There are some figures which can be found on the 'net which place our chances of being a simulation as high as 40%.
I consider it highly possible we're simulated, and further, consider this possible simulator to be capable of allowing us to create a further level of simulation. (Anyone seen "The 13th Floor"? Good movie)
I say he's got a pretty small imagination!The article wrote:However, some academics pour cold water on the notion of a machine-created universe. Seth Lloyd, professor of quantum mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said such a computer would have to be unimaginably large.
In fact, the simulation might have only JUST been switched on. Your entire existence up until now could have been nothing except creating the memories you have.
There're several interesting things about this theory, which raise serious questions:
1) What does it mean if we ARE simulated?
I argue that it doesn't matter, provided there's no proof of it, because unless we can interact with it, or control it, there's no difference to this universe being real.
I've thought about the development of a cirtual universe too. You'd start with a "Big Bang" and a set of boundary conditions, and let the system evolve. The outcome will be a direct result of your initial conditions and the laws of the system. Much like our own universe in fact...
Or, you could start out with a basic history and a single continent on which smart animals are let loose. Your system requirements are low, because the LOD for this world is low. Nobody's using microscopes, or telescopes, so you only have to render the surface, and stars can simply be bright white points in the background...
As your system (and its inhabitants evolve) you have to pour in massive amounts of processing power to render things down to the subatomic level. But of course, if no one's looking, you don't have to render anything at all! So, you can probably avoid painting 99.99999999999999999% of the universe.

Of course, for me, this presents something of a problem. I am utterly non-religious, and yet it is impossible to discount the existence of "creator(s)". HEH!
Whatever the truth, it's possible to do interesting mental experiments about the topic.