Feature Requests (using v1.6.6 on Windows 2000):
1.) Cloaking Device doesn´t work with Hi-Res-Pyro-Model
(the dark / translucent appearance should override custom textures - that´s why I´m posting this as feature request instead of posting at bugs...)
2.) dialogue-behaviour:
some dialogue-windows react to pressing ESC by returning not by 1 hierarchy-level but by more!
(e.g. some multiplayer-sub-sub-dialogues which leave to multiplayer-main-dialogue instead of just returning to the previous menu)
especially the play-video-menu exits to main menu after playing a movie
3.) Support xx savegames instead of the 10 possible now
(perhaps naming them .s00 to .sFF instead of .sg0 to .sg9)
I´d really like to have a non-cheated-savegame of any level at hand at any time
4.) support for more than 8 players
(so even breaking the limit of the originals!)
5.) Descent I Menu (for those misusing D2XXL as D1XXL
meaning: titlescreen, menu-colors, menu-background, menu-music
This wouldn´t bring back the total-D1-experience but us D1ers would feel more at hime with it
And this option (perhaps controlled by the missions-selection) would be much easier to be implemented than two completely separated DX-XLs (as suggested earlier)
6.) possibility to turn on the in-game-automap-feature for multiplayer *without* enabling \"show all players on automap\"
(please read notes below)
7.) small previews of advanced graphic-settings, e.g. lightmap-scale or reticle-setting
(perhaps just by showing different small screenshots)
8.) resolution-, overall-graphics- and gameplay-settings independent from player-profile, so every new player can instantly play without running through all the menus again.
(or perhaps, even better: \"clone-player\"-button in pilot-menu?)
9.) \"favourites\" for server-adresses
10.) enable more cockpit-window-options:
different sized windows (e.g. automap bigger than rear-window)
more than 2 cockpit-windows (e.g. automap, rear, AND weapon
perhaps free positioning / sizing of cockpit-windows?
(do you know \"Need for Speed Porsche\" where you can drag and drop the different HUD-items in the options-menu?)
11.) \"Freelook\" on in-game-automap (zoom in/out, move, bank/pitch/roll), perhaps via in-game-toggle-key (e.g. middle-mouse)
12.) could you please give a detailed listing of the D2-files *needed* to run Descent I with D2XXL from a seperate D1-only folder
(you certainly do not need the D2-Intro-movie in there...)
13.) show game-window AND automap-screen simultaneously - on 2 screens!
(would be absolutely killing for those lucky ones having 2 monitors - and challenging to code, too
14.) simultaneously use gauges *and* numerical status for shields, energy and AB
(so one can see his status with a glance *and* check the exact value if he wants to)
15.) option to get some of the beyond-D1-features for the D1-SP-missions, too
like: missile-view, inventory-items like headlights or AB (pre-installed since they are no objects to be found in D1)
16.) option to get full-map in D1
I know, I know that will be called cheating but I think we all here prooved to be able to beat D1 years ago.
Now I´d like to know if i have found *all* secret areas
The cheat isn´t the same because it doesn´t colour non-explored areas differently.
Please read this before flaming me for not having read the posts so far
You already stated that there are way too few people playing online to have advanced mutliplayer-features (like my 8+ players-request) on high prio.
Me and some friend do our private LAN-parties from time to time - with 12-16 people.
So what about your local LAN-game with 8+ people?
I know there were already requests for the in-game-automap-without-having-show-all-players-option-turned-on-feature, and you commented on it that most (if not all) MP-levels are way too basic to get players lost.
Again, most of aforementioned friends are totally ignorant towards Descent I & II (oh, yes they like 3D-FPS - but just with games like Q3A which aren´t really 3D if you ask any Descenter
So I´d like to do missionary work on them - and the in-game-automap feature would *greatly* lower the orientation-hurdle for beginners - while the show-players-option completely spoils the hide-and-seek-fun...
So what about those newbies out there?
Keep up the brilliant work!!
P.S.: some request were made before and I repeated them on purpose to get the \"at least 2 people requesting it\"-rule applying, you mentioned some other time
P.P.S.: Could someone *please*, *please*, *please* collect the *made\", *rejected*, *already put on Todo-list* and *done* feature-requests in one list (perhaps sticky at the top of this thread)?
I had to read 8 pages of thread before posting this just in order to not to bore everyone...