Ok..just as the topic says there's another D2 Revival coming up! WooHoo!!!!! OK...Well, the revival isn't going to be October 30th because of Halloween. It however is going to be on October 23rd. At 8:30 PM Cnt time on Kali. I hope everyone can still come. Maybe more of a chance for more to come so you don't have to worry about taking kids Trick-or-Treating or you doing it the next night. There is going to be a post on Planet Descent ( www.planetdescent.com ) And I also made a post on Stealths Hangar about the revival ( www.stealthshangar.com )
I found this place last weekend while searching the net to see if anyone still played descent. It seems that the humans are still enjoying the realms of the game.
I shall be at this revival.
I will be there as usual, and I will attempt to drag some of the PD crowd with me . I'll also have news posts both today and the day before the revival .
My problem is that I have a habit of going to the nearby (if you call 45 miles nearby) arcade on Saturdays to hang out with friends (usually) around the time of the D2 Revivals.
Though I think I may need to cut down on that, as it seems to be a money drain (gee I wonder why ).
You might want to notify the Russian Descent Outpost of these events (if you aren't doing so already). They were posting Revival notices on their site until 15 April 2004, but they haven't posted any since. Even in the Russian language section, there is no mention of the Revivals since that date.
That's right; the Russian Descent Outpost. I wonder how Midiv has been doing? I always enjoy listening to his contribution to the Descent Community Album, "Descent-Mania."
Well, according to his Russian language posts on the site, he spent the latter half of July and the beginning of August on vacation in Sevastopol. Since then, the Russians apparently had a LAN party on 25 September.
Anima Prava has a news section on his(?) Italian language site. You might ask if he would be willing to post notices about Revivals as well. There is a mail link on the bottom left of the home page:
Xena isn't around at the moment and won't be then either. She's coming down here in late November most likely, although she hasn't played Descent in quite a long time.
I will try to make it personally, although I need to get a proxy organised or I can't play in games.
Some people have way too much time on their hands but damn if that isn't beautiful. The neon kit on there would have rocked if the PS would have allowed it. Really cool stuff.