D2 Revival Tonight!

A forum just for you old time Descent and Descent2 players.
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D2 Revival Tonight!

Post by Top Gun »

Since Phaser hasn't posted here yet, I figured I'd give it a shot :). The D2 Revival is tonight at 8:30 Central time on Kali, of course. I'm sure I don't have to explain to anyone on this forum how to use it :P. The Revival is always a blast, and if some of the great veteran Descenters showed up, it would really mean a lot. So, if you've got nothing better to do on a Saturday night (like me :P), come and join in the fun!
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Post by Kyouryuu »

It's server #539, right? How come I don't see it on any list?

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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

Lotta fun, guys! I'll be there for the next one. :) Too bad there are so many D3 haters there--crazy people, in my book. ;)
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Post by Sirius »

Oh, that's why they're there for D2. You can find plenty of other people if you really want a D3 game.

It was fun, or at least for the limited amount I got to play.
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Post by Top Gun »

Great fun, as usual :D. It was neat getting to play with some of the D2/D3 greats, although I was on the short end of the stick there :P.

P.S. Duper/MD, sorry about the constant teamkilling in co-op :P.
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Post by MD-2389 »

Top Gun wrote:Great fun, as usual :D. It was neat getting to play with some of the D2/D3 greats, although I was on the short end of the stick there :P.
I dunno, you did rather well given all the lag in that first game I played. ;)
P.S. Duper/MD, sorry about the constant teamkilling in co-op :P.
Thats ok, next time you can take point as cannon fodd...errr leader. ;) That way, we can shoot you in the ass and not feel guilty about it. :mrgreen:

Seriously though, the revival was alot of fun. :) This needs to happen way more often.
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Post by Duper »

What HE said.

What he said. Coop was great and all things considered Top, you did great. Not shooting each other in D1 and D2 takes a lot of practice and awareness. The lag issues were a bit of a problem, actually, looked more like loss. Was great fun!

My hat's off to all the folks that thrashed my skinny white ass. ;) Some truely crazy moments. I really have to say that there is a frenzy in D2 and D1 that D3 simply can not equal. That might be simply due to level design and loadout but I'm not sure.

It would be great if more old School folks dropped by for some games. I'm up or down or whatever.. for a game most of the time and there is always someone wanting to play a game or two. The best part was that we all went out of our way to play Minerva! ... there might have been one game of it. ;) Great job everyone!!

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Post by Sirius »

When's the next one scheduled? :)
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Post by DarkHorse »

Unfortunately I had Mechwarrior 4 battles scheduled on the day, so I popped in for only a very short time... and it looks like I missed the best parts of it. :lol:
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