can't drive on freeways (min 4 lane highways)
-no DUI (duh)
Level 2 comes 8 months (if you take a driving course) or 1 yr if you don't.
Level 2 is the same as a full license but you can't DUI (duh again) or have any major infractions.
My mom sold me the car she got from her aunt.
1994 Toyota Camry LE V4
No Rust
No Accidents
Mint Condition
66,000 KMs
List of every repair ever done on car.
Power doors, windows locks.
no cig burns
Hardly winter driven or highway driving (only my mom did the highway driving)
My mom put 30,000KM on the car in 3 years of having it.
Car is a dream to drive and I got accustomed to it within 1 hour.
I've finished my theory classes today and now have 10 hours of driving with the school before I can book an appointment to take my road test to go from my G1 to the G2 license.
I can't believe I waiting this long to get my license.
So, what was your first car?
Oh, BTW, amazing how many people DON'T know how to drive.
EDIT, oh yeah , mine has A/C

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http://members.rogers.com/cdnmerlin/ima ... RY1994.jpg