OK, I read the first 4 pages - and the rest must be full of the same garbage.
Meathead, you've suffered a fate (sadly) which befalls many people on this Earth: indoctrination, and lack of education.
Forget evolution - no one's going to convince you it exists. Instead, lets look at the things which are EASY to prove, and which show the "Young Earth" to be nothing more than a self-serving lie used by Creationists to further their God-less Dogma.
Take any and every "young earth" "fact" you know, and take it to Google. You will find, for every stupid claim, there is a logical, reasonable and heavy referenced response which demolishes ANY and ALL claims the Earth is younger than 4.5 billion years (or so).
Once you have convinced yourself the Earth is IN FACT as old as science says it is, then we can begin to examine two more areas of your thinking.
1) "Lack" of evidence for Evolution
2) Creation "Science".
Let's address No.1 first. Given that the Earth is billions of years old, where did life come from? Some will say it evolved on Earth independently, others will say it came from space (
Panspermia) and currently, I am learning towards panspermia myself.
If Panspermia is true, then in a galaxy, life only ever has to evolve from nothing ONCE. Given 100 billion suns in our galaxy alone, and 20 Billion or so in the "Blue Zone" - and 5-10 Billion Years in which to bombard chemistry with radiation - it doesn't seem like a stretch to believe that life can begin somewhere - sometime.
There's a major flaw in your arguments against life evolving and evolution (in general) too.
You ignore the fact that the precursors of life where nothing but chemicals which happened to be able to make clones of themselves when exposed to a mixture of raw materials.
We'd say, in 2004, that these were "self assembling", due to the fact that nothing intelligent has to happen in order for them to duplicate, and no outside influence is required for it to work. It's simply a property of the chemicals involved. We wouldn't classify it as "life" simply because there's nothing in it that we recognise as life.
These chemicals would have brainlessly followed chemistry creating more and more similar products, and in the course of this activity, some more chemicals get added or chucked out, depending on the nature of the chemicals in volved. naturally, chemicals which break the self-assembling nature of this system don't proliferate.
Thus, we've established a self-assembling chemical of very simple construction, made with nothing except Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen. A great combination because the vast quantities of these elements and their "organic" relatives.
The combinations and Permutations of C, H and O molecules is almost infinite. (Download and run FOLDING@HOME to see what I mean)
Add reactive chemicals (Products of Suns and Super Novae), energy (output from living suns), a benign environment (liquid water), billions of years I(Age of Universe), and Billions of Quadrillions of locations (planets in the universe) and you come up with life. It is INEVITABLE Mr. Meathead.
This is the
You say the Universe is incredibly unlikely to have the properties it has. I say, if the universe were any other way - we wouldn't be here to say so! The universe is a benign place exactly because we exist within it. There are many implications of the Anthropic Principle - but the biggest is that we accept unlikely things in our universe without qualm, because if they were otherwise, life could not exist within it.
Now, we have established, using our thought experiment, that chemistry and time is all that's required to produce self assembling molelcular chains - some of them quite complex.
Now, is it such a stretch to add a cell membrane (essentially a soap bubble) which allows the chemicals to self replicate faster and more efficiently than others? From here, the extrapolation of life conquering the universe is a short one. That's assuming Panspermia is true, of course.
If Panspermia is untrue (and it seems unlikely to me) then the process is simply lengthened and has to occur over a longer period. But it still only has to happen ONCE to explain us.
One of my major reasons for believing in Panspermia is because without it, the universe, as we expand to fill it, will turn out to be a very dead and boring place for us to explore.
There's lots of indirect evidence to support Panspermia though - like the fact that bacteria coughed into a TV camera in 1963('65?) and which spent 6 years on the surface of the moon began to reproduce again immediately after being introduced into Earth's atmosphere again. (Apollo 15 IIRC).
Meteorites landing on Earth are often covered in a layer of ixe when they are discovered hours after landing. HOW IS THAT I hear you ask? Well, they hit the atmosphere at 40,000-70,000 km/h and are at a single temperature all the way through: about 2 degrees above absolute zero. They melt on the outside on the way through (Up to 10 seconds of heating in the atmosphere) but they stay frozen on the inside. This proved frozen bacteria, or even just the self-replicating molecules, can ride on mmeteorites and survive.
We know from experience that many Martian meteorites exist on Earth. So we know stuff can travel from one planet to another... thus Panspermia.
Now, we get to the interesting part: Evolution.
Is it true? Most likely. But remember, this is the THEORY of evolution - not the law. And like every scientific theory, it is open to debate (And don't think for a second that scientists arguing about evolution means it doesn't exist! They are arguing about the PROCESS of evolution - not it's existence!)
Can it ever be a LAW of evolution? NO. Not in the universe we live in - because we can't actually travel back in time in this universe.
However, it can eventually turn into a VERY solid theory. One which explains all observed phenomena. In no way can Creation explain all observed phenomena - and in no way can it do what good theories do: given certain initial conditions; predict the future accurately.
Creation "science" is a nonsense. Go to
http://www.sciam.com or see Scientific American June 2002 "15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense; July 2002; by John Rennie; 8 pages"
Now, let me address a couple of minor points:
Complexity & Thermodynamics. You argue against life because it is too complex and it violates thermodynamics.
Well, Fractals are ultra-ultra complex, and yet they are generated from EXTREMELY simple math. Are you saying fractals can't exist?
The human genome didn't magically appear from nowhere - a common mistake of creationists. DNA has spent billions of years evolving from very simple stuff indeed. Once it was very simple too. And if you look at DNA now - it is STILL very simple - but it's actions and abilities are far and beyond what complexity it has. Like Fractals.
Now you say that DNA has too much information - and ask where did it GET the information. Well, I answer that DNA doesn't CARRY information, it *IS* information. It can't exist without it. It's pure information, and it's passed along during mitosis and recombined in Mieosis (You are a mutant born of your parents!).
How did it get so complex? Well, there's no apparent limiting factor to how much data it can carry - excepting the physical size of the strands, and how it would be prone to extreme damage if it got too long.
The size it is now, is optimal no doubt. DNA strands longer than ours have undoubtedly been made, and used by life, but because we see none now, it's safe to assume ours is better. Ours is long enough to contain thousands of backups for every section, and this number of backups, apparently, is enough.
By the way. Evolution has NEVER said, we are descended from monkeys or apes. They are our brothers - and we have a COMMON ANCESTOR some 5-12 million years ago. That is all. You are no more monkey than you are fish. (And yet, when you grow inside a mother's womb, you display scales AND gills during the early stages. Oh, and a tail too

Thermodynamics are NEVER violated by evolution NOR DNA. You don't understand the Physics - so it's pointless to explain that THE EARTH IS NOT A CLOSED SYSTEM. And as to entropy - you clearly do not understand the nature of the beast. Read Up!
Getting directly down to Evolution proper:
ANSWER: Well, if you cut it in half, it makes a tasty treat!
The evultion of eyes is the most well understood organ in nature (And yet creationists insist on using the argument still! Almost as bad as using coal, or luna dust as an "reason" for a young earth - LOL!)
Quite simply, half an eye is worth nothing. But eyes don;t develop like that. Imagine this: an earthworm with an eye! Pretty stupid though huh? Well, it's silly - and earhworm with an eye!
Now imagine this: half a billion years ago, an earth worm (Arthropod) is "born" (Worms probably not a perfect choice because the reproduce asexually as well as sexually) which has an unusual photo-receptive chemical embedded in the skin cells of its back.
Now, imagine that the photoreactive chemical decays in light, and produces a chemical which causes the nerves around teh cell to fire. Imagine to the earthworm, that this nerve impulse is painful.
Now, this earthworm will avoid daylight, at all costs and thus be less inclined to be eaten, or dried out. And, as soon as it detects the pain, it'll dig to get away!
That's probably how eye's developed - or a process similar.
Animals around the world have an amazing array of light sensing technology - all of them benefit the creature, and at no stage was the development of an eye a disadvantage to them.
"Animals after their kind" is indeed true. (Although some interesting animals can be created: Liger, Donkey, short necked giraffe etc. - by breeding animals articially.) and higher animals don't mate with what appears to be a mutant. But remember - many animals mate indescriminantly, and constantly!
Bad mutations don't survive (Well, unless you're human, because for us, evolution has stopped - and is going backwards now) and good ones thrive. Eveolution in action.
Here's where I introduce the theory (observation) of
"PUNCTUATED EQUILIBRIUM" as regards evolution.
I think I've given you more than enough information to research, and stuff to read for you never to question the FACT of evolution again. From now on, your only concern is how evolution works now, and worked in the past, and what effect it's having now.
Oh, and one last thing: yes, humans have stopped evolving as far as evolution is concerned. We are still changing - YES - but it's not evolution any more. More accurately, it is now DE-EVOLUTION, because evolution is the action of mutation IN CONJUNCTION WITH the process of evolution, which is, NATURAL SELECTION.
We have, as a species, virtually done away with natural selection. We select the individuals who will survive, and hence, evolution is not improving us any more - but mutation is harming us quite badly (or will do in the future).
This doesn't mean to say we're doomed though - because in the short term we will select our own genes, and in the long term, we'll completely abandon biology as it's ultimately, a limiting factor in the continued AND HUMAN-GUIDED evolution of man.