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Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:27 pm
by callmeslick
flip wrote:
hmmm, flip, not true for me, in VA
I believe that. I've been to several different cities where everyone just acted normal but it's too divisive here. This place will never do anything but tear itself apart.

that sucks. Where is 'this place', if you don't mind my asking? And, has it been that way for as long as you can remember or gotten worse with time?

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:52 pm
by flip
Georgia. Well, for a time it seemed to be improving, but lately they look worried again. Which means fear, which means aggression. I mean it sucks now, like just this weekend we went for school clothes at the mall. I havn't been there in awhile (year or so), but it was at least 70% African American and you could tell they were aware of it :). What that ends up being is nobody wants to give up space ;). So, i'm walking and and as I do there is a father and son standing in the aisle and I walked by the son kinda stepped in towards me. I just kinda paused and looked at him kept goin. Well, I heard the father tell the son something about being hard and such, when I actually was just minding my business initially. I mean you could tell this was the attitude he was incouraging =/, so I stopped, looked back at the father and slowly removed my sunglasses and acted like I was gonna tear the arm off of it. Then I heard his tone change. Their resentment has long been overused and I don't blame them a bit, but lately it's getting tenuous again :(. Everywhere else I have been it didn't seem to be much of an issue, so I'm moving. I got a 5 year plan to be somewhere else nicely. Watch.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:30 pm
by callmeslick
good luck, Flip.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:01 pm
by dissent
callmeslick wrote:keep drinking the kool-aid Dissent. Oh, an Biden will mop the floor with Ryan, especially in the eyes of working men and women.
for the record, what I posted was not kool-aid drinking. This is kool-aid drinking.

I guess we'll see on October 11 whether Biden is the mopper or the moppee. I wouldn't get your hopes up too high, based on his performance over the last couple of days on the stump.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:08 pm
by flip
Arguing over who's the best president is almost rediculous to me. Up until even 200-300 years ago the world was advancing naturally. Now it's at the whim of others.

EDIT:<----Word Butcher :P

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:39 pm
by Tunnelcat
Ouch! No love there. :wink: ... 16021.html

Oh, and more businessmen around the world like Obama. I don't know if I should cheer, or cringe. :P ... iness.html

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:38 pm
by TechPro
Cringe, definitely cringe.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:15 pm
by Tunnelcat
Yeah, cringe wins out.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:10 pm
by woodchip
Seriously TC, a Reuters poll?

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:22 pm
by Tunnelcat
A poll is a poll is a poll. :P

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:46 pm
by woodchip
A little better than a poll is the fact:

"More than 500 economists — including five Nobel laureates — have endorsed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s economic plan as the right choice for jobs creation and economic growth."

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:49 pm
by callmeslick
...and, Woody, how many feel otherwise? I mean, seriously, 500 economists isn't all that many, and there have to be at least 12 or more living Nobel Laureates out there. Also, what the feck is Romney's 'plan' that they endorse. I sure as hell haven't seen one in black and white.....

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:55 pm
by woodchip
I'll let you find the ones that don't support it. Post here when you do.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:23 pm
by callmeslick
well, I did find that only 37% of the GOP appointees to the Council of Economic Advisors support Romney's plan, and then there is this priceless evaluation of Romney's 400(from the Financial Times US staff):

What a rogues gallery of has-beens, hacks, failures and a spattering of names respected for something other than their macroeconomic foresights. Phil Gramm, the genius behind the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. And his wife Wendy, whom I last remember hearing about when she was on the Enron Audit committee. Glenn Hubbard, the man who thinks tax increases can never increase government revenue. Michael Porter, last seen advising world leaders when he was Gaddafi's financial expert. Marie-Josée Kravis, whose service at Hollinger International while it was being looted by her friend Conrad Black forced her to admit that she didn't read the documents put in front of her for approval.

scintillating. Phil Gramm and his wife count as working economists? Puhlease.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:49 pm
by Tunnelcat
Yep, just what I found slick. The one bozo, Gramm, who is single handedly responsible for his part the whole financial disaster in the first place, and the rest a rogues gallery of failed ideas.

Ahhh, but what's this little tidbit I ran into? Ryan himself, all puffed up now, touting his economic prowess, when he's really an economic phoney, pandering to those he wants to suck up to and get favors with. No principles, just like Romney. Keynesian economics was the cat's meow to little freshman Ryan when ol' Bushie wanted a precious stimulus in 2002, but now it's something poisonous when a Democratic president needed it in 2010! Still needs it in 2012! Good enough for Bush, not good enough for Obama. Yee haa! Who cares about the rest of America when we can screw the Democrats. Watch it if you can choke down MSNBC woody, it's all on video and straight out of Ryan's own mouth. ... 1#48716561

Speaking of Romney, when is a tax not a tax? Why, when you call it a fee of course! Hell, a tax is a fee and a fee is a tax. Money going into state coffers is money going into state coffers. Balanced the state budget without raising taxes my @$$. AND, you'll notice that those "fees" mostly hit the middle class, not the wealthy. Oh, and his creative tax loophole closings mostly got businesses. What will he do with closing those "federal" tax loopholes I wonder? :twisted: ... udget_gap/

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:48 pm
by woodchip
And yet, for all your attempts to deflect from Paul Ryans economic plane I find it curious that the co-chair of Obama's national campaign donated 10k to Ryan and said this:

"Benioff tells CNN: "The nation's fiscal difficulties must be addressed, the CEO said, and Ryan's ideas offer 'a lot of the right long-term thinking for the country.'"

Having said that he will probably be painted as a fruit loop also.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:33 pm
by CobGobbler
Perhaps you should post all that he said. I will:
"I don't think his budget is a good idea in today's world. It would put us back into recession," Benioff said. "But he is putting the right issues on the table and has a long-term vision that is admirable."
I'll give Ryan credit, at least he is trying to tackle the difficult issues that this country has. The problem being that he has gone about it completely wrong, which is the first thing that guy said. Oh, he also helped raise over half a million dollars for Obama for this election, so it's not like he's campaigning against the President. I think you should investigate the full length of what you post woodchip, I'm getting tired of having to complete everything for you.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:34 pm
by woodchip
Where I got his statement says nothing about what you posted and where I find what you posted (comment) has nothing about what I posted. It would seem the two comments conflict with one another so I'm wondering if what I posted was said first and then the pressure came to bear to have him change his statement. Perhaps it is you who needs to investigate further.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:16 pm
by CobGobbler ... index.html

That's where I got mine. Where is yours?

* got it from the same article. you just forgot to read the whole thing (or thought no one else would). In fact, why don't you quote what the next sentence after the bit you posted? Don't worry, I'll do it:
But Benioff cautioned that Ryan's budget plan -- which contains drastic spending cuts -- shouldn't be pursued anytime soon.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:30 pm
by callmeslick
To Woodchip's defense(painful cringe mode on), a lot of Conservative blogs and websites do the hacked-up editing before the fact. If one merely regurgitates what one read on those places, you get the sort of stuff that Cob notes(incomplete quotes, with context completely at odds with what is being painted). Thus, I suspect that Woody isn't failing to read, merely not questioning sources that long ago should have been suspect.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:47 pm
by woodchip
Well it would appear Cob and slick are right. I read this at: ... 50365.html

In the weekly standards defense they did have a link to cnn but it appeared they were referencing the donation to Ryan so I didn't click it. My apologies.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:57 pm
by callmeslick
seems to be de riguer for political discourse these days, woody......not confined to the right, I would suspect, although, honest to gawd, I don't read much of leftist blogs. The only reason I said what I did was that I fact check a lot of suspicious right-tilted posts that smell suspicious and I see the same thing over and over again. It is sort of the double-edged sword of this age of Information...
lots gets cast out there, but much of it is terribly skewed and far too much of it consists of outright lies.
Impressive that you are big enough to step up and admit the shortcomings of the source. Congrats!

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:14 pm
by flip
Lol, I'll say it, wait, no better not but it rhyme's with condescending sonofabitch. :P

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:41 pm
by Ferno
flip wrote:no better not but it rhyme is with condescending sonofabitch. :P

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:57 am
by flip
I'm not gonna explain every little thing to you Ferno :P

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:10 am
by Foil
Do you boys have something relevant to add?

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:14 am

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:21 am
by Isaac
Foil wrote:Do you boys have something relevant to add?



Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:51 am
by flip

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:19 pm
Isaac wrote:
Foil wrote:Do you boys have something relevant to add?

[Edit] When quoting a troll post, please refrain from quoting all the images. - Foil

Foil wrote:Do you boys have something relevant to add?
I guess not :roll:

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:48 pm
by Isaac
[quote="CUDA"I guess not :roll:[/quote]
what about this amazing find?

Paul Ryan
1. Remove the "y"
2. Change the "a" to an "o" in the last name
3. Switch the first and last name around.

Whaaa?!?!?! :o It can't be!!

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:51 pm
by flip
I see Foil likes to bring his work home with him :P. I was just making a light-hearted jab at Slick's "attaboy."

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:07 pm
by Ferno
Foil wrote:Do you boys have something relevant to add?
I could but I learned from experience not to. (IE: buried in irrelevancies and lost)

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:18 pm
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:I gave you all the reasoning behind Ryan. Romney is facing disaster, by all current accounting(including Fox's polling which has him down by nearly 10 percent).
Well since you value Fox news polling here is the latest:

"Less than a week before the Republican convention begins, the race for the White House is a virtual tie. According to a Fox News poll of likely voters, the Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan ticket receives the backing of 45 percent, while the Barack Obama-Joe Biden ticket garners 44 percent. " ... z24PT1ocFj

So how did that 10% lead evaporate?

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:51 pm
by callmeslick
Woody, please read stuff closely. Nothing happened to those 10%, they were different polls. The one out today, that is a virtual tie is of LIKELY voters. The prior poll I cited was REGISTERED voters. Once again, read closely and the details DO matter. Still, the electoral college map remains the same, Florida is a must-win for Romney, Obama knows it and watch how the money gets spent.

On a related note, we just got a long polling survey call tonight about the race for Senate in Virginia, and Presidential preference in the Commonwealth. Only problem is, that I am not registered to vote there, and no one bothered to ask that. Whoever did that poll is going to have at least one error in the data.

Finally, why do natural disasters keep threatening the Republican conventions? Is God trying to tell these people to STFU and stop invoking his/her name? :P

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:27 pm
by Top Gun
Not that I want any significant storm to hit the US, but I did get a bit of a kick out of that. Hmm, maybe it's a sign. :P

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:28 pm
by Tunnelcat
By lord, there is a God!

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:00 am
by Ferno
callmeslick wrote:Finally, why do natural disasters keep threatening the Republican conventions? Is God trying to tell these people to STFU and stop invoking his/her name? :P
probably because they're always held in areas that are known to have severe weather. It's probably self-inflicted. :)

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:45 am
by woodchip
Ferno wrote:
callmeslick wrote:Finally, why do natural disasters keep threatening the Republican conventions? Is God trying to tell these people to STFU and stop invoking his/her name? :P
probably because they're always held in areas that are known to have severe weather. It's probably self-inflicted. :)
St Paul Minnesota doesn't have severe weather. That convention was held up because of Gustav and respect for the victims of the storm.

Re: Paul Ryan

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:08 am
by Ferno
woodchip wrote:St Paul Minnesota doesn't have severe weather. That convention was held up because of Gustav and respect for the victims of the storm.
one exception doesn't buck the rule. :P