<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by Tyranny:
Truth be told, Will was right, under legalized prostitution in Nevada you're much more likely to get an STD from an illegal whore in another state then you are from them.
Topher, you keep defending your point of view with the assumption that if it became legal you would be at an immediate risk of contracting an STD. If it were legal everywhere it would be no more a danger to you now then it was when it was illegal.
If that were the case then there would be no point to legalizing it! I would hope the point of legalizing it would be to make it safer (like legalizing abortion).
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3"><b>
I don't know of too many people that would just willingly go out and sell their bodies for money as a living but *shrug*, there are some adventurous people out there.
If that were the case then this argument would be a moot point.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3"><b>
There is a cure for HIV and Magic Johnson has it, I know it!
No, Magic Johnson may have no sign of the virus in his system, but if he were to go off the medication it would come back. Now is he still able to transmit the disease? I don't know.
More likely than not we will get a vaccine first, vaccinate everyone that doesn't have it and the virus will go away as the infected either die or cannot pass it on anymore.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3"><b>
Woodchip had a point too, why let the gay community in the US, the community most afflicted with HIV and AIDS be able to continue their sexual exploits legally, but straight women can't sell their goods for cash

oh right.....it's an issue of love

anyone ever watched atleast one episode of "Queer as Folk"? If that is the gay male lifestyle then those people hump everything that moves of the same gender

For free or for cash

You tell me, I don't know. I'm not about to stereotype who is more at risk for getting HIV. It is easier for a man to give it to someone else, that doesn't mean the "gay community" is the sole people to blame.
Let me shift this debate a bit, I'm question the logistics of the whole situation. So prostitution is legalized, how do we ensure that everyone is disease free?
The problem, I think, is in the testing. It takes 6 months after exposure to HIV to test positive for it. There are newer tests that may be able to detect it earlier, but it still isn't a "I had sex last night, now test me." You can't even determine pregnancy that fast.
Assumeing that all legal prostitutes are clean, how do you ensure that a customer is clean? You could wait six months and test him, but how do you know he will obstain from sex during that time? (Or isn't lying when he says he hasn't had sex for 6 months?). Then, after a prostitute is "used", how do you routinely test her? So she gets HIV at one point, then you have up to 6 months worth of customers that could have gotten it. That's where the whole catalyst thing comes in, the hub has the disease, meaning that everyone that's used it could have it.
And what about other diseases? Herpes is much more contageous than HIV (though it won't kill you, only babies). I don't know how early you can test for that, but a condom won't completely protect against it.
I don't know too much about hepatitus, but my guess is it's about as contageous as HIV.
Other diseases like GC/Clamydia/Syphillus are curable so there's no need to argue those.
So argue logistics with me, how can you solve the "6 month waiting period" problem?
And yes I
would want to know someone's sexual history first, I'd even make them get tested.