I have a BB on my Business web site and to tell the truth it never gets used, so I had an idea about what to do with it. I thought I would change it over to a place where we could organize pick-up games for Descent. I know that there doesnâ??t seem to be enough interest to support something like this, but I think if we started doing games on a regular basis things might pick up a bit. I always thought that organized pick-up games are a blast, if you can get enough people, the skill balance is usually pretty even and the games are pretty exciting.
I thought something like this might work, Link, of course we can change it to whatever works out the best.
Unfortunately Goob I fear you may be right. I just thought that if we could get something started it might turn into something that we could do every weekend. I get tired of playing VV and Hally all the time.
Why not use the DBB for this? Seems to me there are to many Descent related BB's around. If everyone came here (original Bb for Descent) we would have more players.
We did a D3 revival a couple of weeks ago usnig the Quadsomniac level. If people want to play different levels, then we should maybe start a weekly D3 Revival and not using the most used levels now.
I was recently trying to re-start the Entropy Nights that were held a while back, but there didn't seem to be enough interest. I'd like to see more mod games, like Instareap, Pyromania, or Duel, myself.
Merlin that's what I'm trying to do, keep the pick up thing going. I just thought if it was eaiser to organize then people might do it a little more often.
ok Thenior, a pickup game is when you get a bunch of people together to play a game and then pick teams. You pick two people to be captains and they take turns picking players from the people that are there.