A small CTF level with a simple layout and good assortment of powerful weapons. I'm thinking 4 to 6 players idealy. Might even be fun with only 2.
The flag rooms should be pretty easy to defend. There's only one way in and it's a long narrow tunnel. Not barely-wider-than-a-homing-missile narrow, but narrow enough that getting past a well armed defence should be a challenge. There are however, no spawn points inside the flag rooms so once you eliminate the guards you'll have a clear path to the flag.
Ship selection is limited to the Magnum, and there is no AB Cooler. Now, before you all start pointing Mass Drivers at my head hear me out. This is a small level. Small. Tiny, even. I timed a flag run and even in an uncooled Mag I made it from one flag to the other in just under 11 seconds. Contrast that with Halcyon where the best I was able to do was approximately 20 seconds. You don't need a Phoenix to get around this level.
Beta release very soon...