while i agree with beo, heres a sucker.
so i broke up... hmm, what.. cant remember, anyway, about.. a week later she started seeing this guy. The guy is 17, owns a facking BMW. Irresponsible, drinks and drives. i met him before her, and i walked away from a conversation with him when he started talking about his ex being a tight ★■◆●, and loving a soapy tit ride
so you can imagine it being pretty remorsful knowing he only wants sex from her, when she *apparentky* liked him. one night when they go out, conviently, his car breaks down. unusual, eh? a top line car breaking down after 2 months or so of use? so he starts by saying calling AA is too expensive (rofl!) so theyll have to wait until the morning hwne they can be picke dup by BMW (more bull★■◆●). however, i expected that kinda bs from him; but
she stayed in the car with him all night!
so i tihnk what im trying to say is, just wait till shes with someone else; its easier to hate her
the amusement from my story is that this guy wanted to lynch me, and the guy has trouble slamming his car door...