Will Robinson wrote:Accepting your premise, if only for the sake of debate, at least Gibson can claim ignorance since he's over 2000 years and a few translations removed from his subject material. What's Moore's excuse?
Despite Lothar's excellent summary in the other ongoing thread about this, I can't shake your analogy to the Constitution. Plus, wasn't Gibson's primary source John's Gospel, written about 40 years after the events it depicts? I very well could be wrong here, I'm no religious scholar.
On the other hand, I hear that Gibson wasn't entirely true to the source materials he did have. These were not mistakes but changes he made, like shifting blame from the Pilate to the Jews. Once again, heresay I've read and can't defend. Anyway, nobody's going to convince me that Gibson, as writer/director, didn't exercise some degree of creative control over how he portrayed events.
Lothar wrote:LOL... the only people angry about The Passion are religion haters who get angry if someone says "God" in their hearing. If you think the movie's intent was to make people angry, though, you really missed it. But hey, nice attempt to create anger through your comment
Holy hotwater, Batman! Caught trolling in a thread declared by it's author as...a trolling thread!
I'll admit to trying to stir things up a bit on this one. Of course, since every other bash in here is against Moore (including my own) I don't think Mel's in danger of a lynching.
I was of course referring to the comments of anti-semitism in The Passion. I know a lot of Jews who got angry about the film, and if Mel wasn't aiming to anger them he at least knew they'd get angry anyway. But based on what I've read, he did add some spice of his own to villify the Jews. I haven't seen the movie, just in case I'd be guilty of supporting an anti-semite.
By now I'm sure you're hopping in your chair, eager to tear that last paragraph to bits! Have at it!