Tricord wrote:WarAdvocat wrote:... peacefully carrying a weapon ...
OMG!!1 Oxymoron!!1111
Seriously though. American socity is teh borked!1 by the sound of it. Need to carry guns in case you need them against others who might point their own gun at you?
That is by far the stupidest thing you've said in this thread so far. Just because we have the right to carry concealed firearms in some states (a permit is required to do so legally) doesn't mean that every single one of us does.

Nice assumption there dumbass. I take it you haven't been around any gangs lately have you?
I break into your house, so you shoot me.
Damn straight. I will not hesitate to use lethal force to protect the lives of those residing with me. You break into my residence, you forfeit the right to live.
As for your "right to call the belgian police", alot of good that will do you since usually when someone breaks in
they cut the phone lines.

So if you have no cellular service you're screwed.
I break into your garden shed, so you shoot me?
I trespass into your garden, so you shoot me??
Now you're just blowing things way out of proportion.
Sounds like you jackasses never answer the front door without a piece ready to kill who just rang your doorbell.
Nice assumption there troll. Maybe you should spend a few years over here in the states before you criticize us next time, mmmk? You might find that life is just a TAD bit different over here.
Like I said: pure paranoia. I can see why dubya gets elected over there

Again, nice assumption troll. With an attitude like that, its no small wonder you idiots got steamrolled by the nazis.

Oh yeah, I didn't vote for Dubya so take your elitism crap and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.