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Post by US_Paratrooper »

Everyone just needs to realize that SubGayDancer is a cancer on the D3 community...and start playing real descent levels...

Iten said FLAMERS lolololol

By the way who is this Bettina, i dont think ive ever seen him/her in the mines EVER.
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Post by kurupt »

thats because she only plays subway dancer. ive never actually seen her play either
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Post by Infamous Ingus »

everytime ingus joined a game with betty, she left 5mins later.
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Post by iten »

Infamous Ingus wrote: ingus didnt make this thread.
I don't exactly think the way Bettina is going about this is that great.
US_Paratrooper wrote: Everyone just needs to realize that SubGayDancer is a cancer on the D3 community...and start playing real descent levels...
Iten said FLAMERS lolololol
Where I come from, this is called a "flamewar." :)

What I find so amusing is that neither side will actually venture out and play other levels. Why don't some of you actually play SD?

Same to the people who refuse to play anything but SD.

Kudos to the pilots that steer clear of this whole thing, you had more strength than me :wink: .
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Post by kurupt »

i play it when i actually play d3 at all and there isnt anyone in anything else.

the players who play it arent very good at the game, but if they have fun then what harm is that? its the ones who think they are the greatest and that everyone else needs to know it too that are the ones who the elite players bash. its survival of the fittest, and the subway dancer players are the fat and juicy ones. the people who play it for the fun of the game are like the trees who provide the predators shade, and the ones who run their mouths are the caribou.
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Post by Infamous Ingus »

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great debate, guys!

Post by melvin »

I keep hoping we'll find out that ingus/vlider, spaceprincess, bettina and archeromega are the same person. admit it, that would be awesome.
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Post by Ferno »

ah yes.. iten.. so innocent.. so pure..

now you get to play with the big dogs. :)
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Post by Mr. Perfect »

Speaking of the big dogs, WTF did everyone go after PXO disapeared? On Saturday listed 2 SD games, 1 Stadium game, and 1 Damage game. Is everyone on Kali, or is that really all the players left?
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Post by Infamous Ingus »


channel #descent3
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Post by Krom »

One little note, Magnum pilots do not hate the BP, actually we LOVE the BP. It seems like a law of nature, BP pilots moth more then any other ship.
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Post by WarAdvocat »


Krom if that were true, ArseCandy wouldn't cry so much...therefore, you are wrong and Magnum pilots hate the BP for we all know ArseCandy is the bestest pilot EVARRRRRRRR
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Post by US_Paratrooper »

iten wrote:What I find so amusing is that neither side will actually venture out and play other levels. Why don't some of you actually play SD?
I have played SubwayCancer....for about 10 minutes then i started puking.

*Everytime some1 joins a SubwayDancer game, God kills a little kitten and or puppy. Please people think about the kittens and puppies!!!*
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Post by Bet51987 »

Infamous Ingus wrote:everytime ingus joined a game with betty, she left 5mins later.
I know...sorry....I had to cram for a test the first time so only had a few minutes to get on.
The second time, DAD made me get off because he was messing with the network. No excuses.

Anyway I had you on the second game too......5-2.
I'm not bragging, just trying to give back to you what your giving to me....... :wink:

I know you will get better as time goes on......
Bettina Dancer
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Post by Clayman »

Ingus used to hold the title of Mr. Universe in D3, but his muscles have atrophied, you're gonna have to give me a little time to pump up again Bettina. In the meantime, I say we have a server set up for a 1v1 between Sergeant Thorne and Bettina in Subway Dancer. Loser gets to whine on this board. ;)
What I find so amusing is that neither side will actually venture out and play other levels. Why don't some of you actually play SD?
I'm not exactly the most elite of pilots, but when I was playing regularly I played everything, Burning Indika, Subway Dancer, Veins, Stadium, Halcyon, Abend, Athena, Earthshaker Pro, Vamped, Pyroglyphic, Hyperspace, Vander's Revenge, Worlds Apart, Polaris, Amateur's Arena, Damage, et. al. Sure, I played some more than others, but nevertheless, I've spent hours in Subway Dancer.
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Post by Skyalmian »

I say we have a server set up for a 1v1 between Sergeant Thorne and Bettina in Subway Dancer.
I would love to observer that game. :D
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Post by Infamous Ingus »

bet51987 wrote:
Infamous Ingus wrote:everytime ingus joined a game with betty, she left 5mins later.
I know...sorry....I had to cram for a test the first time so only had a few minutes to get on.
The second time, DAD made me get off because he was messing with the network. No excuses.

Anyway I had you on the second game too......5-2.
I'm not bragging, just trying to give back to you what your giving to me....... :wink:

I know you will get better as time goes on......
Bettina Dancer
ingus doesnt care if it was 5-2, theres a million other mofos in the game too. now if it were a 1on1 ingus would be devastated.
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Post by Bet51987 »

Sergeant Thorne wrote:Archer Omega, Bettina, you guys are starting to aim a little low, aren't you? ;)

I am convinced that my piloting style is superior to yours, even in a level like Subway Dancer. The ones you call "Tunnel Gunners" I call "Runners"--the kind of pilots that duck out when you turn to confront them. This kind of style can be effective, but it won't enable you to hold your ground against pilots like me: as you accuse me of speed hacking I will chase you down and kill you, despite your running! And then, as you accuse me of aim or damage hacking, I will tear your ship apart with precision born of brave confrontational dogfighting! Once in a while, I will fall back on devious strategy, making you doubt what you're seeing as a mortor/cyclone/smart/napalm missile/fusion blast emerges from the tunnel that you think YOU had part in decided to head down! Abandon all hope of victory, in challenging the Son of Krypton, you have already lost!

As to the ship I fly (Magnum being my main choice): it may look to you like I use it for advantage, but it's a trade-off in my mind. What I could do to you in a Pyro-GL would make you sick to your stomach--all of your fantasies of my needing the Magnum to take you down are just that. I won't even venture to tell you what I could do in a ship like the Phoenix, where from your view I could well be everywhere at once.

Disclaimer: This post contains unusually large amounts of drama for the sole purpose of amusing the author.
Wow.......This is beyond my wildest dreams. :o You must be the "BIGHEADS" second in command so it's an honor to meet you really. This is so Kool.

IMPORTANT:...Tell your boss Ingus, that today I received a pm that was stunning. :shock: It was from one of your top players that asked for asylum. A temporary defection to our side because he feels BIGHEADS are ruining the game and wants to help put this to rest. He will be using a code name so his identity won't be known.
He was welcomed....look at your friends Ingus....who can you trust.

By the way, I told you to bring your friends. Not to help you fight, but to help pick up your ship debris that you left all over Subway. Dancerettes are not maids.

Cya in the mines
Bettina Dancer
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Post by Infamous Ingus »

lol this chick is spicy and its getting fun. Now heres what we'll do:

Subway rebels wear {SDK} badges

what is your crew wearing?
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

bet51987 wrote:Wow.......This is beyond my wildest dreams. :o You must be the "BIGHEADS" second in command so it's an honor to meet you really. This is so Kool.
No, I'm no "BIGHEAD", I just enjoy having fun in D3, and, every now and then, having fun on the DBB. ;)
bet51987 wrote:IMPORTANT:...Tell your boss Ingus...
Ingus is not my boss! He is my instructor in the ways of The Great Ninja. Remember, always two there are: the crazy man who refers to himself in the third-person, and the apprentice.

Sergeant Thorne reaches over into his well-stocked bowl of grapes for another bunch, at the same time making a mental 3rd-person note to buy some apples.
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Post by Whitewater »

Thank you Bettina I'm coming out of retirment just to fly Subway Dancer. btw SpacePrincess's army, heh. Cya very soon :).
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Post by Clayman »

However, more than one apprentice there is.
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Post by Infamous Ingus »

yes oh yes! Mr. Thorne far more elite than ingus. ingus isnt his boss. We just share a common goal:
"destroying dancerites"

Ingus will admit, he has lost a step, he cant even clear a level or kill a guidebot like he once did, but he can kill dancerites.

and as ingus looks into the future. He sees the SDK fleet invading the sd mines in the GREAT NINJA WAY!

You'll be no match for us we're putting your ships in wheelchairs and the only way you'll move forward is by tapping your afterburners.


and just like kurupt said, Ingus is well beyond his prime. hell ingus expired in 1999 and he's still able to dish out fresh batches of whoopass to dancerites.

ATAN needs to make another sd lvl and put disco lights in that sumbiach because we're gonna turn that place into another night at the roxbury!
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Post by Lothar »

What I find so amusing is that neither side will actually venture out and play other levels. Why don't some of you actually play SD?
I don't know about the rest of you, but back in my D1 ladder days, I made it a point to play matches in as many levels as possible, even in levels I had never seen before (eventually this grew into the "blind match" trophy on UDL, which I did fairly well in pursuing and holding.)

I do the same in D3 -- if I have opportunity to play in a level I haven't seen before, I will.

BUT: if I play a level and it really, really sucks, it goes on the bottom of the list. Subway is one of those levels. The weapons are such that the "run away and throw missiles behind you" strategy is the most effective one, and that makes for boring games.

Personally, I'd rather get stomped 20-5 in a good dogfight or a good ratting session (even in an area no larger than Athena or Stadium's ratty areas) than win 20-5 by shooting super-acid-nuke things and running away. I'd rather die horribly in combat against opponents I actually get to see than win strongly in combat where all my kills come from lobbing lame BS missiles whenever I see a ship come anywhere close to me.

I mean... if I just want to watch a "kills" number go up, I'll write me a little C++ program that's like

Code: Select all

kills = 0;
while (true) {
kills ++;
but I don't play Descent to watch myself rack up kills. I play Descent to have interesting kills -- which SD doesn't offer me.
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Post by Bet51987 »

Lothar wrote: I mean... if I just want to watch a "kills" number go up, I'll write me a little C++ program that's like

Code: Select all

kills = 0;
while (true) {
kills ++;
but I don't play Descent to watch myself rack up kills. I play Descent to have interesting kills -- which SD doesn't offer me.

Dancerites have code too....
Dancerites = :P :P :P :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ingus's bigheads = :oops: :oops: :cry: :cry:
endgame result = :x :x :x :x :x
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Post by Krom »

Actually, I think you got the order wrong bett, I think the Ingus bigheads are doing what you think the Dancerites are doing, and the Dancerites (swarm from planet descent), are doing the endgame result... ;)
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Post by Mr. Perfect »

If I knew how to make Flash, this thread/epic would make for the funniest damn cartoon...
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Post by Infamous Ingus »

wait til ya see what JBOMB cooks up, mr.perfect.

ingus just slaughtered another batch of dancerites. Those cute and cuddly little fackers reminds ingus of those talking m&ms on the commercials and the SDK fleet are going to eat you all up.

only language the dancerites speak is "bs!" and "hack!"

fackin flicked flying noobs headbutting walls at ramming speed just to $hit out those @ss missles. that is fun to watch.
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Post by Bet51987 »

Infamous Ingus wrote:lol this chick is spicy and its getting fun. Now heres what we'll do:

Subway rebels wear {SDK} badges

what is your crew wearing?
Don't know...maybe {SUB}badges or [SBY}....I have to ask our leader.
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Post by forrest »

Now this is what the game needs, sounds like it will be fun to play any of you pro. fighters. I just want to watch.I am no good at any level.I just join a game in progress,and have fun.
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Post by Krom »

I wish my connect didnt lag out every night, next time I have the day off I will have to go play SD and see what the 'Dancerites' are made of.
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Post by Infamous Ingus »

since we are in the field of bragging, lets cut loose:


Ingus got betty! ingus betty! na na ne boo boo!

Even ran you outta the game.

"Sticks his tounge out at betty"

you can't handle ingus, he's a 64 degree black belt working on 65! and he didn't mind getting @ss shot 6 times, he was too busy slap boxing with those other flying impaired jelly beans about.

and mark ingus's word, the murder rate will rise. muahha ahaha aaaaaaaahahha

shucks, ingus feels so above average-- he changed the color of his hair and threw on his "hot damn" shades.

now to keep in with the trend. ingus is headed to subway to get another footlong and 2 choc0late chip cookies.

"Ingus walks off the thread laughing, infact he'll let ya hear him"

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Post by Bet51987 »

Well it's obvious now that Abominable Newbie was you.....Lets take this one at a time.....
Ingus got betty! ingus betty! na na ne boo boo!
Ingus (the coward) didn't play.......Remember in my previous post I told you I go easy on newbies, sometimes turning off my cyclones to be more fair. Other players will attest to that trait I have.
Last night, I played "Abominable Newbie" and went easy on this player until I realized he was not a newbie......I even asked who you were, but you wouldn't answer me you coward.
If you have to hide your identity because your embarrassed about the TWO whoopings I gave you in as many games, I can understand that. But please don't sign on in stealth mode and say you won.......advantage seekers do just that.
Even ran you outta the game.
Not true....There are a few players who like to use Fword audio taunts even when I asked them to please stop. So, when one of these lowlife players entered the game, my rules force me to leave and I did without saying goodbye. They have a right to play and say what they want, but I don't have to play with them.
I sincerely apologize to you for not telling you that.
and mark ingus's word, the murder rate will rise. muahha ahaha aaaaaaaahahha
I go by individual kills, not the overall top score. I don't pick on the weakest player like you should be ashamed.
I tend to fly by the weak players. (I have hud names on so I know who is who)
I'm Like The Wind Baby!
Blowhards and BIGHEADS usually are full of wind. I don't think your so tough.

So, next time we meet, I hope your not wearing your clown suit and just sign on as INGUS, or are you AFRAID TO GET WHOOPED FOR THE THIRD (3) TIME. :shock:

Bettina the Dancer and Ingus killer. :wink: :wink:
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Post by TheCops »

bettina the way you described your "ethics" are like the opposite of how i learned how to play. you are not even playing descent... you are playing "diet descent".

hud names? :roll:
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Post by El Ka Bong »

But Bettina ! don't forget: press F6, scroll down a bit, right and down to TURN OFF AUDIO TAUNTS !

... Do that and you'll play D3 in peace, and not be "taunted" so annoyingly. Why leave a game just for the foul language..? Why were you playing D3 in the first place ?! Certainly not to listen to the likes of Ingus and the rest of the mouthy pilots out there !

Remember audio taunts are made to taunt you, and many of us just turn taunts off to avoid the stress thay can create. Many of us can recall what that pilot named CAllisto used to do, constantly !

I turn off taunts when ever my six year old son goes online since he certainly doesn't need the foul language skills yet ! .. Although it's funny to appreciate the sense of humor my six year old has already when he chooses taunts from the reams of them we have on our HD; he knows the foul language ones are off limits, and he even apologizes for testing them in the pilot-config menu... !

Bettina, we need you in the mines ! Don't let a little audio taunting make you leave !
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Post by Infamous Ingus »

many know ingus is the abominable noob. You LOST too bad little one too bad. YOU LOSE you lost you lose suck it up.

ingus didnt whine when you got your superduper 2 kills.

even if you had cyclones on or off ingus got 90% of his kills with GUNS baby!

heh !
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Post by Grendel »

El Ka Bong wrote:Many of us can recall what that pilot named CAllisto used to do, constantly !
Still doing it -- in SD. Very lousy pilot tho, must be because it's using two fingers for playing taunts instead of controls.. And yes, just turn the taunts off, problem gone :)

Unfortunately the SD server is not working very well for me, ping's all over the place on the high end. I's wondering if the spikes are actually a side effect of the weapon mods, would explain why the SD crew is primary challenged..
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Post by Infamous Ingus »

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Post by El Ka Bong »

Oh and another idea I meant to relate: HOARD !

Why not make the panic level a little higher in SubWay Schmancer by setting a server to run a 10 orb Hoard game !

The anxious tension and pure adrenalin rush in a Hoard game when having to scoop up and hold onto 10 orbs can make one pee their pants ! (what's that audio taunt about "makes even ____ pilots crap their pants" in a Walter Chronkite type voice ..?! I love that one !)

.. And in good Hoard games, the "pheeew" relief when actually getting to score with 10 orbs is also a thrill ! Especially when you kill an Ingus-skilled pilot who had 18 orbs, just before they get to the scoring base, and you pick all of them up, and then score ! Wow .. !

Even Subway Dancer's game=-play might be improved if the level type was a Hoard game.. How about it Roadkill ?! Set your server to Hoard for three days a week ?!
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Post by Infamous Ingus »

that or a team server would work.
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