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Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:45 am
by Kirby
No offense, but do you think the netplay tracker window needs to be 40 slots long??? :D

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:12 am
by Diedel
A tracker allows for up to 80 entries, so I have expanded the game selection menu appropriately. ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:38 am
by D3Phoenix
HELP!! :wink:

I downloaded D2X 1.5.123 the other day... and several things are messed up.

- Whenever I use Shift+F1 or Shift+F2 to cycle my cockpit monitor views, I lose the ability to change my weapons manually. The only changing that will occur is via autoselect, which I usually have disabled.

- The mouse controls seem too \"fluid\" if you will; I stop moving the mouse and the ship coasts a bit farher into the turn. It almost feels like trying to fly with a joystick, which I *despise* (I'm horrible with a js, so sue me) And now that I think about it, it might not be simply the mouse controls but everything in the game. It's TOO smooth; its lost some of the original feel and my gameplay is suffering because of it.

- The briefings stutter. The robot movie \"pauses\", a character of the description appears, a character beep goes off, the movie plays a frame, and it repeats. Very, very, annoying. Definitely broken; it used to work fine. I'm running in 1152x864 if that matters.

- The game crashes if I attempt to specify any commandline parameters--HOWEVER--this *might* be my machine. I havent noticed it with any other programs, and D1X still works fine this way--I reinstalled Visual studio recently and im constantly getting debug errors and crashes where i didn't used to... so this one might be a false alarm. The top 3, however, WERE ok before i updated D2X-XL.


Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:46 am
by Suncho
Diedel wrote:A tracker allows for up to 80 entries, so I have expanded the game selection menu appropriately. ;)
Thanks. =)
D3Phoenix wrote:- Whenever I use Shift+F1 or Shift+F2 to cycle my cockpit monitor views, I lose the ability to change my weapons manually. The only changing that will occur is via autoselect, which I usually have disabled.
Ah. I was wondering what was causing that. =)
D3Phoenix wrote:- The mouse controls seem too "fluid" if you will; I stop moving the mouse and the ship coasts a bit farher into the turn. It almost feels like trying to fly with a joystick, which I *despise* (I'm horrible with a js, so sue me) And now that I think about it, it might not be simply the mouse controls but everything in the game. It's TOO smooth; its lost some of the original feel and my gameplay is suffering because of it.
Did you play D2 back in the DOS days? Does it feel different from standard D2 or just different from D3?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:09 pm
by Diedel

briefing stutter: Turn off the new menu style.

Shift-F1/F2: Will check.

Too smooth? Don't be silly. Or play another D2 version.


take a look at the of the D2X-XL update notification thread. ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:49 pm
by Escorter
Diedel, in the latest version, the exit movies, the intro, and the Warp Core movies are pretty slow.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:57 pm
by Diedel
There has absolutely nothing changed with movie playback. Blame your computer.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:07 pm
by Escorter
But everything was fine with the previous version! :roll:

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:12 pm
by Diedel

Shift F1/F2 problem not reproducable by me.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:22 pm
by Nikolai
I have a bug to report. New weapon icons are wrong placed in wide screen mode.


Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:58 pm
by D3Phoenix
Let me rephrase that... smooth as in I keep gliding too far. Yes, all of the descents you do not stop instantly due to inertia. Common sense. But for some reason with the last update the ship continues gliding for rediculous amounts... about the width of a normal sized cube. when im turning and stop the mouse movement, i usually rotate about an extra 20 degrees or so. It's wierdness... I've tried adjusting sensitivity and keyboard ramping controls to no avail. The \"fluid physics\" option seems to have SOME effect, but not much. I'll try recreating my pilot profile. That has fixed controller issues in the past; perhaps this is related to the Shift+F1/F2 problem. I'll check back in later.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:13 pm
by Escorter
And I found a sollution for my movie problem: turning off \"High movie quality\" solved the problem.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:59 pm
by D3Phoenix
Ok, remade profile and it fixed the mouse issue for some reason; I think that profile had been around since D2X-W32 and I han't updated D2X-XL in a long time, so that could explain it to some degree.

I still lose the ability to change weapons (1 thru 0).
Here are details...

-Glitch occurs after I use Shift+F1 or Shift+F2 to rotate into the first RADAR view mode. I do not lose functionality on rear view, which comes up first. OR AFTER I ENTER AUTOMAMP. Didn't notice that at first.

-I can still rotate weapons with Z or X, my \"Cycle weapon\" keys for primaries and secondaries, respectively -- but I still prefer the numerical selection.

-Advancing to the next level or a secret level does not correct the problem.

-Quitting to the main menu does not resolve the issue.

-What DOES resolve the problem is COMPLETELY exiting D2X-XL. Relaunching the EXE will allow me to agian cycle my weapons, PROVIDED THAT RADAR view was NOT enabled when I closed it out. If radar view was enabled, then it comes up by default again. I must turn off radar view, exit the game, and restart it in order to get my weapons controls back.

-Resolution changes have no effect.

-Disabling the cool new menus ( Waaa... :( ) solved the briefing issue as you said it would, but it had no effect on the Shift+F1/F2 situation.

Sooo.... Automap has finally cracked and gone insane... It just couldn't take all the changes to the main game and got jealous and decided to start eating controls every chance it gets. Maybe you should give it textures... :wink: ... a little something to boost its self-esteem, lol.

Something is broken with the code in Automap that watches the buttons for marker selections. OR in the code that loads the automap.

Whatever it is, its broken on my end, and apparently other people have troubles with it too. (Suncho) In the interim I'm making notes on my forehead to make sure to back up D2X-XL before updating it from now on, lol -- just in case. Hopefully this can be fixed with the next update, suff always is...

I find it amazing that you keep up the motivation to work on this huge of a project. *round of applause for Diedel*


Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 5:51 pm
by Cesar
Diedel wrote:afaik AA in D2X-XL depends on the driver settings. D2X-XL does nothing here. I need to check how gl_reticle can affect this. It shouldn't at all. gl_reticle only enables drawing the reticle using OpenGL line functions instead of using the bitmapped reticles that come with D2.
I rebooted my computer, and now setting the gl_reticle back to 0 doesn't affect AA anymore (why this happened, I don't know). Still, I get the same funny AA effect I mentioned above.

This is quite strange, since any level of AA I adjust (either in in-game settings or Display Properties) works fine in other games I played (Half-Life 1 or 2, Unreal/Unreal Tournament, Doom III, Serious Sam 2, Doomsday, etc), but has little or no effect for D2X-XL.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:55 pm
by Diedel

\"radar\" was the keyword. ;) Now I know where this bug comes from.



'Super gliding': Cannot reproduce.


The good news and the bad news. Good news first: I fixed this. Bad news: Weapon icons not available in letterbox cockpit. :P

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:26 pm
by ToxicFrog
@Neumaennl: same bug I'm seeing. If you have GDB installed you can use the workaround I posted to get through the reactor room without crashes. At least it's not just me.

@Phoenix, Diedel: I also noticed this, but thought it was a Litestep issue, not a Descent one. Nice to know it's fixed.

@Diedel: Savegames.

Upgraded to .126. Observations:
- exiting the mine music now plays (thank you)
- mine exit textures are still wrong (they're now a sort of dense white-grey hatchwork?) but much less jarringly so; it's plausibly a mine exit now
- fan in level 1 plays correct sound now
- briefing music plays
- however, the intro still has the fan going in the background, and the inter-mission briefings the grinding squeaking noise
- purple spawnwebs in D1 still cause SIGFPE; faulting address is now 0x0041e818 rather than 0x0041de68

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:48 am
by devourer
found a bug in the D1 missions: when entering the reactor room in level 4 in D1, the game crashes and exits to windows. it occures since one of the latest upgrades, 1.5.222 i guess


Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:58 am
by Aus-RED-5
devourer wrote:found a bug in the D1 missions: when entering the reactor room in level 4 in D1, the game crashes and exits to windows. it occures since one of the latest upgrades, 1.5.222 i guess
On page 49. This has been reported already.
Neumaennl wrote:I downloaded v1.5.124 (although it says 1.5.123 when I start the game) and everytime I enter the reactor room of D1 Level 4 the game crashes. Savegame

and the outer texture of the exit tunnel on every D1 Level is garbled - it shows the PTMC logo
Thanks though. Its good to know that you're not the only one running into this bug. :)

I'm sure Diedel is looking into this prob. ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:57 am
by Diedel
Bug fixed. It occurred when D2X-XL morphed newly spawning robots in robot generators. D2X-XL tried to use D1 textures here where it should have taken D2 textures (as the robot model data is D2 model data).

Look for v1.5.127 some time today.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:44 am
by ToxicFrog
Confirmed fixed, and the robots aren't covered in brown after coming out of the spawnwebs anymore. Thanks.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:00 am
by Diedel
What is Litestep?


Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:39 am
by Kirby
Diedel wrote:What is Litestep?
Litestep is an alternative shell for Windows...kind of like KDE/Gnome for Linux :)

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:25 am
by Diedel
Dang - you scared me! I thought \"oh no, not another bug report!\" :mrgreen:

Thx for the info. :)


Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:42 am
by Kirby
Diedel wrote:Dang - you scared me! I thought "oh no, not another bug report!" :mrgreen:

Thx for the info. :)
fine...ya want one? :P

Steps to reproduce:
1) At main menu, click on Single Player Game
2) click on either starting a D1 or D2 game
3) when it asks you to input the level you want to start at, hit ESC to get back to the main menu
4) When you enter the Single Player Game menu again, there is now a listbox with the clickable contents '[...]' in it. When you click it, you can now continue on to selecting the game you want to play

Other than that and that cube lighting problem I mentioned earlier, that's about it :)

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:25 pm
by D3Phoenix
@Kirby: I noticed this once, but it seemed sporadic to me; didn't pay that much attention.

@Diedel -- don't worry about the mouse 'super-glide' thing; I think i just had a screwed up player profile. I don't update D2X-XL often, and this last version was a couple months old. I redid my player profile, replaced the dlls, and some other stuff... something fixed it... not sure what, but it wasnt a prob. With D2X-XL.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:46 pm
by ToxicFrog
@Diedel,Kirby: LiteStep can also be used in parallel with explorer.exe, as opposed to instead of it - that's how I'm using it. Windows desktop, start menu, and taskbar, but with Litestep providing hotkeys, multiple desktops, and the system monitor.
I was worried that LS might be grabbing keystrokes meant for D2X (which has happened before with older versions of LS), but as it turns out that's not the case.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:09 pm
by Kirby
am I the only one who notices that with this new 1.5.127....that firing a secondary weapon will crash the game?

also...left/right inventory placement cannot be selected

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:20 pm
by Diedel
Fixed in v1.5.128.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:53 pm
by Kirby
Something strange with the sound in D1 Level 1...

The room where the Red key is stored....I keep on hearing the \"cloak on\" SFX, even when no robots are in sight. This does not happen in any other part of the level...just that one room :/

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:24 pm
by spud
Using 1.5.127 I find that the multiplayer settings for \"auto balance teams\" and the previous mission you selected are not remembered.


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:03 am
by Escorter
Maybe I'm hallucinating, but when I destroy some robots, another robots spawned. E.g: when I kill a Bulk Destroyer, two ITSC robots spawned from the explosion. Or when I kill a Seeker, two Omega drones spawned.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:33 am
by Diedel
Anybody else got this bug?


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:22 am
by Suncho
Kirby wrote:Something strange with the sound in D1 Level 1...

The room where the Red key is stored....I keep on hearing the "cloak on" SFX, even when no robots are in sight. This does not happen in any other part of the level...just that one room :/
I'm getting this one too. Version 1.5.128.

Also in version 1.5.128:

#1: When I select to play a movie from the main menu, the music never starts playing again after the movie finishes.

#2: When I select to play a movie from the main menu, the mouse cursor remains visible on top of the movie.

EDIT: Also in version 1.5.128...

#3: The "show movie subtitles" toggle in the rendering options menu always stays the same as the "high movie quality" toggle. If I uncheck it and "high movie quality" is checked, it becomes checked again when I open the menu.

EDIT: Also in version 1.5.128...

#4: The texture on the mine shaft when I escaped the mine appears to be a sky texture (purple with stars).

#5: After I beat level 1, during the level 2 briefing screen, I hear a robot sounds repeating over the music. I pressed escape to skip the post-game screen.

#6: The movies don't really look very good at 2048x1536 resolution. What about changing the resolution to 640x480 when playing back movies? (this might be more of a suggestion)

EDIT: Version 1.5.128

#7: When I exit the mine in D1 level 1, the screen turns black instead of showing me the explosions from a first person perspective. The full rendering doesn't reappear until it switches to the third-person camera.

#8: If I start a D1 game, exit out, then start a D2 game, the Door texture in D2 appears as a blown-out switch:


EDIT: Also 1.5.128

#9: In Descent 1, when I type "frametime" to display my framerate, it calls me a cheater and takes all my shields and energy.

#10: When I record a demo, the playback is kind of jittery.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:45 pm
by Escorter
Looks like I'm not hallucinating. I destroyed a Fox, then two another Fox spawned. I destroyed a Lou, then a Bulk Destroyer spawned.

BTW these things happens in Terrafrost Catacombs (level 16).

Edit: and another: if I kill a mini-boss (the one looks like the system 1 boss, but smaller and orange), three Smelters spawned...

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:49 pm
by Diedel
I don't trust your computer and your data anymore. :roll: I want this confirmed by another player. ;) Please don't take it personally. :)

Btw, you can use DLE-XP's robot tool to check whether a certain robot in a certain level could actually spawn other robots.


most things fixed in v1.5.129. You can also press Alt+R to toggle frame rate display. Jittery demo playback is there as long as I can remember - don't ask me where it comes from.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:05 pm
by Suncho
Escorter, do you have a 100% reproducible case that's easy to get to possibly using cheats? If so, I can go test it myself.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:17 pm
by Peterix
Hi, seems like the decloak sounds play around all lava in d1.
Like here:
(2. level i think)

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:23 pm
by Nikolai
I confirm decloack sounds playing allover the D1.


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:45 pm
by Escorter
Suncho wrote:Escorter, do you have a 100% reproducible case that's easy to get to possibly using cheats? If so, I can go test it myself.
I'm not using any cheats.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:50 pm
by Diedel

he wants you to use cheats if necessary to reproduce the problem, just for the test case, and to clearly describe the steps to reproduce your bug.

D1 cloaking sound bug fixed, btw. It was played instead of the ambient lava sound.

I just uploaded v1.5.129.