Upon initial testing, and some time to think about it, here are my first reflections on the new robots:

This is a fairly decent robot that shoots a flurry of concussion missiles your way. Its aim is fairly bad, so you can probably dodge and weave around them, but in close quarters, the splash damage make this guy dangerous. Problem for you? I know about this and make sure he takes full advantage of close quarters.

Annoying little robot that fires light vulcan and a concussion missile your way. He's very fast and quick on the draw, think IT Droid and you get the idea. Thankfully a simple shot or two will deplete his minimal shields in no time.

Very deadly robot where his primary phoenix cannon will distract you from the real threat, that smart missile he just fired at a wall behind you, and the homing plasma is now headed to your backside! Always keep track of where that smart missile went as you're weaving through his phoenix fire!

The robots that almost always spawn from a Bolas, in groups they are pesky and annoying; when found single, they aren't that bad. They have slower phoenix fire than their main unit, but that doesn't mean you should ignore them. Unfortunate that Bolas are usually placed near other robots to distract you so these Sappers can overwhelm you once the Bolas is defeated and you're focusing on other robots.

A VERY (and I mean VERY) tiny robot that is very hard to see and is just as annoying. It tends to zip around your ship trying to fire on you while you're trying to figure out just where the heck it went! Small, pesky, annoying.

A very deadly robot that drains your energy faster than a normal E-bandit would. That and coupled with its energy pulse when attacked by energy weapons and its lighting quick speed and dodging tactics make this one robot to take out quickly. Beware on harder skill levels where they are even faster than the Mantid.

A fairly dangerous robot with a 'quick-on-the-draw' helix cannon. It usually pairs itself up with more powerful robots and tends to bum rush you while assaulting you with multitudes of helix fire. It spins on a dime and fires without hestitation, a very dangerous robot.

Do NOT get near this thing; try to attack it without attracting its attention first. It has PLAYER (not robot) smart missiles. Think Boss 1 from level 7 of Descent 1 and you get the idea of his weaponry. He can fire as many as 4-5 on higher skill levels at any one time. This is one robot that can kill you in a few seconds flat. Flash missile it and kill it.

A very deadly robot early on when you don't have many attack options. Its phase energy release is deadly in early levels, but once you have more powerful weaponry, this robot ceases to be that much of a problem.

An awkward robot that rarely poses any challenge at all throughout most of the mission. However it has the unique ability to stay in the background while you focus on other robots and it tries to drain your shields with its level 6 lasers. But that's not the only threat this robot poses, it has a sneaky energy pulse and spawns....

The juju will normally spawn 3-4 of these nasty robots. Think Green Hornet from the final few levels of the D2 Counterstrike mission and you get an idea of the tenacity and bothersome nature these robots pose. They are quick, fast, love to dodge incoming fire and attack without mercy with level 4 lasers. Sometime it is better to let sleeping Jujus lie. heh.

Probably THE single most deadly non-boss robot in the entire mission. With a homing flash missile and infinite homing omega cannon fire, this robot can deplete your shields and make you helpless like no other robot can. You don't even want to have the robot 'think' you're in the area when you go to attack it. Its best to destroy them before they even know you are there, they are THAT deadly.

For such a small robot, he packs a wild punch with rapid fire homing missiles. On higher skill levels, he has been known to bum rush you with a flurry of homing missiles in your face. On the bright side, he has weak shielding and can be taken down with minimal firepower.

A very standard robot in terms of difficulty. His primary is plasma cannon and secondary is mercury missile. But he's usually found in the vicinity of much stronger, more deadly robots, making him a secondary target. A role he loves to play and catch you off guard.

The robot that makes Diamond Claws obsolete. It has a top speed of 120 in game on the highest skill level and will definitely push your ship around, literally. I've once entered a room and got blindsided by a Mantid and I'm already clear across the room, he pushed me that bad. These guys are dangerous!

A fairly docile robot. It tends to stay in one place and let its spreadfire do the talking. In the early levels, this robot can be tricky to fight because of its energy pulse and your lack of vulcan/gauss ammo. But in the later stages of the mission, it only serves to become a nuisance rather than a threat.
Morning Star

These usually spawn Anglers, so that increases their threat level. Their weaponry, light vulcan and a flash missile, isn't anything to write home about, but the fact they can add 'more' robots rather than less upon destruction, push them to the back priority when you're in a room with more dangerous robots. Just don't forget to mop them up when you're done with the rest.

A robot not often seen in the mission, but it still can hold its own. With fast rapid-fire phoenix cannon, this is a very dangerous robot. It has weak shielding and I know this. So it usually pairs itself up in the vicinity of stronger, more deadlier robots, so that it can fire from the background without fear, since you're probably more concentrated on the stronger bots.

Basically the Omega robot with an energy pulse, forcing you to use precious Vulcan/Guass ammo to destroy it for lack of wanting to dodge pulse charges. Other than that, its a pretty basic kamikaze robot. Tends to be forgotten when in the middle of a big firefight, don't let that happen to you. That's a bad day.

The superior replacement model to the Class 1 Driller from Descent 1. He is just as deadly if not worse. He has a smaller frame to hit and his self-awareness is insanely acute. His hestiation to fire upon seeing you is about nilch, and he can deplete over half your energy in a few seconds with his vulcan cannon. Fire from afar with homing weaponry and eliminate him before he becomes too much a threat.

The worst thief you can ever encounter in the mines. He is much faster than a normal thief, has a bit more health, and has a wicked energy pulse when hit with energy based weapons. Think the thief couldn't get any worse? Think again.

These guys are as bad as the Sniper NGs of the Vertigo missions. Upon sight, they will fire almost instantaneous guass shots to pummel your ship. They are also quite adept at dodging a lot of your shots, either via their small frame or simply their speed. This puts them on my annoyance list. Bright side? Weak shielding, so it doesn't take a lot to bring them down.

Not seen often, but they make their presence known whenever they are seen. With fusion cannon as primary and a mega missile as secondary, you can tell this robot is out to kill you. Its best to fight him in wide open spaces to better dodge his fire, but again, I know about this blessing and so I've put a few where you can't do that. Good luck! Hehehe.....
Now for the bosses, I won't spoil everything, so here is a sneak peek:
Boss 1: Raptor

Weaponry: Guass Cannon/Homing Missile
Not terribly dangerous, but if you find the secret cloaks and invuls, he is easy as pie. Only problem is the mass amount of echoes in his arena.
Boss 2: Ghast

Weaponry: Fast Phoenix Cannon/PLAYER Mercury Missile
He's slightly harder than the first boss of the set; and his PLAYER mercury missile secondary make him downright dangerous. Trying to dodge a insanely fast weapon while focusing on his flurry of Phoenix fire will definitely put your skills to the test.
Boss 3: Chimera

Weaponry: PLAYER Smart Missile/Homing Missile
Just as deadly as boss 1 from Descent 1. Thankfully, he has a much bigger arena to duke it out in. unfortunately, that arena is filled with robot makers. Its not going to be an easy battle.
Boss 4: Sagittaire

Weaponry: Omega Cannon/Mega Missile
With the type of small arena you find this boss in + robot makers + his weapon loadout + only damageable by vulcan/guass, you are probably going to be hurting. This is one boss that I wouldn't mind utilizing those megas and earthshakers I've collected, you can always find more.
Boss 5: Senbonzakura

Weaponry: Mega Missile/Homing Flash Missile
I'll say it: his weak point is on his back. Now good luck trying to get to it. Kalkis are stationed and spawned to protect this boss. If you can successfully eliminate his entourage and take him one-on-one, you might have a chance.
Boss 6: Hangman

Weaponry: Fusion Cannon/Earthshaker Missile
Small arena, tough robot guardians, and has earthshaker missile to boot. This is not a battle easily won. That and he probably has the most health of any boss you've probably faced in any Descent campaign, both official and user made. Good luck Descenters!
Wolfie out!