this was one of my earlier projects, the level was never named and there was no story... my goal was to create a high poly level. i had big ideas, and i think that's why i failed... it's a lot of work building rooms with 1000+ face counts, and the results aren't really that impressive.
the gx was built entirely in d3edit, i dunno why i did it, i guess i was just bored or something. the model is complete... but it needs to be skinned, and i just haven't had the time to do it.
this is my latest project. i started a couple months ago and i've already lost interest. it's a port of miranda mine, d1 level 18. the reason i lost interest is because, it's just way too much work, i mean the level is huge, and there are too many doors, and putting the doors in is a real pain... so i just kinda gave up on it.
well, that's all, i just felt like sharing this stuff with you guys, i know that i've always liked looking at other peoples projects, and getting ideas from them... maybe someone will get ideas from these...
*sorry about picture quality... i'll fix it*