level three data cartridge

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level three data cartridge

Post by hando »

sorry if this is a bit of a noob question but i'm stuck in level three and getting frustrated. i've killed the stinking theif bot and picked up the data cartridge. got the 'good work' speech and everything. the problem is that i'm not sure that i really have it. my screen tells me i have a guide bot, quad lasers, some stupid security key, ab cooler, a gunboy, and some prox mines. did i miss something? or am i just screwing it up?

thanks in advance for any help
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Post by Top Gun »

Try using the "[" and "]" keys to scroll through your inventory.
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Post by Kyouryuu »

Perhaps it was a total oversight, but nowhere is this actually explained outside of the game manual. I guess the designers just thought you'd know what key to press. ;)
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Post by Top Gun »

Well, if you look into changing your config, you can always find it there. :P
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Post by hando »

thanks for the prompt replies. but unfortunately, they have not helped. perhaps i should be more specific. the "[ + ]" keys are mapped by default to next / previous inventory item. they do absolutely nothing. they worked fine in level 2 to get through the security checkpoints. the arrow is pointing to my guidebot. i can hit those keys all day with no change. hitting the backslash key launches the guidebot. hitting it again does nothing. am i supposed to see some indication that i actually have this cartridge somewhere?
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Post by AceCombat »

arent you supposed to just fly out of the lab to complete the mission and on lvl 4 then you have control over the data cartridge?

i never pay attention to whether that cartridge even shows up on my list, i just figured that once you get the "Good Work" message, i always just leave the lab and fly out the dome
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Post by hando »

so the 'get to the whatever node' and all that crap is meaningless? they show a nice picture of it and everything...
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Post by Top Gun »

The "whatever node"? I can't say I know what you're talking about here. After re-reading your initial post, I'm going to agree with Ace: just try exiting the lab the way you came in.
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Post by hando »

i'll give that a try. i was under the impression that i was supposed to load some data on the data cartridge. there's a big switch i can hit which prompts my guidebot to tell me that i'm doing it wrong. then there's the purple data uplink or whatever... and what's this that i hear about the uber theif? anyway, i'll just try going back up thru the celing.
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Post by Boo »

You need to place the cartridge between the two data nodes and shoot the uplink switch. The data cartridge is now ready to go but you need to kill teh uber theif to get it. After you kill him pick up the cartridge again and fly out of the lab.
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Post by hando »

ahhhhhhh, now were getting somewhere. i kill the first thief bot. grab the data cartridge. go to the data nodes. and then... nothing. i have no indication that i actually have the cartridge. left and right brackets do nothing for me. i even went so far as to park my ship between the nodes and hit the switch with a guided missle (kinda fun). still my guide bot tells me there is no cartridge. i tried patching to the latest, what is it 1.4 or whatever. is this a game glitch? or am i missing something completely obvious? from all of your posts, this should be a no brainer...

thanks again
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Post by Arbitar »

if you already killed the bad thiefbot, then youre good. just fly out, everything is done.
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Post by Top Gun »

Arbitar, he's saying that he killed the regular Thief, not the SuperThief boss bot. Basically, what you're saying is that you picked up the data cartridge but it's nowhere to be found? Strange. I'm sorry to say this, but a level restart might be your best option.
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Post by hando »

yep. top gun has nailed it. unfortunately, i've already started the level over. with the same results. anybody know what the security key is for? i picked up in a room about halfway through. the room has a secret area with a cloak in it way in the back. i'm not sure that i've had to use it though... could that be the cause of my problems? i think i'll try a reinstall next if everybody is out of ideas.
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Post by Top Gun »

If I remember correctly, the security key just unlocks a certain door as you progress through the level. You don't need to use it; it's automatic.
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Post by hando »

yeah, it's the door that lets you go down into the caverns. (started the level over again just to make sure). guess it's a reinstall. thanks for all of the replies and thanks for keeping this forum alive. DESCENT! rock, rock on... :)
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Post by DigiJo »

you are sure you picked up that data cartrigde? does the guidebot has an option to lead you to that cartridge?

usually it works that way once you are in dr. sweitzers lab:

-the regular (green) thiefbot has stolen the empty cartridge.
-you kill the thief, pick up the cartridge. its in you inventory now.
-move to upload link, place cartridge
-move back, trigger the switch to upload data
-something went wrong, the red superthiefbot was created.
-kill red superthief bot, he has the cartridge filled with data now.
-pickup the cartridge, move out, level finished.
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Post by hando »

here's where it all goes wrong. i kill the theif bot. i can see the cartridge floating there. i run into it. i get a little 'good work, now put some data on it.' speach and a picture of the data nodes in my primary weapon screen. but i have no cartridge in inventory. nothing i can do will invoke any kind of cartridge. where is it supposed to show up? when i get home (at work now) i'll reinstall d3and start over. it's only level three... i may have patched after i started the game. that may be the issue i guess. i suppose i'll have to un/reinstall mercs as well. i'll let you all know how that works out.
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Post by Boo »

Maybe try rebinding the inventory cycle keys :?
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Post by hando »

well. i tried everything i could think of. even rebinding. wound up with a reinstall. after the patch for some reason it would not uninstall so i had to do it manually. what a drag. oh, well. ran all the way back to level three and it worked like a charm. for a reward i got to get smacked by some subway trains... yaaaaaay. i did see some interesting things while i was wandering around in the registry... i'll have to look into that later i guess.

thanks for all of the replies.
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