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Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:10 am
by roid
actually no, i just had exceptional spacial awareness, a gymnast's intuition, and manymany years of game playing experience.

(and yes, i agree, as you play more and more multiplayer you get increasingly better and better. but what can i say, i started out pretty kickass in descent :P.)

i admit, i had to learn a lot of new things for descent multiplayer. but it's the same with lander.

first comes learning to pilot, then comes learning to play good multiplayer (and you become get a better pilot from that too of course).

i still suck pretty bad in lander multiplayer*, i'm just getting into it (as i track down more ppl who play the game, a task in itself). someone who is used to playing descent would watch me playing multiplayer and be all "wtf you suck mang!". but let them try it out ;), they will be killing themselves over and over again as they smash hard into walls in a panic and wouldn't have a hope of ever scoring one kill.

it looks easier than it is. you'll instantly realise that once you try the game 1ACE1. try the demo, i bet you can't even complete it.

*but everyone sucks :lol:. as we play more and more i hope we'll be able to pull off some pretty amazing stuff. too bad there's only 2 maps, i'd like to change that.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 6:45 am
by Diedel

you don't have any sense of humor you'd know about, do you? :P

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 7:13 pm
by MD-2389
Diedel wrote:1ACE1,

you don't have any sense of humor you'd know about, do you? :P
What can you expect from someone that doesn't even appreciate roid's humor? ;)

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 2:40 pm
by 1ACE1
I do have a good sense of humor; it just takes something fully humorous for it to come into play.


Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 8:06 am
by WarAdvocat
OK I got it running.

Issues: Too Dark
Menu Screen Text is funky
Trying to modify configs = crash.

I need to change the config, none of the included options are anywhere near optimum IMHO. Not even remotely close...

Where can I find help?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:27 pm
by Descent-forever
This game rocks !
It's coolest game i ever see in my life (and i see a lot of game).

To play Lander you must turn OFF mouse acceleration in mouse properties ( "Enhance pointer precision" must be off ) And second thing you must do to turn off acseleration. Go here:
Start->run and type the word - regedit (and push Enter)
Here in this window go here Edit -> Find
And type this one in window - MouseSpeed. Press Enter. You will find parameter Mouse Speed.
Turn it in zero (0) Then press F3 (Find next) and do the same, when you find it.
Same thing do with parameters "MouseThreshold1" and "MouseThreshold2" Everyone most be equals ZERO !
Now you can play.
Alsow t must be turn on Win98 compatibility mode for file Lander.exe (Located in Lander->LanderD3D folder)

And here my demonstration flight. You will fly like there in demo in future. I promise it.

To fly like thet i used ball mouse Logitech M-S35(XY) and joystick Wingman (Z yaw).

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:47 pm
by TigerRaptor
Thatâ??s great and all. But why did you bring back this old topic.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:05 pm
by WarAdvocat