woodchip wrote:Better yet get the NSA because they prolly have the actual AQ conversations

Well, go ask them. I'm sure they'd be very forthcoming to anyone who asks so's we could all clear this whole mess up. And you know THEY know too.
CUDA wrote:please show me where Bush Lied and made **** up about ANY of those attacks
Show me where Obama LIED. Not waffled or hemmed and hawed, which they DID do, but outright LIED about it. The NYT has nothing to do with, nor even sides with, the Obama administration, yet their interviews with people
involved in the attack, IN LYBIA, pretty much match Obama's and Rice's comments about the attacks and the video right after they happened. So what it took so long to report it? The NYT probably wanted to protect their reporters and verify people's statements. And why aren't you seething mad about Congress when they denied Hillary's request for more money for embassy security before the merde hit the fan in the first place? And why did Stevens try to open or run a consulate, which was probably a cover for some covert CIA op anyway, in a very dangerous and unstable location at the time, when protection for him was almost nil or dependent on people he couldn't even trust?
As for Bush and his consulate deaths, he managed to keep it covered up and out of the press for the most part. I can't even remember any major wall to wall news reports about them. Either that, or the press kissed Bush's ass and kept quiet during all that 9/11 blind psychosis Bush worshiping the entire country sucked into. No Republican whined about all those deaths when they occurred back then and no Democrat had the bawls, or the ability, to go up against and question the Bush/Cheney love-me-or-else machine either.
HOWEVER, it's been PROVED that Bush himself DID LIE about weapons of mass destruction and bobbled the capture of Bin Laden, all to get us into 2 unnecessary wars, which directly led to the deaths of 6,650 of our troops as of 2/2013. It's even more by now. That doesn't include the numbers of private contractors who died as well, estimates that put that number at or more than 3000. Where are you're priorities? "Funny" how that doesn't enter your or most other Republican's priorities. You get this false rage about those couple of people who died in Benghazi, which in itself is sad, but nada about all those kids who died for BUSH'S BIG LIE and all the consulate deaths during HIS administration.