Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 11:48 pm
How many times do we have to do the "omg cool quote boxes" thing before people get tired of it?
What have I done?[/quote]Vertigo 99 wrote:Waybusch! Um, yea...Viralphrame wrote:I dunno, but I guess we'll soon find out?Krom wrote:wonder how small the quote boxes can getSarge wrote:I suppose not.Stupid wrote:One more can't hurt.Battlebot wrote:I don't see one.Zetal wrote:What's the differenceKrom wrote:no.Zetal wrote:Or watch Jeff Foxworthy....Dedman wrote:[quote="TheCops"][quote="MD-2389"][quote="Jeff250"]For the white jokes, you just need to refer to any of the mug threads.
those would be white trash jokes.
(Think there are enough quotes yet?)
What have I done?[/quote]Zetal wrote:Waybusch! Um, yea...Vertigo 99 wrote:I dunno, but I guess we'll soon find out?Viralphrame wrote:wonder how small the quote boxes can getKrom wrote:I suppose not.Sarge wrote:One more can't hurt.Stupid wrote:I don't see one.Battlebot wrote:What's the differenceZetal wrote:no.Krom wrote:Or watch Jeff Foxworthy....Zetal wrote:[quote="Dedman"][quote="TheCops"][quote="MD-2389"][quote="Jeff250"]For the white jokes, you just need to refer to any of the mug threads.
those would be white trash jokes.
(Think there are enough quotes yet?)
What have I done?[/quote]Vertigo 99 wrote:Waybusch! Um, yea...Zetal wrote:I dunno, but I guess we'll soon find out?Vertigo 99 wrote:wonder how small the quote boxes can getViralphrame wrote:I suppose not.Krom wrote:One more can't hurt.Sarge wrote:I don't see one.Stupid wrote:What's the differenceBattlebot wrote:no.Zetal wrote:Or watch Jeff Foxworthy....Krom wrote:[quote="Zetal"][quote="Dedman"][quote="TheCops"][quote="MD-2389"][quote="Jeff250"]For the white jokes, you just need to refer to any of the mug threads.
those would be white trash jokes.
(Think there are enough quotes yet?)
What have I done?[/quote]Beowulf wrote:Waybusch! Um, yea...Vertigo 99 wrote:I dunno, but I guess we'll soon find out?Zetal wrote:wonder how small the quote boxes can getVertigo 99 wrote:I suppose not.Viralphrame wrote:One more can't hurt.Krom wrote:I don't see one.Sarge wrote:What's the differenceStupid wrote:no.Battlebot wrote:Or watch Jeff Foxworthy....Zetal wrote:[quote="Krom"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Dedman"][quote="TheCops"][quote="MD-2389"][quote="Jeff250"]For the white jokes, you just need to refer to any of the mug threads.
those would be white trash jokes.
(Think there are enough quotes yet?)
What have I done?[/quote]Mobius wrote:Waybusch! Um, yea...Beowulf wrote:I dunno, but I guess we'll soon find out?Vertigo 99 wrote:wonder how small the quote boxes can getZetal wrote:I suppose not.Vertigo 99 wrote:One more can't hurt.Viralphrame wrote:I don't see one.Krom wrote:say what? my IE's getting along.. so far.. OK...Sarge wrote:no.Stupid wrote:Or watch Jeff Foxworthy....Battlebot wrote:[quote="Zetal"][quote="Krom"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Dedman"][quote="TheCops"][quote="MD-2389"][quote="Jeff250"]For the white jokes, you just need to refer to any of the mug threads.
those would be white trash jokes.
What's the difference
(Think there are enough quotes yet?)
What have I done?[/quote]HaAGen DaZS wrote:Waybusch! Um, yea...Mobius wrote:I dunno, but I guess we'll soon find out?Beowulf wrote:wonder how small the quote boxes can getVertigo 99 wrote:I suppose not.Zetal wrote:One more can't hurt.Vertigo 99 wrote:I don't see one.Viralphrame wrote:say what? my IE's getting along.. so far.. OK...Krom wrote:no.Sarge wrote:Or watch Jeff Foxworthy....Stupid wrote:[quote="Battlebot"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Krom"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Dedman"][quote="TheCops"][quote="MD-2389"][quote="Jeff250"]For the white jokes, you just need to refer to any of the mug threads.
those would be white trash jokes.
What's the difference
(Think there are enough quotes yet?)
What have I done?[/quote]Zetal wrote:Waybusch! Um, yea...HaAGen DaZS wrote:I dunno, but I guess we'll soon find out?Mobius wrote:wonder how small the quote boxes can getBeowulf wrote:I suppose not.Vertigo 99 wrote:One more can't hurt.Zetal wrote:I don't see one.Vertigo 99 wrote:say what? my IE's getting along.. so far.. OK...Viralphrame wrote:no.Krom wrote:Or watch Jeff Foxworthy....Sarge wrote:[quote="Stupid"][quote="Battlebot"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Krom"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Dedman"][quote="TheCops"][quote="MD-2389"][quote="Jeff250"]For the white jokes, you just need to refer to any of the mug threads.
those would be white trash jokes.
What's the difference
(Think there are enough quotes yet?)
What have I done?[/quote]Vertigo 99 wrote:Waybusch! Um, yea...Vertigo 99 wrote:I dunno, but I guess we'll soon find out?Zetal wrote:wonder how small the quote boxes can getHaAGen DaZS wrote:I suppose not.Mobius wrote:One more can't hurt.Beowulf wrote:I don't see one.Vertigo 99 wrote:say what? my IE's getting along.. so far.. OK...Zetal wrote:no.Vertigo 99 wrote:Or watch Jeff Foxworthy....Viralphrame wrote:[quote="Krom"][quote="Sarge"][quote="Stupid"][quote="Battlebot"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Krom"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Dedman"][quote="TheCops"][quote="MD-2389"][quote="Jeff250"]For the white jokes, you just need to refer to any of the mug threads.
those would be white trash jokes.
What's the difference
(Think there are enough quotes yet?)
What have I done?[/quote]Vertigo 99 wrote:Waybusch! Um, yea...Vertigo 99 wrote:I dunno, but I guess we'll soon find out?Vertigo 99 wrote:wonder how small the quote boxes can getZetal wrote:I suppose not.HaAGen DaZS wrote:One more can't hurt.Mobius wrote:I don't see one.Beowulf wrote:say what? my IE's getting along.. so far.. OK...Vertigo 99 wrote:no.Zetal wrote:Or watch Jeff Foxworthy....Vertigo 99 wrote:[quote="Viralphrame"][quote="Krom"][quote="Sarge"][quote="Stupid"][quote="Battlebot"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Krom"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Dedman"][quote="TheCops"][quote="MD-2389"][quote="Jeff250"]For the white jokes, you just need to refer to any of the mug threads.
those would be white trash jokes.
What's the difference
(Think there are enough quotes yet?)
What have I done?[/quote]Dark Falcon wrote:Waybusch! Um, yea...Vertigo 99 wrote:I dunno, but I guess we'll soon find out?Vertigo 99 wrote:wonder how small the quote boxes can getVertigo 99 wrote:I suppose not.Zetal wrote:One more can't hurt.HaAGen DaZS wrote:I don't see one.Mobius wrote:say what? my IE's getting along.. so far.. OK...Beowulf wrote:no.Vertigo 99 wrote:Or watch Jeff Foxworthy....Zetal wrote:[quote="Vertigo 99"][quote="Viralphrame"][quote="Krom"][quote="Sarge"][quote="Stupid"][quote="Battlebot"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Krom"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Dedman"][quote="TheCops"][quote="MD-2389"][quote="Jeff250"]For the white jokes, you just need to refer to any of the mug threads.
those would be white trash jokes.
What's the difference
(Think there are enough quotes yet?)
What have I done?[/quote]Zetal wrote:Waybusch! Um, yea...Dark Falcon wrote:I dunno, but I guess we'll soon find out?Vertigo 99 wrote:wonder how small the quote boxes can getVertigo 99 wrote:I suppose not.Vertigo 99 wrote:One more can't hurt.Zetal wrote:I don't see one.HaAGen DaZS wrote:say what? my IE's getting along.. so far.. OK...Mobius wrote:no.Beowulf wrote:Or watch Jeff Foxworthy....Vertigo 99 wrote:[quote="Zetal"][quote="Vertigo 99"][quote="Viralphrame"][quote="Krom"][quote="Sarge"][quote="Stupid"][quote="Battlebot"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Krom"][quote="Zetal"][quote="Dedman"][quote="TheCops"][quote="MD-2389"][quote="Jeff250"]For the white jokes, you just need to refer to any of the mug threads.
those would be white trash jokes.
What's the difference
(Think there are enough quotes yet?)