So here's something I kinda' figured out today. Cones of light eminating from lamps. It's a feature seen in Unreal Tournament and it can also be pulled off in Descent 3, although it has a couple minor quirks.
Basically, you prepare a custom texture that's a 24-bit uncompressed TGA image of a white to black gradient, 128x128, with white on top and black on the bottom. use GAMTool to create a custom texture with the following properties:
Alpha: 0.10
- Fly through
- Alpha
Import it into your level. Now, create cones by extruding a face from the light fixture and expanding the bottom of this cone. Apply your custom texture onto it and use texture alignment -> face map to stretch the gradient over the entire face. You may wish to use the "Outrage Test" texture to align it correctly, since it seems to appear as colored fuzz in D3Edit.
And there you go!
I mentioned it has a couple little quirks. First, around the edges, particularly at the bottom, you can sometimes see a glowy edge. Second, sometimes when you fly from the right angles, you can see a "sheen" over the face. It's better than nothing though.
(The level? Never mind it. It's a test bed and nothing more)