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Post by BAAL »

Ok,ok, ok, i admit it...i hack

And cough quite a bit ;)
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Post by [TA]One »

â?? you have any clue how often d3k has double teamed me? Triple, Quadrouple....â??Goobs drunk lets all get him!â??â?
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Post by Skyalmian »

[TA]One wrote:However, Skyalmian did not give a reason why he was teaming up on Venom in the first place.
He was a target. That's the reason.
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Post by kurupt »

wow, so being double teamed in a public server is justification for hacking?

its a well known fact to alot of people that venom at least has access to hacks. i dont know if he's ever used them in a match or anything, but he does hack and everyone who plays or has played regularly in the past year or 2 knows it. if you guys didnt know he was a hacker when you recruited him, it isn't any fault of your own. we arent saying TA is a bunch of hacks or trying to slander your team, we're saying one of your members does and maybe you should say something. beyond that what can we do? other than double teaming the hacking bastard just to get under his skin all we can do is not play him. its more fun to piss him off.

there is no "D3k slant." just facts. i've seen 3 honest to god hacks in d3 ever, and 1 of them was venom. the other 2 were "the_man" and some guy who joined the game as a blank space. he had no name, just a space.
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Post by Suncho »

[TA]One wrote: D3k is trying to fault a TA member for allegedly hacking, but isnâ??t giving the full story.
You don't hack. It's just not something you do. That's all there is to it. I'm shocked that you even feel it's worth discussing.
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Post by [TA]One »

Suncho, this isn't a simple "Venom is a hacker - all hackers are bad - case-closed" matter. Especially since D3k are the accusers. Therefore, there was a need for a discussion. And just what is your need for being here?

Do you think I like stepping into the sh!t on this bulletin board? Check my profile and the total number of posts I've made to the DBB. Now check your own profile. I usually only post to the DBB on the rare occasions when I feel it's really necessary. Even when I do post, I know that 99.9% of my time will be wasted. This thread is proof of that.

DwnUndr wasn't here, so I defended his name from the business-as-usual antics here on the D3k BB. As a result, some D3k tried with their feverish little brains to lash out in any way they could. There wouldn't have been any D3k accusations against TA, otherwise. Venom isn't here, so it was my obligation to defend him.

But make no mistake. This thread is less about hacking, and more about certain people wanting to make others look bad so that they can feel better about their miserable selves, than anything else.
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Post by Suncho »

[TA]One wrote:Suncho, this isn't a simple "Venom is a hacker - all hackers are bad - case-closed" matter. Especially since D3k are the accusers. Therefore, there was a need for a discussion. And just what is your need for being here?
Sorry. I don't neccessarily need to be here. I was just shocked because I thought you were trying to justify Venom cheating rather than trying to prove him innocent.

[TA]One wrote:DwnUndr wasn't here, so I defended his name from the business-as-usual antics here on the D3k BB.
Why would you defend DwnUnder when we all spend so much effort defending the the Descent 3 community from DwnUnder?

All I know is that the 2 worst things you can do are:
1. Accuse someone of cheating who isn't.
2. cheat. that order.

DwnUnder is guilty of the first (and worst) offense there is. I know this for a fact from experience. As for Venom, I have no reason to believe he cheats.

Maybe this thread shouldn't be my business, but when I get called a "D3k cumswapper" in a game, it suddenly becomes my business.
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Post by Gooberman »

This thread is less about hacking, and more about certain people wanting to make others look bad so that they can feel better about their miserable selves, than anything else.
Yes, I feel so much better about d3k being accused of hacking, and then boycotted, now that I know one of your members might hack, and you're semi-okay with it so long as he was being "double teamed."
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Post by Krom »

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Post by BAAL »

Regarding the double-teaming issue, you dont expect me to believe that you can honestly say that TA has never had multiple members in an anarchy game who were conveniently not going after each other? I know better, having experienced it first hand. Now you'll no doubt as me to name the pilots...and i will go find the gamestat log if you really deem it necessary.

Every single team that i can think of has done this at one time or another(just from my own experience), so don't label us the villain in that respect when we are talking about hacks etc... which is a completely different issue.
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Post by Infamous Ingus »

Clayman wrote:Those afraid of being doubled-teamed simply fear displaying their lack of skill. Try being triple or quadruple-teamed, as I and probably others have been. I actually find it quite fun. If you don't, try not taking the game quite so seriously.

That is the story of Ingus's life everytime he joins a game. Surrounded, wall to wall with cocky noobs hunting strictly Ingus.

Hell Ingus can join an empty server in Bangkok somewhere and shortly a shitload of fackers with funny aliases will showup.

Fun Fun Fun
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Post by Clayman »

Alien had fun calling up his swarms of alien minions and single-handedly ganging up on Ingus Incognito last night in BI3. ;)
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Post by Bet51987 »

That is the story of Ingus's life everytime he joins a game. Surrounded, wall to wall with cocky noobs hunting strictly Ingus.
Give me a break PULEEZE.....Yes, I'm a noob that's hunting you. I will make Ingus of the now, beg for forgiveness. Everytime I enter a game now, I'm called the "broad" from DBB. You will pay for that by scrubbing the floors of Subway. Prepare oh mighty one....I am a battlebot. I stand small but a proud warrior. I'm looking for you, and I won't stop until you apologize to the Dancers.

Bettina :wink:
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Post by Clayman »

I doubt he'll apologize until the Dancerites can take on the BH's 1v1. I'm not really a 1337 BH, and I'm rustier than a '55 pickup left out in Washington State rain, but I'll wager that none of the Dancerites can beat me 1v1 in BI3, Vamped, or Athena. And if they can't even beat me, there's no chance of touching The Great Ninja and his legions of cronies.
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Post by kurupt »

wow, how can you even have the gull to mention a "D3k slant" when you come in here with a spin greater than michael moore caught in a tornado?
[TA]One wrote:Suncho, this isn't a simple "Venom is a hacker - all hackers are bad - case-closed" matter. Especially since D3k are the accusers. Therefore, there was a need for a discussion.
especially when d3k are the accusers? what exactly is it that we hack? we cant go through walls and we fire the same weapons as you, we die from the same amount of damage as you, our ships move at the same speed as you, so what is it that we're doing that pisses you off so much? does having [D3k] before our callsign give us magical powers that you wish you could have? why wont anyone fill us in? all we've ever gotten were empty accusations from people who have damaged ego's. ringing any bells?

this is all about d3k for you. you dont even care that your teammate is a hacker. it cant possibly be true because he did it to D3k members? it isnt a "all hackers are bad, cased closed matter?" why the hell not? because its a TA member and not a D3k member? if it was one of our guys firing a huge strand of fully charged fusion and then running away to the safety of inside a wall, you'd be out rounding up the mob to hang him. you hypocritical piece of ★■◆●.

it would be one thing if you were here trying to defend him, but you're doing it in such a way that it completely slanders our team. you're defending him with absolute garabage and then taking shots at us. were you actually trying to defend him or just using that as an excuse to try and make D3k look bad? its obvious that you hate our team. have you been talking in chat with our "friends" who dont know we know they have more than one face? you must have done something to change your tone so suddenly, unless you were just putting on a face earlier in the thread.

you tried to justify hacking by getting double teamed, that is just plain sad. how is it ever ok to be a hacker because you're getting beat, 1v1, 2v1, or even 8v1? you want to even the playing field? how about getting better at the game so you can handle yourself around superioir pilots - because you are one yourself. there is never an excuse for hacking. never.
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Post by Bet51987 »

no chance of touching The Great Ninja and his legions of cronies.

I can understand the "cronies" part fitting in....but listen to the way Ingus posts......too many jellybeans I think.
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Post by Clayman »

Kurupt is absolutely right, the potshots at D3k are completely unjustified. It doesn't matter what team the hackers or accusers are on, the merits of the claims should be evaluated outside of their clan affiliation.
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Post by Clayman »

bet51987 wrote:
no chance of touching The Great Ninja and his legions of cronies.

I can understand the "cronies" part fitting in....but listen to the way Ingus posts......too many jellybeans I think.
That's because Ingus is really hyper from chewing up the dancerite jelly beans all day long. ;)
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Post by Suncho »

Clayman wrote:Kurupt is absolutely right, the potshots at D3k are completely unjustified. It doesn't matter what team the hackers or accusers are on, the merits of the claims should be evaluated outside of their clan affiliation.
Well put.
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Post by xceptional1 »

I can't believe people really type out these kind of lengthy replies about something that happened in an old game. What's the point? really? It's not like it's something thats trying to be avoided, or can be changed.

D3 had a small community. As far as team play goes, there were always a few top teams at a given time. rox, fist, ants, d3k, wp, even ms was good at one point. D3k was just always there, always active. I was in D3k for a while. I really liked and had good cyberlationships ;p with most all of them. But holy ★■◆●, I've never seen a team gossip and create so much drama about getting called hackers. The better players playing at that current time get called hackers, its always been that way. All the other good teams got called hacks just as much/often as you guys, but never made such an issue over it. It's like you guys get off by 'discussing' it or something. I can assure you that d3k doesn't hack, WP stomped D3k a few good times which was plenty to convince me ;p.

The difference with D3k is D3k hung around. When the rest of the skill moved on from D3, D3k stayed, without a team that could compete with them. So you've got a bunch of small teams that cant hang with squad forever-n-always. You guys were great in a game in it's days on life support :roll:. I guess what I really don't understand is since you guys finally did move on, why do you still come back here and make essay-length posts about this?

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Post by kurupt »

because we couldnt find anyone to play becuase they boycotted us, but we still wanted to play?

how would you like it if i went and drained all the lakes around you so you couldnt wakeboard? you could still have a board, but you couldnt really do ★■◆● with it unless you found a really really really big pool. that would suck, wouldnt it?
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Post by Suncho »

Wakeman, there's a difference between being called a cheater and having the community treat you in a certain way because they believe you're a cheater. If you can't play the game you love because of these influential whiners, that's when you gotta stand up and say stuff to make them look like fools. =)
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Post by Killanthype »

I have little to say that has not already been said before, but I shall add my voice to this mob none the less. :
Skyalmian and I have double teamed players (Team Anarchy in Anarchy--TAiA) many times. It's amusing. Rarely are targets selected, they are simply there. It is a good way to practice teamwork. Such was the case with Venom.

We played. We fought side by side. He lost. As it was anarchy, and not team anarchy, there were complaints. They escalated into the hacking and such that has been argued much over. In truth, we do not know _for certain_ that it was Venom. However, his disapearance while with his tag, and sudden reapearance with his hack lend me to say it was him. The conversation with the hacker--you have seen the records--only supported that conclusion.

It seems to me that this scenario has played out between us three several times, but I cannot recall any other specifics.

I have also noticed much hoopla about clan affiliations. Perhaps we should all just refer to players by our names--we do have them for a reason--rather than our clan tags?
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Post by {Hawk}Liquid »

i never new there was more to the "boycott" then rox and rip, oh well
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Post by Beowulf »


RIP, ROX, TA, OSS...there were others that I can't remember that boycotted us at one point. (Us being D3k/WP)

Its been the same story for like four years. not our fault that the majority of players in this game can't stand the heat. And bettina, just shut up already. Its a video game ya noob.
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Post by xceptional1 »

kurupt - if that happened, sadly, I'd probably just find something else to do. From what I can remember wp was the first team in fact to really be boycotted by the teams Beo listed. The only team I really cared about not wanting to play us was ROX, as they were on our same level. I never cared about playing a team i knew we were going to slaughter, that was never much fun. One of the best games I've ever played in was when we played rox in SML - they won the game by 1 pt. in a timed tournament game that scored upwards around the 150's I think. I might add that 1 pt. can be attributed to that hacker neutrino who managed to team kill hostile somewhere along the way ;p.

From what I understand d3k has pretty much moved on to other games anyway... besides, its not like there was any competition for you guys left - all the ace teams had pretty much dissolved (from waht I understand). Personally I just wouldn't wanna play a team not up to par on the skill level...

I guess what I don't get is

A) Why would you want to play lesser skilled teams anyway?

& B) Why, now, after it's done and over and d3k/III doesnt even play the game anymore, do you guys still make such a big deal of it?
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Post by [AuDiO] »

(Not sure if I really need to post this, just want to make my opinion known :P )

I've never understood the D3k boycott. I mean, why wouldn't you want to play some of the best pilots in the game and ask for a few pointers afterwards? Egos? Pride?

I remember in one of the last D3TL's the SSC played verses D3k was in PyroG. I can't recall who was on the D3k side because most everyone was in aliases, including me. But I remember Krom PM'ing me in chat and talking about the match for a good twenty to thirty minutes afterwards--mainly discussing tactics.

I've had many experiences that I can recall with kurupt, Crown, Monkey, Baal, probably even Skyalmian and Starkiller (under their dreaded aliases :P) that I'd love to relive because I learned so much playing you guys.

D3k is full of great guys. <3
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