Microsoft = Evil Part Deux

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Post by Topher »

roid wrote:ello ello MS-Topher :P
I prefer the phrase "Topher, PowerPoint rock star!" :P
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Post by mistercool2 »

WillyP wrote:Microsoft is like in the end of 'The Jerk' when Naven said was leaving and said 'All I need is this (one thing), I don't need anything else... except this (one other thing... and another thing... and another...) and that's all I need.' :wink:
I can't believe I didn't see this before cuz not only is it a perfect anology ... it's funnier than ****! :lol:

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Post by mistercool2 »

TIGERassault wrote:
mistercool2 wrote:If you think about it enough ... you'll see that, in a way ... you answered your own question.
...I'm going to be polite here and say that your vagueness isn't doing you any favours.
Since you're being polite, I hope that means that after a rocky start, we can at least try to get along. Yes?

If so, and you really want an explanation, I'll do the best I can.
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Post by TIGERassault »

mistercool2 wrote:Since you're being polite, I hope that means that after a rocky start, we can at least try to get along. Yes?

If so, and you really want an explanation, I'll do the best I can.
O...kay? I was sorta expecting the explanation to be in the reply, but y'know...
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Post by mistercool2 »

TIGERassault wrote: O...kay? I was sorta expecting the explanation to be in the reply, but y'know...
First of all, this is my first time on any BB so I'm pretty much learning as I go along. Been using email for years but it ain't quite the same.

Second - I wanted to know where you're comin' from so I wouldn't be wasting my time. :wink:

So here's the explanation:

Having a clear mind doesn't mean you can't see the whole picture. On the contrary. It allows you to be more aware of all aspects of the "situation" and come to the best possible conclusion by making an unbiased choice . When there's a bunch of "stuff" running around inside your head, rather than the "facts", your perception is distorted and what you think you know or see or understand, isn't necessarily true or real.

... and ... expectations can be very disappointing. :)
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Post by TIGERassault »

mistercool2 wrote:Having a clear mind doesn't mean you can't see the whole picture. On the contrary. It allows you to be more aware of all aspects of the "situation" and come to the best possible conclusion by making an unbiased choice . When there's a bunch of "stuff" running around inside your head, rather than the "facts", your perception is distorted and what you think you know or see or understand, isn't necessarily true or real.
But it's literally impossible to make an unbiased choice on a matter of opinion, such as this! There isn't nearly enough relevant facts to do so.
mistercool2 wrote:... and ... expectations can be very disappointing.
You're doing it again...
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Post by mistercool2 »

TIGERassault wrote: But it's literally impossible to make an unbiased choice on a matter of opinion, such as this! There isn't nearly enough relevant facts to do so.
aaah - now I see our problem. You're talking about the issue of Microsoft buying Yahoo and I'm talking about big business. Guess that makes us both right. :D
mistercool2 wrote:... and ... expectations can be very disappointing.
TIGERassault wrote:You're doing it again...
Sorry about that - sometimes my sense of humor takes over and I lose control. Guess I should have done this :P instead.

Anyway, I hope this is all cleared up now.
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Post by Krom »

Back on the original subject; the Yahoo! board rejected the bid and apparently Microsoft isn't giving up, they are going to attempt a hostile buyout/takeover.
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