An interesting article on NewsDay states:
The article goes on to say:Anybody who believes these national political polls are giving you facts is a gullible fool.
Any editors of newspapers or television news shows who use poll results as a story are beyond gullible. On behalf of the public they profess to serve, they are indolent salesmen of falsehoods.
This is because these political polls are done by telephone. Land-line telephones, as your house phone is called.
The telephone polls do not include cellular phones. There are almost 169 million cell phones being used in America today - 168,900,019 as of Sept. 15, according to the cell phone institute in Washington.
There is no way to poll cell phone users, so it isn't done.
Not one cell phone user has received a call on their cell phone asking them how they plan to vote as of today.
BTW - Zogby, who was quoted in the above article, responded here to qualify his remarks he gave to Breslin.Beyond that, you miss younger people who live on cell phones. If you do a political poll on land-line phones, you miss those from 18 to 25, and there are figures all over the place that show there are 40 million between the ages of 18 and 29, one in five eligible voters.
And the great page-one presidential polls don't come close to reflecting how these younger voters say they might vote. The majority of them use cell phones and nobody ever asks them anything.
I thought this was interesting. Makes you wonder how much of a suprise we're in for in November.