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Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:07 pm
by Dedman
I agree with Lothar et al on this one. The only reason I don't type kill is because it is against Team NuB's code of ethics.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:08 pm
by Gooberman
I use to care about type killing, alot, seemed like a cheep kill. I still have all the counter arguments in my head to every argument posted. But just overtime I stopped caring. The game was more fun if you don't impose any rules of how you play in the game. Unsportsmenlike conduct? Never over the internet.

So long as your D3 is stock, do whatever it takes to win.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:27 pm
by Suncho
Palzon wrote:since no has mentioned it...

typers in team game could be issuing instructions or intel to other team members. shooting them may cause them to abort their message. typers in a team game are legitimate targets.
Typers in a team game also don't have a keyboard on them either. ctrl+f8 does not bring up the keyboard.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:29 pm
by Dedman
Gooberman wrote:So long as your D3 is stock, do whatever it takes to win.
That is exactly the position I would take if I wasn't part of NuB. In fact I have made that same argument on this board.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:37 pm
by Plebeian
Palzon wrote:since no has mentioned it...

typers in team game could be issuing instructions or intel to other team members. shooting them may cause them to abort their message. typers in a team game are legitimate targets.
Yep, I think it's pretty much assumed that if you're typing in a Team game, anywhere, any time, then you are dead (for the reason you mentioned). In "normal" games, though, it's mostly whining going on, but it's more up to the individual whether they'll go out of their way to typekill, if they'll kill them if they're in the way, or if they'll try to avoid at any cost.

I try to avoid it if I can, but you can't (and shouldn't) just stop the game when a keyboard pops up. I won't tag them (intentionally), but if they start typing after there's already killing shots headed their way, or if a smart goes off nearby and heads toward them, then it's tough, not much to be done (since they were in control, and failed to simply dodge).

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:55 pm
by Tangaroa
Im a newbie (obviously) and I try not to type kill, of course, sometimes it cant be avoided, homing missiles sometimes hit the wrong person.

I dont think it would particulatly worry me if I was type killed,

Also, when people have the keyboard logo up its an opportunity to look at the icon on their ship.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 5:34 pm
by Suncho
You can also check the icon in the f7 menu

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:56 pm
by Top Gun
Whenever I hit that F8 key during gameplay, I expect to die. I've been typekilled many times, and it's never bothered me in the least. A good "LOL," and I'm off again :P.

If you do feel the need to type between deaths, at least try to limit it to short phrases, or else do it in a place where you're pretty sure no one else can get to you. But remember, whether it be a keyboard, target, Richard Simmons, or nothing at all above your ship, in Descent, a stationary target is a dead target >:).

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 2:57 am
by Clayman
Sorry, I can't help it, I'm just addicted to the sight of a ship blowing up from my weapons fire. :) I don't care if they fly as "birdseye," or they just installed D3 5 minutes ago, whether they've just spawned, or are typing. Explosions are good. :)

(honestly, I don't really have a problem with TKing someone, but I generally don't so people won't yell at me :) )

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 7:29 pm
by Defender
Capm wrote:I know it is a game, but then so is baseball and football and soccer, and they all have rules about unsportsmanlike conduct.
I feel the need to comment on this.

If you're in the middle of a baseball game, and the dude running from 1st to 2nd's shoe comes untied, the 2nd baseman's not going stop in the middle of play and wait for him to be done b4 he tags him out.

Same thing applies here. If you stop in the middle of play to type, and you die, it's your own fault. Type when you're dead, or go into spectator mode. Even find a nice corner. But don't complain if someone kills you.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 8:45 pm
by Ferno
actually defender, it's more like when two teams are playing baseball, the game doesn't stop because the runner decides to stand in the middle of the line and talk to the shortstop. Though it would make for a funny play.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 1:22 am
by Lothar
somebody needs to post the "word" box for Ferno there.

Hell yeah. Finish the play (in this case, finish dying) and then chat. Don't go yammering while your ship is still a target, or if you do, expect to get nailed.

The only exceptions for this are in actual scored / recorded matches where someone calls "time" (and better have a good reason!) or in training games where one person is typing instruction to the other.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 9:47 am
by Beowulf
I love it when someone typekills and then types "OWNED" only to get typekilled back. Classic!

First off, D3 is not a sport. You try to communicate to others in a war, you get shot. That simple. Even if it were a sport, you don't stop a game mid-play. You don't stop a football game after the QB says hike or a baseball game after the ball is hit. You don't stop the game until the play is over, and in D3, the play means you don't stop until you're dead.

That simple. Now go away before I typekill you a second time.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 11:16 am
by KaTaNa
Beowulf wrote: That simple. Now go away before I typekill you a second time.
Do me, Beo!! Do me!! :wink:

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 1:39 pm
by WarAdvocat
I say it all the time: If getting typekilled hurts your feelings, type when you're dead (or in observer mode).

People whining about typekilling make me giggle ;) They say how RUDE it is, and get so self-righteous about it. Have they ever considered how RUDE it is to insist that if they're typing, their ship is in a no-shooting zone? Personally, I think insisting that I can't shoot you at certain times is MUCH ruder than me shooting @ a typer! I'm in that level to shoot stuff. If you suddenly declare that I can't shoot at certain stuff, you're ruining my game experience.

Now, that said, I'm very inconsistent with my typekilling. I will let a buddy slide sometimes...But other times I'll smack him down as fast as I can if I see him typing. I usually make an effort not to type-kill people who are obviously new...or people that I'm beating badly...but then what I'm going to call Genghis' Law (Genghis's? Genghiseses?) comes into effect: "When you fly past a typer to let him live...he shoots you in the back."

That's about when you get merciless.

Genghis' Law has a lot of corrolaries and related laws as well. A closely related example is: "When you fly past a newly spawned player...he shoots you in the back"

Know what really REALLY makes me giggle? When you see that same guy spawn again, drop a fusion in his face and he blows up :) and then when he whines as I giggle, I respond "You didn't seem to have any problem with spawn-ATTACKING when I flew past you last time..." and giggle some more.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 2:21 pm
by Delkian
I generally avoid type killing just out of courtesy.

In team games if it's on the way of my objectives, which are of course team-based, I'll blast through the keyboard. The opponent's flag carrier starts typing in the middle of things? Too bad for him. He should know better. If he's in some corner somewhere, clearly to be 'out of the way', I just might let him slip, but usually not.

In anarchy games, flying past the keyboard doesn't ruin my fun or anything. Usually there's no reason not to just fly past. I'll keep an eye on them or get behind a couple of corners as fast as I can, though, to avoid Genghis' Law from kicking in.

Using type killing consistently as a tactic is a little annoying but otherwise I don't care if I get type killed. I don't remember when I've said a word about type killing in a game. It must have been a long time ago.

Well, at least if saying 'quit whining' to my team mate after they've been type killed doesn't count.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 2:48 pm
by whuppinboy
hmmm, is it too late to start a poll on the subject? :wink:

spawn kill, type kill, it's all about the flying and dying. some pilots have morals, some don't. i personally will come out of spawn with primaries firing if it's a massive player game and if someone's in front of me, i'll lay on the pitiful secondaries as well. if you spawn in front of me and fire, i'll fire back. if you spawn in front of me and don't fire, i'll fly by and regret it later (but c'mon, how often does someone spawn in front of you and NOT fire??).
if you pop up a keyboard in an anarchy game you should die. if i come around a corner and see a bullseye (thanks again for the file!!) i'll let ya' go if i'm not charging fusion. if you're running away from me in a fight(very rare occurrence, i'm too easy to kill for that to happen) and pop a bullseye, you're dead, slacker, i've got too much adrenaline pumping to just let ya' go like that :P

so anyhoo, thanks again for the bullseye!

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 4:53 pm
by Deadmeat
Yes, Dedman, I have secretly implanted your system with "youcannottypekill.exe".:D But seriously, because of the nature of our team and the fact we play with so many people who are new to the game, we have to be a little more careful. What I will not tolerate are intentional type or spawn killing. Hey, it's going to happen, so our job is to educate the n00bs. I still get newer members who start to type, get killed and then start to whine about it. My answer is "TYPE WHEN YOU'RE DEAD".

[Edit]. Almost forgot. Yea, if you try that lamo trick of throwing up a keyboard in the middle of a dogfight, YOU ARE BURNT TOAST.

Now, getting off topic a bit, we often put up privately labeled SODs for fun games, training or practice. And, more often than not, someone jumps in who hasn't read the game title. Most people, when informed it's a private game, will show due respect and leave. And we appreciate that. What really pisses me off is when some puke comes in, is politely asked to leave, then goes around typekilling. Of course, after that he may wonder why, every time he tries to enter one of our games, he gets banned without warning. I do keep a list. :D

Anyway, I guess for us it's a double-edged sword. On one side we have to show some restraint. On the other it's a different ball game. In all deference to Cops, Krom and others, I understand where you're coming from and I respect that. So, when I play on your turf, I'll play by your rules. Oops, sorry, there aren't any. :wink:

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 6:42 pm
by Dedman
Deadmeat wrote:Yes, Dedman, I have secretly implanted your system with "youcannottypekill.exe".:D
That would explain why "killwhomeverandwheneverIwant.exe" doesn't work anymore. :P

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 8:02 pm
by KaTaNa
My usual response is, "Stop cryin', and start flyin'!!"

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:42 am
by Clayman
What irks me are pilots who think that they're somehow better than me or have superior ethics because their position contradicts mine. Ironically, some of these same pilots in game are those who will caustically insult you for TKing or spawn killing, showing that they have none of these same morals they speak of. If nothing else, look up "anarchy" in any reputable dictionary, and you'll see that rules or ethics don't even exist in such games. Not to say of course that hacking, connection tweaking, and other things are valid, because there are some lines that just shouldn't be crossed.

Further, not TKing newer pilots shows them that it's ok to type without inhibitions. It teaches them poor survival tactics, that they'll live as long as they have a KB up. I'm grateful to the pilots who taught me this lesson early on, and I learned quickly to type when dead or expect to be soon dead if I was still alive.

You can also think of it as releasing some stress for them. When they're typing, they have to be constantly worrying about whether someone will kill them. Once they're dead that worry is over, and they can type all they want without fear. ;)

Now, if I know a certain pilot is opposed to a certain tactic, I may not use that tactic on them. For example, I will not TK Bess because I know she is opposed to it.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 6:56 am
Typekiling!!!1!!1! OMG WTF

Why does anyone need to give a Mobitroll© response to it!



NOooB says: "OMG WTF!#@#@ you Cheetar, you typkilled me!! you hax"
MaGnUmWhOrE says:" STFU NOoob, you F8'd just before my TRIPLE BARNEY mothed you."

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 8:14 am
by WarAdvocat
I do think typekilling is lame in one situation...not that it upsets me even then...I just feel pity for the person who does it..When someone intentionally makes a comment to provoke a response...and then hunts you down and kills you when you respond...

That's just a sign of desperation.

I let 'em have their cheapie kill. They need it, after all :)

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:08 pm
by Lothar
LOL, that tactic was on the classic "Descent Weenie" site. My best friend even used it on me once...

"how'd you do that?"
"uh, I nailed you with a bunch of homers."
*lasers and concs in the back while I'm typing*
"I see you've been reading Descent Weenie Tactics."
*mercilessly hunt down friend, laughing the whole time that I fell for the classic weenie tactic*

Descent Weenie Tactics Archive (Text Version)
The tactic in question

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 11:22 pm
by Clayman
Dunno if I'd call that a tactic. Tactics I consider to work often. Doing that might get you 2 kills max on a player before they realize what you're doing. You'll have everyone who frequently plays the level avoiding or killing you long before you hit ensign with that tactic.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 2:30 am
by Lothar

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 9:34 am
by WarAdvocat
Did you make a reference to RANK clay?


I snort in your general direction!

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 8:47 pm
by Bold Deceiver
DigiJo wrote:here is my new keyboard texture:

(snip improperly spelled text) :P
This is actually pretty funny -- except it's a bit tricky calling someone a "looser" when the word is spelled "loser". (This is my own personal pet-peeve, man, sorry to unload on you.) :wink:


Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 9:42 pm
Bold Deceiver wrote:when the word is spelled "loser"
In your case it would be l( o )ser.. next time spell it in his language, ok nance:


Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:18 pm
by Bold Deceiver
BUBBALOU wrote:In your case it would be . . . (snip boorish, pretentious tripe)
Ah. Sorry, Digiglo. That particular error is made more frequently by natives to the language. Perhaps you learned it from one of us.

How do you say "officious intermeddler" in your language, Bubbalou? Or perhaps I'll just call you "Bubba". On a related note, how are you with sign language?


Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 11:41 pm
Ahhh Gayvote speak! OK then

In my language; BD = pompous windbag

:) chump!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 7:13 am
by Gooberman
Yay, I might be able to get to do some modding. If Ferno doesn't beat me to it :(

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 11:38 am
by Suncho
Beowulf wrote:I love it when someone typekills and then types "OWNED" only to get typekilled back. Classic!
I love it when I type kill someone and say "OWNED" and then right as they spawn they start whining and I type kill them again... and it's also technically a spawn kill! =D

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 1:51 pm
by DigiJo
ouch, thx for pointing to that typo, here is the fixed version:




Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 3:14 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
Shame on you, Suncho. ;)

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 5:59 pm
by Ferno
aww, poor gooberspunk.


Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 1:28 pm
by Testiculese
My favorite is all the people who claim to typekill without regard..and then they don't kill me when I'm typing. (Barry and DarkTalyn) :D The only person that actually has (Other than a CTF or whatnot) stuck to his word is Ferno. So far I haven't had the opportunity to get him back. :)

A better question to ask would probably be "would you typekill someone who was inconspicious and not whining?" 'cause I type lots in games, just for the bantering, and I can't really recall a time I got killed unless I stopped dead in the middle of the hallway and 5 of the other guys round the corner.

I'm completely defenseless when I'm typing too, 'cause I have to drag the keyboard in front of me to type, then slide it back into position again to fly.

Me, I only purposely typekill in CTF, or any game that has a Killgood-wannabe in it. I've no need to do it otherwise. My ego is strong enough. :P

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 11:05 pm
by JazzyJet
I love this stuff!...quality reading

by the way I'm really enjoying the sacramento kings and dallas mavericks games. Best basketball I've watched since Jordon was on da bulls. Great season

typekilling rocks! whooooo

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 11:14 pm
by Lothar
Sacto - Dallas is a great matchup... I'm hoping Denver - Minny will turn into the same. Running teams are just fun to watch.

(oh, uh, I should stay on topic) um, it's a good thing I don't talk about basketball in game, or I'd get typekilled.

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 11:21 am
by Top Wop
Here's what I feel about the subject.

When I hit f8 when im alive, I expect to be in harms way. Thats why when I want to say something I usually try to find a quiet place and not deliberately go out in the open to say what I want to say. If I catch someone in the same position, I usually let them go because thats kinda the polite thing to do. I know its just a game but id rather err on showing respect than being a jerkoff. I hope other people would do the same but I dont usually expect that.

And sometimes after the heat of battle when I kill someone I might throw in a quick LOL, and during that time if I get killed, I dont care. It was my choice to hit f8 and if I die, so be it. People would sometimes say that they are sorry but I tell them that its ok and I dont care. However I do frown on those who deliberately make the cheap kill when my intent is to hide away while passing along a message. There is a difference between me getting accedentaly killed and the person trying to up his kill count, and usually people who do the latter are punks.

But I never make an issue out of an intentional typekiller, I just look at him as a punk and move along.

Thats how I feel about the matter.