Well, think of it this way,
You can go watch the LOTR movies without reading the novels if you wish. You can get the general gist of the story, watch all the cool fights and explosions but you may not come out fully appreciating the story.... correct? I left the LOTR movies thinking that they were the dumbest most boring movies I've ever seen.
But as I understand, you won't fully appreciate the story unless you read the books. Thus I have plans to read the books as soon as I get done with the Halo novels and "The Taking," by Dean Koontz.
Now, Halo 2, was designed AS THE FOURTH BOOK.

The three previouse books were leading up to Halo 2 and it was designed on the books.

The books make the Halo game and the Halo game makes the books.
They were not designed as seperate peices from some articles I've read.
You can play Halo, appreciate all the free for all vehicle hogging, the team work in co-op, the really cool AI, the really great music score, the overall feeling of the game, the levels that years of peoples lives were spent developing. They well done in-game cinematics. You can enjoy the adventure and the story line. However, you can not fully understand or enjoy the story without reading the novels themselves.

Halo 2 was a bit like an integrated way to be inside the books themselves only you're playing one that hasn't been written yet.
Now Halo is no LOTR, but it does have a 1400 page well written and very well thought out sci-fi story.
I do not see that for Half Life 2. I see a generic shoot 'em up story line. Which is fine for a game.
I never intended to insult Half Life. Thus I ask you not to insult the game that I enjoy.
I at least will take the effort to go through and play both games and read any fan fic that was written about it. If I will enjoy it or not, will be up to me. I just generally didn't care for it.
Thing is, there are only a certain ammount of plots you can write to make a good story for a game. You have to shoot something. If it's not the stupid silly looking aliens in Halo, it's the half retarded looking and acting zombies of Half Life 2, or the cartoony robots in Descent 3, or the nerdy robot men in black of Dues Ex. You do know that the aliens in Halo 1 and 2, were stupid looking and acting in order to form interesting characters don't you? Thus the stupid, yet conniving grunts who hate the upper class elites, the upper class elites who look at humans as animals that don't deserver to bear names yet they themselves are misstreated as cannon fodder for the prophets and if they fail, they are called heritics, hung by their entrails and peraided around a city, or they will be decapitated as one was in the second book.
I also wouldn't call Halo a kiddy game, since in the books, a man was melted from the waist down by a plasma bolt and he landed in a pile of his own intestines. So it's no kiddy novel at least. The game also has an M rating so it wasn't designed for younger crowds. However, it is a decent enough game that younger crowds can play it.
The two games are totally different so lets leave it at that.

They sit on opposite sides of the feild on opposite consoles.
What I find funny is how people seem to feal threatened because of a console games success. They just can not let a console game win over a PC game. it's not like PC games are never going to get a win over a console game again. Console games are made by PC's, not the other way around. Consoles are not going anywhere as long as people have friends and scoial lives. PC's aren't either, they run nearly everything.The two are equal just as Halo 2 and Half Life 2 are equal in their own worlds.
BTW, what other Bungie games were made, I never knew of any other games.... this could be an interesting read.