Page 38 of 65
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 5:37 pm
by Shadowfury333
Diedel wrote:that file should reside in the D2 data folder. If it's there, try to make its name all lowercase, maybe that is the problem.
I've never seen it. The Mac version was never good with multiplayer, didn't even allow use of custom levels.
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 5:47 pm
by Diedel
What? No custom MP levels?
D2X-XL will give you all that. We will get this stuff to work.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:30 pm
by Shadowfury333
Diedel wrote:D2X-XL will give you all that. We will get this stuff to work.

Yes, I am thankful for that. Custom levels DO work with D2X-XL.
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:33 am
by Diedel
Afaik my advanced level format doesn't load yet, right?
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 8:06 am
by Shadowfury333
Diedel wrote:Afaik my advanced level format doesn't load yet, right?
also, about that HOARD.HAM bug. I've the terminal output.(btw it was a multicast UDP/IP game that I was starting)
Code: Select all
Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)
IPX_mcast4: SendPacket enter, dataLen=38IPX_mcast4: SendPacket enter, dataLen=359IPX_mcast4:
SendPacket enter, dataLen=321IPX_mcast4: SendPacket enter, dataLen=100IPX_mcast4: ipx_mcast4_SendGamePacket
Also, whenever I start any UDP/IP based game I get this:

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 8:59 am
by Diedel
I think kaelan and inuwali are looking at the wrong UDP/IP code. I have implemented a different version, not using broadcast. They need to check the Linux stuff.
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:20 am
by inuwali
Diedel wrote:I think kaelan and inuwali are looking at the wrong UDP/IP code. I have implemented a different version, not using broadcast. They need to check the Linux stuff.
Diedel, please elucidate. I've been digging around the network code for the past several days and it's far from clear what's going on. AFAIK, I *have* been looking at the Linux stuff (ipx_udp.c in arch/linux). Is there somewhere else that I should be going?
Is UDP multicast working or not? What is this version you speak of? :-)
Shadowfury, the screenshot you posted is the bug that I was actually able to fix. I'm getting the same bug that you are with the segfault. My gut tells me that the Hoard.HAM file may be a red herring, and that there may be a nasty little memory allocation problem somewhere in the network stuff.
kaelan, any comments?
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:44 am
by fyrephlie
his screenshot shows 1.5.44 ... which is not the most recent version...
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:56 am
by Diedel
1.5.44 is the most recent OS X version.
I am just wondering that a UPD broadcast error is being reported. The UDP code shouldn't broadcast anything.
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:00 pm
by inuwali
The UDP code is not broadcasting anything, but it is involved in some basic setup for a multicast game. Specifically, the function addiflist() (where the error in the screenshot originates) in ipx_udp.c is called from ipx_udp_GetMyAddress(). If you look at both the regular UDP (struct ipx_driver ipx_udp) and multicast (struct ipx_driver ipx_mcast4) drivers, they both use this function as part of their initialization routines.
It is this function, addiflist(), that I have modified to include a mac os x-specific section of code to fix the error. After doing that, I'm still getting the error that Shadowfury ire referring to in his console dump, but it's sporadic. Seems to work fine when I run it stand-alone, but when I run under the debugger, it crashes. That, to me, points to some kind of pointer-related problem.
What's the stuff that you specifically implemented?
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:05 pm
by spud
In 1.5.47 (windows) the -pps switch setting does not work for me. I've tried it both in the d2x.ini file as well as on the command line. No dice, always stuck on 10pps.
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:47 pm
by Setsunaaa
I still cannot switch weapons in multiplayer with v1.5.50 (and all previous).
Maybe something in my .plr file makes d2x-xl go round?
Another thing: Whatever I save in savegame slot two is dead, cannot be loaded. All other slots work without problems.
This also applies when I delete the savegame manually in slot two.
Player file (uuencoded):
begin 600 Joud2xl.plr
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 5:00 pm
by Diedel
I cannot help you further there. I don't have a Mac (and donations wise I'm still far away from one).
strange - works all fine for me.
I'll take a look. You can always change this when setting up an MP game though.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 3:42 pm
by novacron
Hey Diedel, I saw in .49 you said you fixed the screenshot function, but did you make it work with hi-res textures? Is there a different command I use to take screenshots? I can't remember.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 6:40 pm
by Diedel
The bloody screen shot function still doesn't work, and I have no clue why. It uses the OpenGL function ReadPixels() which works fine everywhere else, but not in the screenshot code.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 7:43 pm
by Brother Mojo
This is seemingly a compatibility difference between D2 and D2X-XL, so I'll post it here.
I'm working on a hog that has a V-HAM imbedded within the hog. The .ham has the same filename as the .hog, and the .mn2 has the correct zname= tag.
D2 properly loads the V-HAM on startup of the mission. D2X-XL does not, and replaces the would-be new robots with cloaked medium hulks.
.hxm files load the same as in D2, given a .hxm with the same filename as the mine. Why, then, don't .ham files load as before?
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 10:28 pm
by spud
I too have experienced the problem where you are unable to switch weapons during multiplayer. Here is how I've been able to reproduce this problem under windows xp, version 1.5.47.
Create a new player
multiplayer -> start ipx -> pick a level -> start
f2 -> controls -> weapon hotkeys -> assign weapon 9 to J1 B2
quit d2x-xl
launch, select player
multiplayer -> start ipx -> pick a level -> start
J1 B1 (fire) button now tries to switch weapons.
weapons no longer switch using 1-9.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 10:31 pm
by spud
Here is another bug I discovered while messing around with the weapon hotkeys feature.
Arrow down to weapon 0 (the bottom), and then hit your down arrow key one more time. Instead of taking you back to the top d2x-xl crashes.
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 11:42 pm
by fyrephlie
thanks for fixing the version numbers on your site deidel

New Bug Report
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:26 am
by Dynamite
I found a bug when coming near mini-reactors.
I believe that when they try to fire, the game immediately crashes.
Actually, I first get an error message that says:
I push enter and it appears again, then I push enter again, and the game crashes...
This happened on the W32 version, 1.5.44
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 9:18 am
by Escorter
Hmm... I'm going to try d2x-xl, but it has problems on my machine. I set the resultion to 1024x768. It perfect in the main menu, but when I start a new game and the rendering stuff begins, it changes resultion between 640x480 and 1024x768 frequently. I stopped it immediately because it will damage my monitor (I have a very old ICL)...
(d2x-w32 never does it...)
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 9:58 am
by Shadowfury333
Escorter wrote:Hmm... I'm going to try d2x-xl, but it has problems on my machine. I set the resultion to 1024x768. It perfect in the main menu, but when I start a new game and the rendering stuff begins, it changes resultion between 640x480 and 1024x768 frequently. I stopped it immediately because it will damage my monitor (I have a very old ICL)...
(d2x-w32 never does it...)
start d2x-xl with -1024x768 either in your command-line or in your d2x.ini
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 11:10 am
by Escorter
start d2x-xl with -1024x768 either in your command-line or in your d2x.ini
I tried already, but doesn't help...
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 11:46 am
by fyrephlie

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:26 pm
by Diedel

That's the result of maintaining a project on several computers ...

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:40 pm
by fyrephlie
Diedel wrote:Thx.

That's the result of maintaining a project on several computers ...

oh i know... just thought you would want to know. not a big deal, but im sure everyone understands that you are working your but off!
btw. 1.5.50 works like a charm.
(p.s. still get sdl parachute every time i go to multiplayer, i'll post the log a little later if i remember (clearly not a huge issue for me)...)
D2X-XL crashes playing D1 levels
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:17 pm
by MrMajestyk
To reproduce:
* Play the first D1 level (probably any other too)
* Exit the mine
* Game crashes once end level animation has played.
This happens using D2X-XL v1.5.52 (This is the first version I've used for playing D1 levels, so this may apply to other versions too). All other aspects of playing D1 levels using D2X-XL are fine.
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 3:06 pm
by Setsunaaa
For my uuencoded player file:
I did a few tests about the weapon switching after reading the confirmation post from squid (with 1.5.52 on WinXP).
Start d2x-xl.exe, select the joud2xl.plr directly (!), d2x-xl may NOT load another player before, some may have to delete the default player for this.
Start UDP game, cannot switch weapon.
In game: switch player to a fresh created player:
weapon switching works.
Switching back to my joud2xl player: weapon switchting works.
So, there is something mixed up with my player file d2xxl dowsn't like, and it gets fixed my having a "default" player active in between.
My keyboard config for the player file (if you want to try) is not a/y keys.. I use mouse +
ws=forward backward, ad=strafe left right, qe=turn, rc=strafe up/down.
PS: I forgot the "disable smilies" in my uuencoded player file post before, here the current version.
G:\DESCENT2>uuencode Joud2xl.plr < Joud2xl.plr
begin 600 Joud2xl.plr
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 3:29 pm
by Setsunaaa
For the D1-playing problem exiting level 1:
I can confirm this for 1.5.38, 1.5.50 and 1.5.52 under one condition: you race through the level, you grab red key, kill reactor, get out.
d2x-xl crashes half, 3D is off, d2x-xl is still in the tasklist.
When I play more straight (all robots are killed, all secret areas with their robots cleaned too) it does play the exit sequence fine.
I tested it with leaving one robot alive (one of the two greenies in the reactor room near the reactor), and I get the same half-crash.
Another thing on D1: I have lots of levels for D1, none of them are listed when I try to play a single player D1 game. If you manage to fix this increase the number of displayed levels in the chooser, I only see about 30 of the 100+ D1 levels I have 'round the harddrive in the original game.
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 5:05 pm
by Diedel
with d2x-xl, you can organize your missions by placing them in subdirectories of your missions folder (e.g. missions/D1).
I will look into the D1 level crash bug.
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 6:12 pm
by cwoelkers
I have two problems. Both of these happen in Linux. I am using SuSE 9.3 on a laptop with an Intel 855MG graphics controller.
First in 1.5.43. While playing Descent 1 missions, while exiting the map after destroying the reactor the game will crash just before the exit sequence. I then get this error on the command line:
*** glibc detected *** realloc(): invalid next size: 0x0b1d2f20 ***
This does not happen all the time and does not seem to be connected with the how complete the level is. I have tried to get the error to reproduce with racing through the level, ie kill only the enemies nescessary to complete the level, and while going thru the entire level killing all of the enemies and getting all of the power ups and hostages. Both times I have experienced a crash but can not seem to get it to reproduce on demand.
Next in 1.5.50. I wanted to get the latest version to attempt to get rid of the previous problem but the game will not even start. It gives this error:
Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)
I added the -debug-printlog switch and here's the d2x.log entry for this problem:
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x.ini
cfopen(): error opening /home/chris/d2x.ini
GetAppFolder ('', '', '/usr/local/share/games/d2x-xl/', 'd2x-xl')
GetAppFolder (/usr/local/share/games/d2x-xl/) = '' (-1)
GetAppFolder ('/home/chris', '', 'd2x-xl', 'd2x-xl')
GetAppFolder (d2x-xl) = '/home/chris/d2x-xl' (0)
expected game folder = '/home/chris/d2x-xl'
GetAppFolder ('/home/chris/d2x-xl', '', 'data', 'descent2.hog')
GetAppFolder (data) = '/home/chris/d2x-xl' (-1)
GetAppFolder ('/home/chris/d2x-xl', '/home/chris/d2x-xl', 'profiles', '*plr')
GetAppFolder (profiles) = '/home/chris/d2x-xl' (-1)
GetAppFolder ('/home/chris/d2x-xl', '/home/chris/d2x-xl', 'movies', '*.mvl')
GetAppFolder (movies) = '/home/chris/d2x-xl' (-1)
GetAppFolder ('/home/chris/d2x-xl', '/home/chris/d2x-xl', 'savegames', '')
GetAppFolder (savegames) = '/home/chris/d2x-xl' (-1)
GetAppFolder ('/home/chris/d2x-xl', '/home/chris/d2x-xl', 'screenshots', '')
GetAppFolder (screenshots) = '/home/chris/d2x-xl' (-1)
GetAppFolder ('/home/chris/d2x-xl', '/home/chris', 'config', '*.cfg')
GetAppFolder (config) = '/home/chris/d2x-xl' (-1)
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/descent2.hog
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/descent.tex
cfopen(): error opening descent.tex
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/descent.txb
cfopen(): error opening descent.txb
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/descentw.cfg
cfopen(): error opening descentw.cfg
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/default.256
cfopen(): error opening default.256
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/font1-1.fnt
cfopen(): error opening font1-1.fnt
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/font2-1.fnt
cfopen(): error opening font2-1.fnt
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/font2-2.fnt
cfopen(): error opening font2-2.fnt
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/font2-3.fnt
cfopen(): error opening font2-3.fnt
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/font3-1.fnt
cfopen(): error opening font3-1.fnt
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/font1-1h.fnt
cfopen(): error opening font1-1h.fnt
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/font2-1h.fnt
cfopen(): error opening font2-1h.fnt
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/font2-2h.fnt
cfopen(): error opening font2-2h.fnt
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/font2-3h.fnt
cfopen(): error opening font2-3h.fnt
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/font3-1h.fnt
cfopen(): error opening font3-1h.fnt
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/intro-h.mvl
cfopen(): error opening intro-h.mvl
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/.intro-h.mvl
cfopen(): error opening .intro-h.mvl
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/intro-l.mvl
cfopen(): error opening intro-l.mvl
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/.intro-l.mvl
cfopen(): error opening .intro-l.mvl
Cannot open any movie file <intro-*.mvl>cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/other-h.mvl
cfopen(): error opening other-h.mvl
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/.other-h.mvl
cfopen(): error opening .other-h.mvl
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/other-l.mvl
cfopen(): error opening other-l.mvl
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/.other-l.mvl
cfopen(): error opening .other-l.mvl
Cannot open any movie file <other-*.mvl>cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/robots-h.mvl
cfopen(): error opening robots-h.mvl
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/.robots-h.mvl
cfopen(): error opening .robots-h.mvl
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/robots-l.mvl
cfopen(): error opening robots-l.mvl
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/chris/d2x-xl/.robots-l.mvl
cfopen(): error opening .robots-l.mvl
Cannot open any movie file <robots-*.mvl>
This looks like the new version is trying to access the movies in the home directory but they are in the /usr/local/share/games/d2x-xl directory where they should be according to the info given at the end of the configure script.
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 6:12 pm
by Setsunaaa
D1-Missions organized -> works. Thanks.
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:01 pm
by fyrephlie
am i the only one with odd menu rendering on linux? (i.e. the menu options don't show up very quickly, or until i move the cursor over them)
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:14 pm
by fyrephlie
log if i try to go to multiplayer when NOT ROOT
Code: Select all
GetAppFolder ('/home/fyrephlie', '', 'd2x-xl', 'd2x-xl')
GetAppFolder (d2x-xl) = '/home/fyrephlie' (-1)
GetAppFolder ('', '', '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl', '')
GetAppFolder (/usr/local/share/d2x-xl) = '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl' (0)
expected game folder = '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl'
GetAppFolder ('/usr/local/share/d2x-xl', '', 'data', 'descent2.hog')
GetAppFolder (data) = '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl' (-1)
GetAppFolder ('/usr/local/share/d2x-xl', '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl', 'profiles', '*plr')
GetAppFolder (profiles) = '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl' (-1)
GetAppFolder ('/usr/local/share/d2x-xl', '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl', 'movies', '*.mvl')
GetAppFolder (movies) = '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl' (-1)
GetAppFolder ('/usr/local/share/d2x-xl', '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl', 'savegames', '')
GetAppFolder (savegames) = '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl' (-1)
GetAppFolder ('/usr/local/share/d2x-xl', '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl', 'screenshots', '')
GetAppFolder (screenshots) = '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl' (-1)
GetAppFolder ('/usr/local/share/d2x-xl', '/home/fyrephlie', 'config', '*.cfg')
GetAppFolder (config) = '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl' (-1)
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent.tex
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent2.hog:descent.tex' not found
cfile_find_libfile(): 'descent.tex' not found
cfopen(): error opening descent.tex
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent.txb
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /home/fyrephlie/descentw.cfg
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:descentw.cfg' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent2.hog:descentw.cfg' not found
cfile_find_libfile(): 'descentw.cfg' not found
cfopen(): error opening descentw.cfg
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/default.256
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:default.256' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font1-1.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font1-1.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-1.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-1.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-2.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-2.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-3.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-3.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font3-1.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font3-1.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font1-1h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font1-1h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-1h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-1h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-2h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-2h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-3h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-3h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font3-1h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font3-1h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent.hog
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent.sng
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:descent.sng' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent.sng
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:descent.sng' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent.sng
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent.hog:descent.sng' not found
cfile_find_libfile(): 'descent.sng' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descentb.pcx
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:descentb.pcx' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descentb.pcx
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:descentb.pcx' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descentb.pcx
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:descentb.pcx' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descentb.pcx
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:descentb.pcx' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/statback.pcx
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:statback.pcx' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font1-1.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font1-1.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-1.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-1.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-2.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-2.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-3.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-3.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font1-1h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font1-1h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-1h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-1h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-2h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-2h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-3h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-3h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/scoresb.pcx
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:scoresb.pcx' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/scoresb.pcx
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:scoresb.pcx' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/default.256
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:default.256' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font1-1.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font1-1.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-1.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-1.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-2.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-2.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-3.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-3.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font1-1h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font1-1h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-1h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-1h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-2h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-2h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-3h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-3h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/statback.pcx
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:statback.pcx' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/orderd2.pcx
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:orderd2.pcx' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent2.hog:orderd2.pcx' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent.hog:orderd2.pcx' not found
cfile_find_libfile(): 'orderd2.pcx' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:menub.pcx' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:menub.pcx' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:menub.pcx' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:menub.pcx' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font1-1.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font1-1.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-1.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-1.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-2.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-2.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-3.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-3.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font1-1h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font1-1h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-1h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-1h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-2h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-2h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-3h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-3h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/fyre.plr
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:fyre.plr' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent2.hog:fyre.plr' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent.hog:fyre.plr' not found
cfile_find_libfile(): 'fyre.plr' not found
cfopen(): error opening fyre.plr
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/fyre.plr
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:fyre.plr' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent2.hog:fyre.plr' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent.hog:fyre.plr' not found
cfile_find_libfile(): 'fyre.plr' not found
cfopen(): error opening fyre.plr
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/orderd2.pcx
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:orderd2.pcx' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent2.hog:orderd2.pcx' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent.hog:orderd2.pcx' not found
cfile_find_libfile(): 'orderd2.pcx' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:menub.pcx' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:menub.pcx' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:menub.pcx' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:menub.pcx' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font1-1.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font1-1.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-1.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-1.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-2.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-2.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-3.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-3.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font1-1h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font1-1h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-1h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-1h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-2h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-2h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/font2-3h.fnt
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:font2-3h.fnt' not found
cfile_get_filehandle(): error opening /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/fyre.plr
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions/d2x.hog:fyre.plr' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent2.hog:fyre.plr' not found
cfile_find_hogfile(): '/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/descent.hog:fyre.plr' not found
cfile_find_libfile(): 'fyre.plr' not found
cfopen(): error opening fyre.plr
looks like the fyre.plr belongs to root ???
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:54 pm
by Diedel
If you say so ... if /usr/local/share/d2x-xl/fyre.plr exists and cannot be read if you're not root, then this file might be only accessible if you're root, me thinks.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 8:36 pm
by fyrephlie
yeah since the post i changed the rights to the file and it works fine
my guess is that i played the game as root and saved it saved the player file as user root... duh!

i feel dumb
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:42 am
by Diedel
Boss asleep
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:11 pm
by arieligena
I have d2x-xl 1.5.52 on WinXP, level 16.
There's a undestructible robot after passing yellow door. Is that OK?
My guidebot says "there's no reactor" all time after getting red key.
The boss is still

I destroyed the asleep boss but the exit door keeps closed.
but if I start a new game directly from this level, that boss is really annoying and I see white all time. (mmm, seems awake

I don't know how this happened. How can I do for playing with a normal boss behavior from my savegame?
Another thing: I play d2 in hotshot diff but sometimes d2x-xl changes to rookie automatically when I restart the program.
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:15 pm
by Diedel
Uncheck "Multiple Bosses" in the gameplay options menu.
@Brother Mojo, re vham files:
The vham file did not have a valid signature (expected: 'MAHV', found: 'LVLP'.
Btw, there wasn't a valid mission file (.mn2). I had to build one myself. Next time, ok?

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:29 pm
by Brother Mojo
Diedel wrote:@Brother Mojo, re vham files:
The vham file did not have a valid signature (expected: 'MAHV', found: 'LVLP'.
That's odd, because it still reads just fine in normal D2, at least on my computer. :S So, even if there's an error in my V-HAM, it's still a compatability issue, I think. Also, how would I go about correcting this?