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Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:51 pm
by Bet51987
Well, I played Waltzin Matilda last nite. I didn't do so bad against the bigheads......I like that game. Notice that there was NO INGUS! :x Where is he......I've looked everywhere. Come out you little troll....

13) bettina
Total Time In Game: 30:27 minutes
Callsign: Kills: Deaths:
[RIP]DwnUndr6 6
[RIP]Swiss Chz 1 1
nik 8 10
[RIP]Animosity 2 2
predictably damaged 4 5
Craptacular 2 5
[RIP] Bess 1 0
ShadowPimp 3 2
]RIP] Cord 2 3

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:52 pm
by Bet51987
Well, I played Waltzin Matilda last nite. I didn't do so bad against the bigheads......I like that game. Notice that there was NO INGUS! :x Where is he......I've looked everywhere. Come out you little troll....


Code: Select all

13) bettina
Total Time In Game: 30:27 minutes
Callsign:                     Kills:    Deaths:
[RIP]DwnUndr                  6         6 
[RIP]Swiss Chz                1         1 
nik                           8         10 
[RIP]Animosity                2         2 
predictably damaged           4         5 
Craptacular                   2         5 
[RIP] Bess                    1         0 
ShadowPimp                    3         2 
]RIP] Cord                    2         3

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 1:10 pm
by Bonz
heh, you didn't play any bigheads in there :P

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 1:25 pm
by TheCops
Bonz wrote:heh, you didn't play any bigheads in there :P
i know.
Ani is a major skank.
:P :P :P

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 2:30 pm
by Bet51987
I though Lothar was a BH....he used predictably damaged..Hmmmmm.....

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 3:42 pm
by Lothar

Last night, I wasn't playing very well, for two reasons. One, I'd gotten an e-mail from my advisor saying I better talk to my employer ASAP because she was angry enough to fire me. (The e-mail was sent at 12:30 and I got it at nearly 7 PM.) I was playing Descent to distract me, but it wasn't working, so my mind wasn't in the game. Two, my connect was really bad in the Matilda game -- 200-300 ms average, with spikes into the 1200-1500 range every 20 seconds or so. You can ask any of the other Waltzers about how I usually do vs. how I did last night. Usually I'd be near the top of that pack, maybe behind Craptacular and nik, but last night I was easily in the bottom. (If you want a better idea of how I am as a pilot, find me for a 1v1 on a server where I have a consistant connection.)

As for me being one of the "bigheads", I've said at least 3 times in this thread alone that I'm nothing special as a D3 pilot. The Chicago LAN group can surely verify this. I have a very realistic picture of my strengths and weaknesses in D3 (and even better in D1.) I'm pretty solidly "average" overall in open games. The group of regular Waltzers is also pretty average, with a couple pilots who are a bit above average but not great. So, like Bonz said, you didn't play any bigheads in there. If I'm your idea of a bighead, you have a long, long way to go.


P.S. also, picking out your individual stats against one particular pilot from a large anarchy game is really a bad measure of your relative skill. There are some expert pilots I always do really well against in open games because our styles are such that I'd spend most of my time in the areas they'd go for shelter when their shields got low. There are below average pilots I always get slaughtered by in open games because they're always lobbing missiles from afar and occasionally land hits. This is especially true when your total number of kills / deaths is fairly low -- you can't tell anything from going 2-0 or 3-5 against somebody, ESPECIALLY if you're both fighting and taking damage from other pilots too.

As an extreme example of this, a couple days ago I popped into a game with Suncho and several low-end pilots. Suncho was 173-1 when I joined the game (and the 1 was a typekill.) Now, I manged something like 23 kills on him (to ~50 deaths), but I had only about 20 kills on everyone else COMBINED (to ~30 deaths.) Even my efficiency against some of them was pretty low. If you just looked at my stats, you'd conclude that some of those other pilots were tons better than me, while Suncho was only a little better than me (meaning they were better than Suncho!) But clearly that can't be true, because Suncho was 173-1 against them. The reason my stats looked good against him and bad against everyone else is because I focused on him, and everyone else shot us both in the back.

The point of this is just to demonstrate... 1v1 stats taken from an open game aren't very meaningful without supporting context. Where did most of your kills come from against me? Did we both start high on shields and with decent weapons, and fight each other head-on? Was I busy fighting someone else and they almost had me dead and you'd throw a frag into the room for the kill? Was I stalking you when your shields were low and mine were high but your skill was so superior that you still outdid me? Those sorts of things matter when you're trying to compare skill from raw stats in open games, ESPECIALLY when you're working from small numbers like 4-5 or 2-0. If it was 18-2 or 39-26 or 20-20, you can say a bit more -- but 4-5 in a big anarchy game tells you very, very little about how the two pilots actually did.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:31 pm
by Bet51987
I see a math guy trying to figure a way to make his score look better..hehe.....
By the way, I was eating ice cream when I was playing. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:39 pm
by TheCops
it's better with jack daniels and weed... but i digress...

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:41 pm
by Lothar
bet51987 wrote:I see a math guy trying to figure a way to make his score look better..hehe.....
LOL... I see a little girl who didn't read very carefully. Like I said, it *might* have been that you're really a much better pilot than me, and your score just happened to be close to mine because I kept finding you when your shields were low. If you're interested in seeing what my score SHOULD look like, I'll play you a 1v1 -- or, even better, a whole string of 1v1's in different levels. I have a feeling I'll do better, but you never can tell...

The point is:

1) you can't tell very much from a single (small) score in a single anarchy game. There simply isn't enough data to have any idea what happened.

2) even if it turns out you're better than me, that's not saying much. I don't have to prove myself to anyone here -- everyone who cares has seen me play. Everyone here knows I'm pretty darn average.
By the way, I was eating ice cream when I was playing. :wink:
I could've gotten up and eaten a whole bowl of ice cream during some of my worse ping spikes :P

What kind of ice cream was it? Was it good? Next time we play, can I have some?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:49 pm
by Spaceboy
lol excuses,excuses.
bettina, the people at waltznmatilda aren't bigheads. The people that play there have never given me a single flame... and i can get... how i get... but anyways... what lothar said. lol
lothar i usually get like 400 ping in the waltz server... probably a year ago i woulda left swearin my head off... but D3 is game ... im not matture at all but its a million mile stone from where i was last year, or the year before that... and i took a break from d3, and people are still mad at my 11 year old self... good game in halcyon tho :)

anyways... you guys can have your "wars" or whatever... if the people in sd "win" everyone is still going to attack the SD players for being "n00bs" by staying in their favorite level.
If the people who support this topic win, there is no way that everyone in SD is going to go to a different level, so this is all pointless... theres really nothing to prove, and theres nothing fun about it, and games are supposed to be fun, right?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 7:25 pm
by Bet51987
LOL... I see a little girl
--------> :x :x
even if it turns out you're better than me, that's not saying much. I don't have to prove myself to anyone here -- everyone who cares has seen me play. Everyone here knows I'm pretty darn average.
Easy Boy......I never said I was great...just that I thought I did pretty well..... :D so sensitive you are... hehe :wink: :wink: :wink:


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 7:28 pm
by Lothar
bet51987 wrote:
LOL... I see a little girl
--------> :x :x
Hey, don't make me have to aceface back at you. :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
even if it turns out you're better than me, that's not saying much. I don't have to prove myself to anyone here -- everyone who cares has seen me play. Everyone here knows I'm pretty darn average.
Easy Boy......I never said I was great...just that I thought I did pretty well..... :D so sensitive you are... hehe :wink: :wink: :wink:
You did do pretty well. Well enough to make me curious, even. Find me for a 1v1.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 8:15 pm
by Spaceboy
:roll: you two would be a pretty even match... if you DO do a 1 v 1 sometime tell me the score... itd end up like... 19-20 or somethin...

edit: i did the roll cause its a cool smiley.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:05 am
by Infamous Ingus
ingus has 50 grand on Lothar.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 11:21 am
by Bet51987
Infamous Ingus wrote:ingus has 50 grand on Lothar.
:x You better save your 50 grand to help pay for your plastic surgery when I get done with you, you little troll. :x
Come out and fight me. It's never going to be over until either one of us beats the other, or (this part would be better for you) you apologize to the Dancers and SPACEPRINCESS for making a monumental misjudgement of our playing ability, and in addition, you make a speech for the neccessity of more SD servers. Anything else will fall short.

Sleep well......
Bettina :wink:

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 11:35 am
by Clayman
*Alien doubles Ingus's bet* 100 grand on Lothar.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:09 pm
by Krom
/me puts another 50 grand on lothar.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 1:27 pm
by kurupt
i think bettina needs to stay away from space princess before she turns full blown bulldyke.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 2:04 pm
by Bet51987
It's nothing to do with Lothar.......It's Ingus of the now I want.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:06 pm
by Infamous Ingus
bet51987 wrote:
That is the story of Ingus's life everytime he joins a game. Surrounded, wall to wall with cocky noobs hunting strictly Ingus.
Give me a break PULEEZE.....Yes, I'm a noob that's hunting you. I will make Ingus of the now, beg for forgiveness. Everytime I enter a game now, I'm called the "broad" from DBB. You will pay for that by scrubbing the floors of Subway. Prepare oh mighty one....I am a battlebot. I stand small but a proud warrior. I'm looking for you, and I won't stop until you apologize to the Dancers.

Bettina :wink:

Its not ingus's fault that you are deemed the broad from the dbb.

be careful what you wish for betty. Ingus's powers are rising. its halloween n $hit too! Ingus's favorite month of the year

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:43 pm
by Spaceboy
really? mines christmas. i dont have to buy presents yet :D

anyways... you guys should play in an open level... or i dunno lol.
BHs: i killed you with a frag in waltz!
Dancerites: i threw a green cyclone around a corner and killed you! ...:!: :x ... 0_o
Tell me if i dont make sense, but
Play in level with no md, but instead with a bunch of vauss, homings, lasers and concs.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:01 pm
by Lothar
bet51987 wrote:It's nothing to do with Lothar.......It's Ingus of the now I want.
awwwww, I'm hurt... :( :cry:

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:09 pm
by Clayman
Spaceboy wrote:really? mines christmas. i dont have to buy presents yet :D

anyways... you guys should play in an open level... or i dunno lol.
BHs: i killed you with a frag in waltz!
Dancerites: i threw a green cyclone around a corner and killed you! ...:!: :x ... 0_o
Tell me if i dont make sense, but
Play in level with no md, but instead with a bunch of vauss, homings, lasers and concs.
Better yet, a 1v1.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:28 pm
by Suncho
Here's 2 lists of levels. I will say nothing about how I grouped them.

List 1:
Abend 2
Brain Salad
Subway Dancer
Waltzn Matilda
Worlds Apart

List 2:
Ancient of Days
Bill the Cat
Burning Indika 3
The Core
Skin Like Winter

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 8:13 pm
by Spaceboy
lol i think i know how you grouped them... if i new knew how to do that ---- (line) through words id do it.

List 1: All the levels are all tunnels... They need open area and tunnels
list 2: - The levels like elysium are also tunnels-like... mabye a level something like "big room", but without all the crappy missiles?

ingus is gonna be using vauss alot, bet probly lasers and homings... then mabye throw in 1 or 2 other things.

Bigroom would need Some tunnels tho...
I remember this old level, it had about 15 platform looking things sticking up on the ground. There were 2 sniping areas, with 3 enterences to the tunnels. 2 of the enterances were energy centers, and the 3rd was in the middle, under a big ol' platform. If it helps to remember, when theres a ton of people in the level, you could throw napalm at the ceiling and have a 90% chance of hitting someone.
If i read the name I'd remember... but that would be a good level.

Better yet, theres 2 levels that are set for duel. that would be the best right there. each level set for duel has like 7 different rooms, they can pick their favorite ones... its pretty neat.

Bet and Ingus= depending on the level
Bet and Lothar= 50% 50%

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 8:42 pm
by kurupt
ooh! i know suncho!!

#1 - crappiest levels of all time

#2 - best of all time!

what do i win?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 7:29 am
by Bet51987
Suncho wrote:Here's 2 lists of levels. I will say nothing about how I grouped them.

List 1:
Abend 2
Brain Salad
Subway Dancer
Waltzn Matilda
Worlds Apart

List 2:
Ancient of Days
Bill the Cat
Burning Indika 3
The Core
Skin Like Winter
Looking at those lists, I see that the games in List 1 are the most popular one's played :) and list 2 are always at "0" players.
be careful what you wish for betty. Ingus's powers are rising. its halloween n $hit too! Ingus's favorite month of the year
That's because Halloween is Troll's night out.
ingus is gonna be using vauss alot, bet probly lasers and homings... then mabye throw in 1 or 2 other things.
I play with a mouse and keyboard, so I can't fight an MD. Anything else Ingus wants is ok. He can pick the level he wants, but I get to pick the next one....It has to be two games to be fair.

Then,when I'm finished with Ingus, I'm coming after Lothar.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 7:44 am
by Clayman
I play with a mouse and keyboard, so I can't fight an MD
Hmm, you should talk to some players. Ideally, mouse is the best for MD (point and click). It doesn't always work out that way, but there are quite a few mousers who are good with MD (Birdseye, Crown, IceHammer, Javed, Testi, Xeon, etc.) Birds, Jav, Testi and Xeon frequent these boards, so I'd look for them.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:50 am
by Suncho
kurupt wrote:ooh! i know suncho!!

#1 - crappiest levels of all time

#2 - best of all time!

what do i win?
you get a gold star!

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 12:27 pm
by Spaceboy
not exactly... some of the "crappy levels" might not require as much skill, but kinda gets your blood flowing.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:39 pm
by WarAdvocat
Suncho wrote:Here's 2 lists of levels. I will say nothing about how I grouped them.

List 1:
Abend 2
Brain Salad
Subway Dancer
Waltzn Matilda
Worlds Apart

List 2:
Ancient of Days
Bill the Cat
Burning Indika 3
The Core
Skin Like Winter
Swap SLW (or pyroglyphic) & Skybox :) Then I agree.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 1:39 pm
by Deadmeat
kurupt wrote:ooh! i know suncho!!

#1 - crappiest levels of all time

#2 - best of all time!

what do i win?
Two weeks at Motel 6 in Bakersfield. :D

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:07 pm
by kurupt
skybox is actually an awesome level. if you take out the secondary whoring its great for 1v1 or small team games. all the missles and the killgoods out there have ruined it though.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:34 pm
by El Ka Bong
So .. Will teH small heads meet the big heads, once and for all, in a level on Suncho's #2 List ..? Team Pyroglyphic !?

SLW ! .. BTC ! Or as I have been trying to promote; Let's all have an Orbgy in a good Hoard game using a "list #2" map..! .. !

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:49 pm
by Clayman
Yeah, I'd like to see how someone with an {SD} tag would do in a BH level.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:19 pm
by Bet51987
"Someone" with and [SD} tag can't play in competition yet because "someone" broke her mouse and Daddy FIRMLY :( won't buy another one for her, because she broke 3 of them in the last 6 months playing D3, and he got a little "disturbed" :x when he wanted to check his stocks. It was an expensive one too. "She" tends to bang them on the table when "she" gets killed too many times from BIGHEADS, and the light on the bottom has clear scotch tape holding it in.
Hopefully, in another day or two, her male friend from school is going to let her have one. I hope it's a good one.
If not, "she" will have to sit on Daddys lap and look sad. :wink: That usually works even though it hasn't the last two times. I hope "she" gets her way.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:03 pm
by Clayman
Bet, there's no need to be too disturbed by all this. Trust me, all the BH's are falling out of their chairs laughing at this thread, they're not mad. Just laugh back at them. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:23 pm
by Bet51987
I know....I can have fun too. :)

I have many posts that show that I've been calling out INGUS the KING of the BIGHEADS, to fight me, but he won't come out. Someone says he only comes out on Halloween.
So, I'm not calling the chicken anymore, but I'll leave him with this......



Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:33 pm
by Zero!
Spaceboy wrote:lol i think i know how you grouped them... if i new knew how to do that ---- (line) through words id do it.

List 1: All the levels are all tunnels... They need open area and tunnels
list 2: - The levels like elysium are also tunnels-like... mabye a level something like "big room", but without all the crappy missiles?

ingus is gonna be using vauss alot, bet probly lasers and homings... then mabye throw in 1 or 2 other things.

Bigroom would need Some tunnels tho...
I remember this old level, it had about 15 platform looking things sticking up on the ground. There were 2 sniping areas, with 3 enterences to the tunnels. 2 of the enterances were energy centers, and the 3rd was in the middle, under a big ol' platform. If it helps to remember, when theres a ton of people in the level, you could throw napalm at the ceiling and have a 90% chance of hitting someone.
If i read the name I'd remember... but that would be a good level.

Better yet, theres 2 levels that are set for duel. that would be the best right there. each level set for duel has like 7 different rooms, they can pick their favorite ones... its pretty neat.

Bet and Ingus= depending on the level
Bet and Lothar= 50% 50%
i love how spaceboy thinks he knows everything :)
Spaceboy wrote:Bet and Ingus= depending on the level
Bet and Lothar= 50% 50%
Ingus and Bet =ingus any level
Ingus and lother = ingus any level(no offence lothar ;p )

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 9:32 pm
by Clayman
Hmm, are the Dancerites on the march? This one wasn't too bad in BI3, assuming they're actually a Dancerite.

Code: Select all

1)     {SDK}Bird                    50[50]      50[50]      27[27]     0[0]    24:58 minutes 
5)     *subway dancer               38[55]      39[56]      28[38]     1[1]    36:52 minutes 

19) *subway dancer
Total Time In Game: 36:52 minutes
Callsign:                     Kills:    Deaths:
[NuB]iten                     2         0 
Tire                          5         3 
{rox}wyno_aht                 16        8 
[MS]Capm-                     5         1 
{SDK}Bird                     9         13 
Yafkizze                      2         1 
ShootMeIfYourGay              0         2 
20) {SDK}Bird
Total Time In Game: 24:58 minutes
Callsign:                     Kills:    Deaths:
subway dancer                 13        9 
[NuB]iten                     3         0 
Tire                          3         1 
[MS]Capm-                     11        7 
{rox}wyno_aht                 16        8 
ShootMeIfYourGay              2         2 
Yafkizze                      1         0 
twolvesfan                    1         0