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Well thats it...

Post by Robo »

I've just split up with the girl I was going out with for 10 1/2 months. Sort of softly, thankfully.

Only 10 1/2 months, but my longest ever relationship. It was truly the best time in my life that i'd ever had... ever. No more :roll: I feel sick.

I don't mean to rant or anything like that. I just really have respect for a lot of you here, and I thought I might share a little bit of my whining and upset with you ;)

I should bloody grow up :P

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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Congrats and I'm sorry at the same time.

Relationships are hard. Specially if both parties aren't truthfull or open.
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Post by Warlock »

sat im ganna be going and talking toi my X to see if we can get a fresh start
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Post by TheCops »

wait til you are in your early 30's and can't remember the name of the woman you are talking to whom you had slept with 5 years ago.
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haha that is an odd situation.. every time
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Post by Tricord »

Funny you should say that Merl..

I kinda fell in love with a friend, and we've always been very open to each other.. "I love you". "I don't".

Lol. At my expense, that one :roll:
We're still on excellent terms though, but what's that if you're in my position? tchhh..

Ah well. Time will sort me out! Always the same deal..
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Post by xceptional1 »

so.. were you pounding it out or what?
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Post by Robo »

xceptional1 wrote:so.. were you pounding it out or what?
Talking to me? What do you mean pounding it out?

She called me tonight to try and ask me if i could be her friend at least. I'm afraid due to the way I am with ex-girlfriends, I had to say no.

I'm going to see her tomorrow, and we're gonna exchange the things we gave each other. It's going to be hard, really is.

I'm actually quite devastated. Haven't eaten anything or drank anything all day, and I still don't have an appetite even though I'm going to bed now. Not feeling good. Lets hope I can get some sleep and put this behind me...

A past stage in my life I enjoyed, but hey, I've still got 60+ years ahead of me? I'm a healthy, okay looking guy and I've been told I'm smart enough to go ahead and do anything with my life provided I try. Maybe thats something to look forward to?
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Post by HaAGen DaZS »

time heals all. you try being her friend; helps you hate her when she talks about other guys ;) but also makes you feel better becuase your beign a man about it and sucking it up, etc..

someones awaiting arounda dee cornerio jaaa, so keep y0 chin up, f00-diz, just keep on pounding and smiling.

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Post by Gooberman »

No mountains without valleys.
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Post by JMEaT »

Gooberman wrote:No mountains without valleys.
So very true, and hard to accept too.
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Post by Mobius »

Women: You can't live with 'em, and you can't throw 'em off a cliff...
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Post by snoopy »

CDN_Merlin wrote:Congrats and I'm sorry at the same time.

Relationships are hard. Specially if both parties aren't truthfull or open.
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Post by Beowulf »

But you CAN pay them to show their titties.

Cheer up. Its only high school nonsense anyway. And 99% of the chicks in high school are dumb biztches anyway. I'm lucky to have found the 1% who isn't.
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Post by Vertigo »

Heh, at least you've loved and lost, yadda yadda yadda...

I got shot down for the nth time in my life, yet again, last sunday, and it's starting to get me pretty damn depressed.

I'm 22 years old, (imo) look fairly good, am a social guy, etc etc, and still haven't been able to find myself a girlfriend.

There's actually people laughing at me for that, not that it really affects me, but i still have the feeling i am missing something in my life. And that.... truly.... sucks.

Gooberman wrote:No mountains without valleys.

So far i haven't seen a mountain anywhere.

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Post by Ani »

Hey Vertigo,

Girls come and go. (Some come a few times, then go) :P
The thing to remember is that FRIENDS WILL ALWAYS BE THERE.
I heard there is a single girl hangin out in Bama's Revenge. Meet me there, I'll introduce ya. :wink:

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Post by []V[]essenjah »


Well the interesting part is I was dating a girl last year. I was friends with her for about a year before that. She chased me like non other. So I eventually said yes when she asked me out again for the third or fourth time.

Anyway we dated for a year, she supported me when my grandmother died. Then she started dating other guys and seemed to be not that interested anymore. She was even calling me her boyfriend for a while and eventually stopped. It started when she denied that we had dated more than once in church and we argued afterword. She was 3 years younger than me so I guess she was worried what people would think me. Anyway we kept dating and I remember one night I went to a debate she asked me to go watch. I stood around for about 3-4 hours watching the same acts over and over again, then she had me shake hands with some guy that she referred to as her "little slave." Unfortunatly I knew that she was thinking about dating him before this and she had told me all about how they met and how he asked her out. I treated the guy ok being that it wasn't his fault. Anyway, we decided to stop dating and I got so ticked off that just took off out of town. I was tired from not having any sleep in 2 nights due to work, I was hungry being that I hadn't had a chance to eat since the night before, and I was ticked off because of what happened. Anyway, I missed my exit and drove for a long time even though I knew I missed my exit. I saw some lights up ahead, figured "Hey a gass station, I will need some gass before I turn around." Turned out it wasn't a gass station, it was a local nuclear powerplant! Needless to say, I was followed out buy some security guard vehicles. :D

I eventually made it back but boy was I lost.... that place is actually quite a ways away.

Stupid part is that I kept dating her after that. Only on double dates. One thing I learned though, I sort of gained an attitude about dating. Guess she didn't like the fact that I stood up to her after that. :) When she dished out crap, I would dish it right back at her. :) Anyway, I never let her take advantage of my time or money again.
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Post by Perediablo »

Women? I have my car. But intimate relations with an automobile can get you arrestd in most states in the union. I think Arkansas may allow it...if it's not your car.
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Post by HaAGen DaZS »

while i agree with beo, heres a sucker.

so i broke up... hmm, what.. cant remember, anyway, about.. a week later she started seeing this guy. The guy is 17, owns a facking BMW. Irresponsible, drinks and drives. i met him before her, and i walked away from a conversation with him when he started talking about his ex being a tight ★■◆●, and loving a soapy tit ride :P

so you can imagine it being pretty remorsful knowing he only wants sex from her, when she *apparentky* liked him. one night when they go out, conviently, his car breaks down. unusual, eh? a top line car breaking down after 2 months or so of use? so he starts by saying calling AA is too expensive (rofl!) so theyll have to wait until the morning hwne they can be picke dup by BMW (more bull★■◆●). however, i expected that kinda bs from him; but she stayed in the car with him all night!

so i tihnk what im trying to say is, just wait till shes with someone else; its easier to hate her :P

the amusement from my story is that this guy wanted to lynch me, and the guy has trouble slamming his car door... :D
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Post by Darktalyn1 »


The problem might be that you have set your standards too high. Have you ever read the ladder theory?

Not that I am saying to date just any old skank, but aim for girls within your league.

Or I could be totally off on that.
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Post by Vertigo »

Heh, ladder theory, read it a long time ago, thought of it as a pile of bullcrap. Anyhow, I'm not purely trying to get laid here anyway... (does that make me an intellectual whore, according to the ladder theory ? o_O )

Also, I don't believe i have set my standards too high. Not only that, i can't really just ignore my own feelings, can I ? (see also the not purely about getting laid part)
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Post by Phoenix Red »

Beowulf wrote:But you CAN pay them to show their titties.

Cheer up. Its only high school nonsense anyway. And 99% of the chicks in high school are dumb biztches anyway. I'm lucky to have found the 1% who isn't.
If I were topher, you would be DBB Insensitive Pr*ck :P
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Post by Beowulf »

Or "DBB Indifference"
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Post by xceptional1 »

Robo - what I meant was... were you two scrogging?
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Post by Robo »

I don't know what that means either :P I'm stupid & British.. (not to be confused)

That word makes about as much sense to me as "chav" does to you :) Seriously now, what do you mean?
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Post by HaAGen DaZS »


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Post by Robo »

Ah, yes :D
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Post by suicide eddie »

darn, now i cant point at robo and chant `robo is a virgin, robo is a virgin.....` anymore.

/me ducks
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Post by Robo »

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