The "authority" of pubic opinion? I'm not certain what you are trying to say here.Will Robinson wrote:I bet you don't want planned parenthood passing out condoms in schools. It seems to send the message that authority condones promiscuity since the authority is providing the condom.
Well, the 'authority' of public opinion shouldn't be goaded into sanctioning the Islamofacsist's trojan mosque.
What happens in the public schools is a matter of very hot debate because they are owned and run by our government, which means all of us.
If planned parenthood wanted to pass out condoms from their own private offices, that would be a very DIFFERENT debate. And if minors weren't involved, a very simple one.
I disagree with Jehovah's Witnesses theology. For that matter, I disagree with Catholic theology. And the feeling is mutual on both counts. But I wouldn't protest, or even complain about either group setting up a church on private property. Heck, I'd be downright supportive. If my church's theology can't compete with theirs, then members SHOULD switch allegiance to another church.
Now the Mosque situation is a hotter topic for at least two reasons.
One, there is the funding question, which I need to do more research on.
Twp, people feel it is in bad taste to put up an Islamic center so close to a place where monsters fighting in the name of Islam murdered so many people. And they've got a valid point. But I still don't think that protesting helps. And simply saying that they have the right to build where they want is NOT supporting them or their cause.