Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 7:33 am
The Descent Bulletin Board
But it would be nice to at least acknowledge the bugs and let us know whether you plan to fix them or not.Diedel wrote:You can talk to me like that when you're my boss and pay my salary.
I have a life besides D2X-XL.
Is this a bug report, or did you just find it funny?Tim wrote:wildfire on: "Kill the Player!"
silkwing on: "I feel dialated"
silkwing off: "Rabid Robots"
Didn't check the rest but it was pretty funny.
Ummm ... what?Tim wrote:Also, when the extra movies are installed, I select Counterstrike and the intro with the captions but the other one (the ship flying into the planet) starts playing the intro captions too.
Couldn't observe that.Tim wrote:And whats with the demos? EACH frame takes a bit LONGER than the frame BEFORE.
I have the extra ps movies installed. I start D2x-xl and see the interplay and parallax movies. I hit new game, counterstrike. I starts the D2 intro movie and the captions start up saying "[COMPUTER1]: "VALHALLA TOWER TO HAWKEYE 3, REPORT PLEASE..." which is normal. But I hit enter to skip the movie so it starts playing the one where I see my ship fly into the planet. During THAT movie the captions repeat saying "[COMPUTER1]: "VALHALLA TOWER TO HAWKEYE 3, REPORT PLEASE..." again.Diedel wrote:Ummm ... what?Tim wrote:Also, when the extra movies are installed, I select Counterstrike and the intro with the captions but the other one (the ship flying into the planet) starts playing the intro captions too.
Diedel wrote:Couldn't observe that.Tim wrote: And whats with the demos? EACH frame takes a bit LONGER than the frame BEFORE.
Code: Select all
-render_quality 3
-gl_alttexmerge 0
;-nomovies 1
-gl_reticle 0
-pps 10
-player AusRED5
-render2texture 1
-menustyle 1
-fastmenus 1
-sdl_mixer 0
-mathformat 2
-use_d1sounds 0
-altbg_name menubg.tga
-altbg_brightness 0.75
-altbg_alpha -1.0
-altbg_grayscale 0
-hires_textures 1
-hires_models 1
A lot of smoke definitely slows things down.Tim wrote:Now the demos work fine. Must have been that smoke thing that you changed.
I probably shouldn't code after 1 at night.Tim wrote:The wildfire messages are mixed up and pressing up on "toggle icons" still goes left. I also noted that pressing down on it goes up one instead of wrapping.
Not for me.Tim wrote:But why are the lasers exploding with their inverted colors?
Hm. Will check that.Tim wrote:Edit: Just remembered another one, entropy (possibly all bot-less multiplayer games), seems to remove cambots, which are a big part of my level.
Just checked. 50, 45, 40 for the first three... haven't checked the last two but one can guess.D3Phoenix wrote:--D1 levels seem to use the D2 reactor escape timings. i.e. -- 90 seconds on trainee, 75 on rookie, 60 on hotshot, etc. D1 timings should be 60 seconds, 50 seconds, 40 seconds (approx, I think, I don't have the original D1 installed to check - can someone verify this? I distinctly remember having much less than 60 seconds on hotshot.
Right click, view source, scroll to bottom.D2X-XL Version History wrote:"v1.6.74",
"Fixed: pressing up from 'Toggle Icons' in the keyboard configuration menu still goes left and more stuff like that",
"Fixed: Cambots got removed from levels in multiplayer games, leading to game crashes",
"Fixed: Screen messages for rapid fire cheat ('wildfire') swapped",
"New: Added support for animated smoke particles (required format: 32 bit TGA w/ alpha channel, 64x64 pixels per frame)"
What?Tim wrote:Right click, view source, scroll to bottom.
Code: Select all
-render_quality 3
-gl_alttexmerge 0
;-nomovies 1
-gl_reticle 0
-pps 10
-player AusRED5
-render2texture 1
-menustyle 1
-fastmenus 1
-sdl_mixer 0
-mathformat 2
-use_d1sounds 0
-altbg_name menubg.tga
-altbg_brightness 0.75
-altbg_alpha -1.0
-altbg_grayscale 0
-hires_textures 1
-hires_models 1
Minerva 3Diedel wrote:What level is that?
Ok.. do the following.Diedel wrote:Can't reproduce render problem, but can reproduce.......
One of the great, unanswered questions of mankind ...
Weird, weird.