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Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 2:44 pm
by Duper
DCrazy wrote:Duper, I am still confused as to why you didn't just apt-get install nvidia-glx. You don't need to download the driver soure, compile a kernel module, or anything else. Just run from Konsole: "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx; sudo nvidia-xconfig; sudo nvidia-glx-config enable". Done.
Elementary my dear Watson! I'm Clueless!:) ...that and the nvidia instructions weren't that simple. As a beginner, thier instructions are not exactly self-explanitory. That is to say, you need to know something to know more....which I do not, but want to. Unfortunately, my job is all numbers and paper work and when I get home, the stuff I try to read up on the subject starts swimming across the screen.
I talked to one of the guys here at work and told me nearly the same thing about logging in as a "superuser" which is what "su" stands for. He also said that Ubuntu is kinda su accountless.
Also, I'm to take it that "Konsole" is the as "terminal"?
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:41 pm
by DCrazy
Sorry if I sounded dismissive; I had assumed you were using Method 1 from
this official HOWTO. I'll explain exactly what I've been talking about.
All Unix-like operating systems have the concept of a Superuser, which is normally called \"root\". It is identical to the SYSTEM account in Windows; it can do anything it wants to anything on the system, regardless of permissions. For example, only root can write directly to video memory, and root can read, write, create, and delete files no matter who owns them and/or their permissions.
\"su\" stands for switch user. It allows you to change what's known as your effective UID -- the process you launch functions under the user you choose. You must provide the password for the user you wish to become, if a password is set. Running \"su\" without an argument means \"switch to root (UID 0) and run a shell\"; there are a number of arguments that can change exactly what su does (the most common being a different UID or username to switch to). root can su to any other user without providing a password.
Ubuntu locks (disables) the root account by making its password un-enterable. Passwords, like all user account information, are stored in encrypted form in /etc/passwd. By making the encrypted password \"x\", no password you can enter can possibly match it. Thus, you can't su to the root account, but it still exists and can be used (for example, C programs can call setuid(0) to try to become root).
So then how do you do root-only stuff, like starting/stopping daemons or editing certain configuration files? Ubuntu comes with sudo, which means what it says \"switch user and do\". It's a beefed-up version of su, allowing you to become root without having to provide the root password, just your own. It works by maintaining a list of users who are allowed to become root in /etc/sudoers, and if a user in that list runs sudo, prompts them for their password. Providing the correct password lets the user become root and do whatever they told sudo to do. \"sudo kate\", for example, will prompt for your password and then launch the Kate text editor as root, letting you edit any file on the system.
This is a better practice than sitting at a root terminal. I can't count the times I've done stupid things, forgetting I had run su, and hosed parts of or all of my system. sudo reminds you you're about to do root stuff by prompting you for your password, and doesn't leave you in a state where you can continue doing potentially dangerous stuff. But it does get tedious if you need to run a lot of commands as root, so \"sudo -s\" does essentially what su does -- drop you at a root shell -- but, again, using your own password instead of root's.
Anyway, \"apt-get\" is the Debian package manager (*buntu is a Debian derivative). \"apt-get install x\" will download and install package x. The Ubuntu peeps are nice enough to provide a stable NVIDIA driver package called nvidia-glx in the repository. So \"apt-get install nvidia-glx\" will install that package. You have to be root to install software, so that's why the full command is \"sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx\". An alternative is to use Synaptic (or its KDE equivalent, which I think is called Kynaptic) to find and install the nvidia-glx package. The package includes a bunch of commands beginning with nvidia-, the three most important being nvidia-xconfig (which, when run as root, updates your /etc/xorg.conf file to use the NVIDIA driver), nvidida-glx-config (which, when run as root, enables or disables GLX, an extension which makes it possible to use OpenGL inside an X session, based on a command line argument), and nvidia-settings (the Linux version of the NVIDIA control panel applet).
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:53 pm
by Jeff250
IIRC, Kubuntu ships with the \"adept\" package manager for the GUI frontend to apt.
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:07 pm
by Duper
DCrazy wrote:Just run from Konsole: "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx; sudo nvidia-xconfig; sudo nvidia-glx-config enable". Done.
You weren't being dismissive. And I was being totally tongue-in-cheek... I was posting from work on break (as usual) and was in a hurry. (I forgot the smiley face ) kinda hard to put inflection into text.
And your point of view is easy enough to understand. I run into the same thing when I'm talking about computers to folks who have no clue what even a HD or an LOL is. You just kinda forget that even simple stuff isn't in-born knowledge.
At anyrate. I CAN NOT thank you enough for that lengthy description...that was a lot of work. The light came on! THANK YOU!
Going back to the quote above, I did do just that. I didn't realize that those were modules/scripts that came with Ubuntu. (very cool of them) I had one hangup. The last script gave me an error:
Error: your X configuration has been altered.
This script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this
not correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following
md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum
otherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section
from nv to nvidia.
I assume this means I'll need to go in and make the changes in the config file manually as described on the Nvidia site or the link on Kernel compilation?
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:37 pm
by DCrazy
No, just follow its instructions. You can either run \"md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum\" and then do \"nvidia-glx-configure enable\" again, or just find the line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf that goes Driver \"nv\" (or Driver \"vesa\") and change it to Driver \"nvidia\". Don't forget to do this as root (you can use \"sudoedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf\"). Once you've saved the file and exited the editor, log out and hit Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to reset the X server. You should see the NVIDIA logo flash and then be greeted with the Login window.
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:22 pm
by d3jake
DCrazy wrote:I have found that GNOME > KDE, for multiple reasons. First among them is that more applications are written for its widget toolkit (GTK+) than for KDE's (Qt) because GTK+ is free software while Qt is proprietary. KDE is also a resource hog. (If you plan on running Linux on an ancient machine -- like a Pentium II -- then look into Xubuntu, which is based on XFCE).
How did he know?
I'm playing with the idea of messing with Linux myself, but that's a diffrent thread...
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:52 pm
by Duper
ok, I fubard the file.
So.. as I don't know the file structure, I can't get to the file to fix it.
I'm wiped. crappy day. Thanks for the help. I'll give it a go tomarrow.
I ran \"md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum\" then \"nvidia-glx-configure enable\"
I get an error window that took me back to 1983 with a little color. : ) It didn't tell me what the error was, only that \"/etc/X11/xorg.conf\" was wrong.
I looked at this file and saw nothing that showed a driver \"nv\". also, my monitor is only going to 1024x758...which is very annoying as I have a 19\" monitor.
I'll try running these things again. see if that fixes things.
Oh hey, is this an basic driver set and not the current ones? Something the Howto link said in the different methods.
ok, that worked. not sure what drivers I'm using though.
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:16 am
by DCrazy
It's not the latest drivers, but it's not \"basic\" drivers. They're the official NVIDIA drivers, but a few revisions back.
We can take care of the resolution after we get the NVIDIA drivers working. For now, I need to know exactly what nvidia-glx-config is yelling about.
Open up /etc/X11/xorg.conf and copy-paste the whole thing here (preferably in a
Code: Select all
block). Let's pick this thing apart.
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:05 am
by Duper
Section \"ServerLayout\"
Identifier \"Default Layout\"
Screen \"Default Screen\" 0 0
InputDevice \"Generic Keyboard\"
InputDevice \"Configured Mouse\"
InputDevice \"stylus\" \"SendCoreEvents\"
InputDevice \"cursor\" \"SendCoreEvents\"
InputDevice \"eraser\" \"SendCoreEvents\"
Section \"Files\"
# path to defoma fonts
FontPath \"/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc\"
FontPath \"/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic\"
FontPath \"/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled\"
FontPath \"/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled\"
FontPath \"/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1\"
FontPath \"/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi\"
FontPath \"/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi\"
FontPath \"/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType\"
Section \"Module\"
Load \"i2c\"
Load \"bitmap\"
Load \"ddc\"
Load \"extmod\"
Load \"freetype\"
Load \"glx\"
Load \"int10\"
Load \"type1\"
Load \"vbe\"
Section \"InputDevice\"
Identifier \"Generic Keyboard\"
Driver \"kbd\"
Option \"CoreKeyboard\"
Option \"XkbRules\" \"xorg\"
Option \"XkbModel\" \"pc104\"
Option \"XkbLayout\" \"us\"
Section \"InputDevice\"
Identifier \"Configured Mouse\"
Driver \"mouse\"
Option \"CorePointer\"
Option \"Device\" \"/dev/input/mice\"
Option \"Protocol\" \"ExplorerPS/2\"
Option \"ZAxisMapping\" \"4 5\"
Option \"Emulate3Buttons\" \"true\"
Section \"InputDevice\"
# /dev/input/event
# for USB
Identifier \"stylus\"
Driver \"wacom\"
Option \"Device\" \"/dev/wacom\" # Change to
Option \"Type\" \"stylus\"
Option \"ForceDevice\" \"ISDV4\" # Tablet PC ONLY
Section \"InputDevice\"
# /dev/input/event
# for USB
Identifier \"eraser\"
Driver \"wacom\"
Option \"Device\" \"/dev/wacom\" # Change to
Option \"Type\" \"eraser\"
Option \"ForceDevice\" \"ISDV4\" # Tablet PC ONLY
Section \"InputDevice\"
# /dev/input/event
# for USB
Identifier \"cursor\"
Driver \"wacom\"
Option \"Device\" \"/dev/wacom\" # Change to
Option \"Type\" \"cursor\"
Option \"ForceDevice\" \"ISDV4\" # Tablet PC ONLY
Section \"Monitor\"
Identifier \"Generic Monitor\"
HorizSync 28.0 - 51.0
VertRefresh 43.0 - 60.0
Option \"DPMS\"
Section \"Device\"
Identifier \"ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]\"
Driver \"nvidia\"
Section \"Screen\"
Identifier \"Default Screen\"
Device \"ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]\"
Monitor \"Generic Monitor\"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection \"Display\"
Depth 1
Modes \"1024x768\" \"832x624\" \"800x600\" \"720x400\" \"640x480\"
SubSection \"Display\"
Depth 4
Modes \"1024x768\" \"832x624\" \"800x600\" \"720x400\" \"640x480\"
SubSection \"Display\"
Depth 8
Modes \"1024x768\" \"832x624\" \"800x600\" \"720x400\" \"640x480\"
SubSection \"Display\"
Depth 15
Modes \"1024x768\" \"832x624\" \"800x600\" \"720x400\" \"640x480\"
SubSection \"Display\"
Depth 16
Modes \"1024x768\" \"832x624\" \"800x600\" \"720x400\" \"640x480\"
SubSection \"Display\"
Depth 24
Modes \"1024x768\" \"832x624\" \"800x600\" \"720x400\" \"640x480\"
There was a log file as well, but I don't remember where it said it was. That's all the error really said. \"you can view this log here.. and something about /etc/X11/xorg.conf .
Like I said.. this had been a somewhat crappy day.... eviction notice/court date, car payment ppl calling, can't afford physical theorpy.. that kinda thing.
at anyrate. There ya go. Something stuck as things are a bit faster now.
uuuhmm.. why is that labled ATI?
curiouser and curiouser....
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:35 am
by DCrazy
Same thing happened to me at first, and I don't know why.
I think the best thing to do might be to blast the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and use nvidia-xconfig to recreate it.
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:45 pm
by Duper
can't blow it away... I \"don't have permission.\"
gah.. get tired of that. I can't move anything out of my own folder or anyother file for that matter.
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:07 am
by The Lion
Remember, only the user \"root\" has full access to the system.
To execute a command as root, put \"sudo \" in front of it.
Earlier post from DCrazy with information about the \"root\" user
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:43 pm
by Duper
I'm talkin about drag and drop.
If i was moving stuff from the terminal, sure. Which is looking like what I'll have to do. ...easier to think when you aren't seeing double.
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:11 pm
by DCrazy
Yep, you'll have to do it from a Terminal. \"sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xorg.conf\". Hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get you to a (real text-based) terminal, log in, and do \"sudo nvidia-xconfig\", then \"sudo nvidia-glx-config enable\", then \"killall -HUP kdm\". Your screen should flicker and get you back to a login window, after showing the NVIDIA logo.
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 6:39 pm
by Jeff250
For gnome, alt+F2, then:
gksudo nautilus
will also give you a root file browser, which will let you do superuser operations. (gksudo gives you a graphical password prompt, and nautilus is the file manager and desktop for gnome).
For kde, you'll want:
kdesu konqueror
except I can't remember if alt+F2 shortcut works to get the run dialog in KDE or if you need a different one. You can also create shortcuts to run these if they don't already exist and name them something like \"Superuser File Manager\". I've found it nifty, but be sure to close the window when you're done so you don't accidentally do something crappy to your system.
For drag and drop, only the recipient window needs to be root, unless for some reason you need to be root to even see the file, which probably won't be the case.
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 4:26 pm
by Duper
Thanks Jeff, that worked.
The reason I want this is I grabbed a linux version of Kali from the guys on Kali and can only save it on a non-linux partition. I want to move it to install it. Also, I need to save media and the like on the back HD.
New Problem: I did as you suggested DCrazy and now th Xserver is failing.
The error report says this:
unable to locate/open config file
etc/X11/XF86Config-4 or /var/lib/x11/XF86Config-4.md5sum
thus I get a basic logon. This is kinda tuff as I'm not yet familiar with the way the tree struture is layed out. I'm trying, but I need a good visual of it.. a googling i will go, a googling i will go....
* * * * * * * * * *
This is ExACTLY what I need.
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 7:40 pm
by DCrazy
Duper, this is when you log in, just like you would at a graphical logon, and run \"sudo nvidia-xconfig\" and then \"sudo nvidia-glx-config enable\". Just think of it as one big Terminal window. The last thing you should do is \"sudo killall -HUP kdm\", and then X should come back.
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 7:55 pm
by Duper
nope. It caves before it gets to the logon. I get a terminal like logon.
I've logged on and tired that and it doesn't work. When I try enabling, it says it can't fine the file. :\\ grrr
ok re-read. and yea, but no. I'll try again.
* * * * * * *
Ok, tried again as said and got this after running \"sudo nvidia-glx-config enable\" :
ERROR: unable to locate/open config file etc/X11/XF86Config-4 or /var/lib/x11/XF86Config-4.md5sum
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:32 am
by DCrazy
You did run nvidia-xconfig first, right?
Also, try doing \"sudo touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf\", and then \"sudo nvidia-xconfig\" followed by \"nvidia-glx-config enable\". nvidia-glx-config might have gotten confused, and not realized Ubuntu runs Xorg, not XF86.
This is why Linux is not ready for the desktop.
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:46 am
by Duper
will do. ^_^
Ok.. I got this again:
md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum
it also said or to enter Nvidia in place of \"nv\".
The only problem is that I can't open etc/X11/xorg.conf from a command prompt. (yeah, I know it's \"xorg.conf\" that I would be entering.)
um.. is it reinstall time?
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:40 pm
by DCrazy
No, you shouldn't need to reinstall.
What does it tell you when you try to do \"sudoedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf\"? Are you remembering the / before etc? Are you trying to use \"sudo kate\" instead of \"sudoedit\" (Kate is a graphical program, sudoedit will use the text-based nano by default)?
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:49 pm
by Duper
change nv to nvidia
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 4:51 pm
by DCrazy
Does it also tell you to do the md5sum thing? Cause if it does, do it. If not, then run \"sudoedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf\" and replace nv with nvidia.
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:27 pm
by Duper
It did and I did and it didnt.
So, I'll try the latter of what you suggested.
seriously though. I tried the md5sum thing and it circled back on itself as I described earlier.
sudoedit. .. ok. When I get home, I'll give that a whirl.
Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:05 pm
by Duper
Ok, here's the rub. The xconfig file is mepty.
reloading the patch doesn't help. the patcher says it's up to date. delete the file and rerun?
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:47 pm
by DCrazy
Alright, try running \"sudo apt-get --reinstall install xserver-xorg\". If that doesn't rebuild your xorg.conf, run \"sudo Xorg -configure\". That should generate a working one.
Then we can start over.
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:35 pm
by Duper
OK, I ran \"sudo apt-get --reinstall install xserver-xorg\" again and then was able to run the config command. ... unfortunately, I got this:
[EE]Failed to initialize GLX extentions (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) error opening security policy file /stc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy
[EE]xf860 OpenSerial: Can no open device
[EE]PreInit failed for input device \"Mouse0\"
NoCore pointer
Fatal server error:
failed to initialze core devices.
I'll be losing my internet tomarrow, so I'm going to reinstall so I can get the updates again.
These are my system specs:
mobo: Shuttle AK32A (VIA KT266A, VT8366A/VT8233)
CPU: Athlon 1800+
VID: XFX Nvidia 6600GT (drvrs: )
M: 1 Gig Mushkin DDR 2100 cas 2.5
Sound: SB Live! 5.1 (sb0100)
HD: Maxtor 6L080J4
Mouse: Logitech Wheel Mouse M-BJ58 (yeah, it's old)
IE 6
Dx 9.0c
Time of this report: 2/17/2005, 19:41:30
Machine name: DUPER
Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: VIA694
System Model: AWRDACPI
BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1800+, MMX, 3DNow, ~1.5GHz
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Page File: 202MB used, 1047MB available
Windows Dir: C:\\WINDOWS
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:55 pm
by Duper
Ok, reinstalled.
It worked fine until I tried to update the drivers. Appearantly, there is something in the driver package does not like my card.
I'll re-reinstall and dtry installing the drivers by hand per Nvidia's instructions.
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:06 am
by DCrazy
So what happened when you tried to update the drivers? And how did you try to update them?
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:10 am
by Duper
after the reinstall, I used your original set of instructions.
and got all the same problems we went through before. so after my second reinstall (which allowed me to vacumm the living room in detail
) I went to Nvidia's site, d/l'd the necessary things and saved the web pages of instructions for reading later before I try updating again.
How do I change my resolution when it's not offered in the gui? Change it the xconfig manually?
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:14 am
by DCrazy
Duper: yeah, unfortunately. There should be a part of the \"Screen\" section that goes like this:
Code: Select all
SubSection \"Display\"
Depth 1
Modes \"1024x768\" \"800x600\" \"640x480\"
SubSection \"Display\"
Depth 4
Modes \"1024x768\" \"800x600\" \"640x480\"
SubSection \"Display\"
Depth 8
Modes \"1024x768\" \"800x600\" \"640x480\"
SubSection \"Display\"
Depth 15
Modes \"1024x768\" \"800x600\" \"640x480\"
SubSection \"Display\"
Depth 16
Modes \"1024x768\" \"800x600\" \"640x480\"
SubSection \"Display\"
Depth 24
Modes \"1024x768\" \"800x600\" \"640x480\"
For every line that begins with Modes, add \"1280x1024\" (or whatever res you want), so it looks like:
Code: Select all
Modes \"1280x1024\" \"1024x768\" \"800x600\" \"640x480\"
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:17 am
by Duper
A headache yes, but not unexpected.
D, I can't thank you enough for hangin in here with me like this.
Kudos dude!
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:16 pm
by DCrazy
No problem at all.
So on the first re-install, you did the following, and still had problems?
- sudo apt-get install nvidia
- sudo nvidia-xconfig
- sudo nvidia-glx-config enable
If you are feeling adventurous (:P), we can try it again. This time, we'll back up the working xorg.conf file and in the event of a problem recopy it. To do that, simply do \"sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak\", then proceed with the above three steps. If there's a problem, you can do \"sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf\".
Remember, if you're at a text-based terminal (as opposed to a Terminal window) you'll have to run \"sudo killall kdm\" and then \"sudo kdm &\" to get X to recognize your new configuration file. If you're in the GUI, you can press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace for the same effect.
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:30 pm
by Duper
DCrazy wrote:No problem at all.
So on the first re-install, you did the following, and still had problems?
- sudo apt-get install nvidia
- sudo nvidia-xconfig
- sudo nvidia-glx-config enable
Yes, I did. I got the same md5sum thing. I ran that, but to no avail.
I am feeling adventurous, so I'll definately back up xorg.conf file this time.... reinstalling takes too long.
I'll try installing the nvidia drivers manually as the patcher isn't working and is an older version.
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:37 pm
by fliptw
note - ubuntu, being based on debian, probaly has the xorg modules in an non-standard location.
and I total forget what that was.
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:33 am
by Duper
time to go hunting first I spose.
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:03 am
by DCrazy
fliptw wrote:note - ubuntu, being based on debian, probaly has the xorg modules in an non-standard location.
and I total forget what that was.
Huh? All of my instructions are letter-for-letter what I did to get my NVIDIA card running on Ubuntu Dapper Drake.
Just a note, the nvidia-glx-config thing isn't critical at all. But it's necessary to run OpenGL applications in X. If you don't plan on running any OpenGL apps, then we might as well not fight it.
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:57 pm
by Duper
fliptw wrote:note - ubuntu, being based on debian, probaly has the xorg modules in an non-standard location.
and I total forget what that was.
Mine is where it should be: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
I added the res mode: Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" (well, the "1280x1024" as recommended) but that didn't work. I tried running the driver package from Nvidia's site but got some error about needing a "ld" something??
I wonder what's going on. This seems like my machine is really offended that it has to share with windows or something.... I dunno. (I'm joking of course) I couldn't find anything in the xconf file to change to "Nvidia" from "nv". That seems to have already been done. It shows my monitor as as "generic". It's a Samsung. It's working ok, just not the res I want. It's also nearly 5 years old and is not longer supported.
So, what now?
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:17 am
by Duper
sucess! not exactly oh.. yea.. I used synaptic to load it.