I think it's time we go back to cardboard boxes and handwritten ballots. If a person can't write the name of the candidate they want to vote for, they shouldn't be voting.
From the cautious wording of the BBC article, I'd say they were blank forms. The BBC just doesn't want to say that straight out. The first clue is the construction of the first two paragraphs:
The BBC wrote:
Authorities are investigating the apparent loss of 58,000 absentee forms in Broward County while officials have said replacements are being sent out.
Controversy over the vote in Florida in 2000 delayed the national result.
There is nothing linking the two sentences other than the state of Florida. If they were 58,000 filled-out ballots, then it would be worded differently.
Both parties have really lowered the bar this time when it comes pre-emptive dirty tricks regarding registration and absentee ballots.
Trying to find a guilty party reminds me of when my kids are fighting and I know asking "who started it?" is a flawed question.
I've resigned myself to catagorize all I've seen so far as the fault of both parties because they are *all* responsible for the sytem we have and have failed to do something that I find relatively simple to do which is create a simple 'one man, one vote' arrangement.
Example: Try to cash your paycheck twice and get away with it.
Vlider wrote:whats funny is how america is pushing for democracy in the middle east when we cant even have a fair election.
We do have "fair" elections , not in a pure sense but in a realistic sense because "fair" is playing by the rules. The rules allow for this messy process that needs to be cleaned up and improved but compared to most places in the middle east we do have something special and fair..including our election process.
As to the 'pushing for democracy' thing: We shouldn't suggest a surgeon stop stitching up a wound just because his style of sewing leaves a little more scar tissue than he could if he was more careful.