To hell with the raccoons... What the hell does a possom eat?
My daughter had a little run in with a new resident to our back yard...
We were finishing up some yard work... roughly 8:30PM when I asked my daughter to go in the woodshed (10x20 cinderblock building) and pull out the kerosene cans.
Well, she stepped thru the doorway and promplty screamed, and closed the 10ft gap between us so fast I barely saw her move! Turns out there was a possom in the attic area of the shed. When she entered, it thought she was going after its nest.
So once my ears stopped bleeding (man that kid can scream) I verified it by whacking the ceiling a couple of times with a shovel. Yup... definatley a possum.
Now the question.... What the hell do these things eat... I'm setting up a trap tonight, and plan on using some leftovers from yesterday's dinner - some fine polish sausage - and just wondered if there was something these little beasts would kill for.
Oh yeah... pics to follow after I trap the little monster. (then release it over at Woodchips
