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Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:11 am
by Spidey
CobGobbler wrote:It's what happens when you deal with mind-numbing f.ucktards for over a decade. Everyone on this board is an adult, yet there are still moderators that filter out words like retards. Hilarious. Grow a ★■◆●ing pair or go play at mcdonalds. That part is directed at foil and jeff.
Except this board is open to children as well.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:16 am
Spidey wrote:
CobGobbler wrote:It's what happens when you deal with mind-numbing f.ucktards for over a decade. Everyone on this board is an adult, yet there are still moderators that filter out words like retards. Hilarious. Grow a ★■◆●ing pair or go play at mcdonalds. That part is directed at foil and jeff.
Except this board is open to children as well.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:56 am
by Sergeant Thorne
CobGobbler wrote:We tried having a President that people wanted to have a beer with--how did that work out for us? Being smart shouldn't be looked down upon, but you're right, lunacy knows no boundary.
Is sacrificing reality for the sake of the point being made specifically a liberal tactic? President Bush Jr., whatever might be said of the things he did in office couldn't have gotten where he did without being a veritable intellectual giant compared to the average voter (you).

That said, I agree with the gripe you have with your straw man. But what people want in a president is not intellectual normality, but rather a sense of really appreciating and considering the things that make up the average person's life. Everyone likes a person who excels intellectually, as long as there is a perceivable connection to the same common sense that we live by.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 12:07 pm
by CobGobbler
How big of an idiot are you ST? OF COURSE he could get where he was without intellect, he came from a privileged family and was a legacy admission to his colleges. It's like having the Rockefeller or Kennedy name, you're guaranteed by birth to have an advantage in life. Birthright is, and always has been, an extremely beneficial thing.

As for your second part, I agree with that. But what difference does it make if someone is chauffeured? That's my point, the little things that woodchip and his ilk moan about are absolutely pointless. Is that really what it boils down to? Whether or not someone drives their own car? The CEO of the bank I worked at in Chicago had his own driver, I didn't care. Why would I? Why the hell does that matter at all? That's the perk of being a CEO!!

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:48 pm
by Jeff250
Cob will be taking a break from the DBB for a little while, but I wanted to clarify our rule concerning profanity. We generally tolerate profanity when used in moderation and when it doesn't try to escape the profanity filter (you can disable the filter in the board preferences, so there's no reason to try to escape it for people who prefer to have the filter enabled). But we'll never tolerate using profanity to repeatedly attack other members on this board.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:49 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
Welp, that should make winning this argument a little bit easier (not much, but a little). ...Just kidding, Cob. :P

Just a closing comment. I believe you're very likely right when it comes to privilege being such an enabler for him, but I allow that a man probably couldn't have worked in oil, owned a sports team, run a campaign, and married Mrs. Bush (who IMO is a classy lady) without being fairly intelligent. He was likely no genius, but definitely very intelligent.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:50 am
by callmeslick
George Bush had, at best, a mediocre intellect, Thorne. He was into oil because of family connections, in the baseball business due to his last name. I'll avoid the call on picking Laura(sort of agree with the assessment of her), but most of his life he was placed into positions due to his father and grandfather, and was managed by others(Cheney et al).

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:51 am
by woodchip
CobGobbler wrote:How big of an idiot are you ST? OF COURSE he could get where he was without intellect, he came from a privileged family and was a legacy admission to his colleges. It's like having the Rockefeller or Kennedy name, you're guaranteed by birth to have an advantage in life. Birthright is, and always has been, an extremely beneficial thing.
Whats the difference if you get in because of Legacy or Affirmative Action?
CobGobbler wrote:As for your second part, I agree with that. But what difference does it make if someone is chauffeured? That's my point, the little things that woodchip and his ilk moan about are absolutely pointless. Is that really what it boils down to? Whether or not someone drives their own car? The CEO of the bank I worked at in Chicago had his own driver, I didn't care. Why would I? Why the hell does that matter at all? That's the perk of being a CEO!!
And yet it mattered when all those automotive CEO's were chauffeured down to Washington D.C. in their private jets?

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:56 am
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:George Bush had, at best, a mediocre intellect, Thorne. He was into oil because of family connections, in the baseball business due to his last name. I'll avoid the call on picking Laura(sort of agree with the assessment of her), but most of his life he was placed into positions due to his father and grandfather, and was managed by others(Cheney et al).
God I love it slick when you are so glaringly stupid that you can't check your comments before you open your pie hole:

"Though no official IQ test score for Bush has been found, the score he received on his SAT during his final year of prep school at the exclusive Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts is known. He scored 1206, which has been correlated to an IQ of 120. The score that Bush received on his qualifying test for the military suggests that his IQ was in the mid 120's, placing him in the 95th percentile of the population for intelligence."

edit add ... ge_W._Bush

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:02 am
by callmeslick
so, he was so intellectually superior that he couldn't get into the U of Texas law school(funny rejection letter out there someplace, btw)?
120 is a mediocre IQ number, and making 95th percentile on the military aptitude test is no Mensa qualifier either. Let's put this in perspective:
Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar, Barack Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review, Jimmy Carter was a nuclear physicist. Even George H W Bush did well at Yale. Bush was the dimmest intellect of my lifetime in the Presidency. Even Reagan showed FAR more intellectual curiousity.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:13 am
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:so, he was so intellectually superior that he couldn't get into the U of Texas law school(funny rejection letter out there someplace, btw)?
120 is a mediocre IQ number, and making 95th percentile on the military aptitude test is no Mensa qualifier either.
I suggest you re-read the red letters as you didn't comprehend them the first time.
callmeslick wrote:Let's put this in perspective:
Barack Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review,
Getting elected to the HLR was a matter of popularity, not intellectual prowess. Since Obama is so ashamed of his grade and won't release his grades transcript I would say Obama is the real dumb brick in the pile. Must be nice to have the privilage of being black to open doors for you.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:22 am
by callmeslick
woodchip wrote:
callmeslick wrote:so, he was so intellectually superior that he couldn't get into the U of Texas law school(funny rejection letter out there someplace, btw)?
120 is a mediocre IQ number, and making 95th percentile on the military aptitude test is no Mensa qualifier either.
I suggest you re-read the red letters as you didn't comprehend them the first time.
read them, and don't agree.
callmeslick wrote:Let's put this in perspective:
Barack Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review,
Getting elected to the HLR was a matter of popularity, not intellectual prowess. Since Obama is so ashamed of his grade and won't release his grades transcript I would say Obama is the real dumb brick in the pile. Must be nice to have the privilage of being black to open doors for you.
you, sir, are an idiot.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:30 am
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:
woodchip wrote:
callmeslick wrote:so, he was so intellectually superior that he couldn't get into the U of Texas law school(funny rejection letter out there someplace, btw)?
120 is a mediocre IQ number, and making 95th percentile on the military aptitude test is no Mensa qualifier either.
I suggest you re-read the red letters as you didn't comprehend them the first time.
read them, and don't agree.
callmeslick wrote:Let's put this in perspective:
Barack Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review,
Getting elected to the HLR was a matter of popularity, not intellectual prowess. Since Obama is so ashamed of his grade and won't release his grades transcript I would say Obama is the real dumb brick in the pile. Must be nice to have the privilage of being black to open doors for you.
you, sir, are an idiot.
Name calling instead of showing a linked rebuttal is a sign of a weak mind. That's what you get from so many years of feeding off the liberal drool pool.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:08 pm
by Top Gun
woodchip wrote:Must be nice to have the privilage of being black to open doors for you.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:51 pm
by woodchip
Top Gun wrote:
woodchip wrote:Must be nice to have the privilage of being black to open doors for you.
I guess you never heard of Affirmative Action....which in turn is unbelievable.

Let me also edit add:

Being a black owned business ( at least in the construction industry and federal bid projects) got you jobs as a disadvantaged minority owned business.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:08 pm
by callmeslick
play that funky music white-boy!!! Thanks for showing your true colors, Woody. What a hate-filled, jealous, and essentially small person you show yourself to be.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:46 pm
by woodchip
callmeslick wrote:play that funky music white-boy!!! Thanks for showing your true colors, Woody. What a hate-filled, jealous, and essentially small person you show yourself to be.
Once again you seem to lack the intellectual prowess to do anything other than name calling. Eventually, I suspect one of the mods may send you to the same place Cob went.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:25 pm
by Spidey
Naaaah…slick is too good at insulting people without breaking the rules.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:22 pm
by woodchip
Maybe not breaking the rules but deliberately attempting to kill a thread by reducing it to a idiotic name calling fest. I think both Foil and Jeff are bright enough to understand this. Will it be enough for them to take action remains to be seen.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:11 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
Frankly it's his thread to "kill" unless you can just ignore him. It's like Jack Sparrow said, the only thing that really matters is what a man can do, or what he can't do. Take you for example. You can let slick drown in silence... But you can't have a huge argument all by your onesie . ;)

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:32 pm
by flip
Eh, Slick is one of them and just like to stir up dissension.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:34 pm
by Top Gun
woodchip wrote:
Top Gun wrote:
woodchip wrote:Must be nice to have the privilage of being black to open doors for you.
I guess you never heard of Affirmative Action....which in turn is unbelievable.

Let me also edit add:

Being a black owned business ( at least in the construction industry and federal bid projects) got you jobs as a disadvantaged minority owned business.
You know I think it'd be a remarkable study to take a look at your upbringing and see what led to the sheer level of ignorance you exhibit about all sorts of topics on a daily basis here. Multiple people clearly failed you in your past, because there's no other explanation besides sheer delusion for a grown man to stand here and firmly believe that being black in this country is any sort of "door-opener."

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:37 pm
by Spidey
Yea yea, tell that to the guy who got my spot in the local union HVAC apprenticeship queue.

Re: Hillary's candidacy will be erased...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:16 pm
by Jeff250
Alright, this thread is done. If you think something here is salvageable, feel free to start a new thread on a better note.