... cle_id=176
can anyone figure it out?
the company is tight lipped about what it is actually doing to the air to make it display a laser projected ("projected" may or may not be the right word, since we don't know everything about it) image.

what i think it's doing is using a laminar airflow to keep a specially treated internal airflow steadily rising, and this is what they project an image onto with lasers. or perhaps the lasers are just exciting the air in some way momentarily, but the air coudl still be pretreated to ENABLE it to be excited, i don't know!
they say that they add nothing to the air, you don't ahve to refill it with anything, and you can run it in an airtight room forever and the room's finite air supply will not be changed, nothing added or anything. not even the temperature of the room will change (cept for the effects of running the electronics: some small heating).
what's got me stumped is:
"how do you enable normal AIR to reflect laser-light without changing it (permanently) or adding something to it?"
"or if the lasers are making the air flourese, how do you do that (with the constraints already mentioned)?"

there's movies, pictures, and a brief explanation of the technology (but not enough obviously
