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Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:06 pm
by TigerRaptor
Shining moments in Descent, well the day I made the rank of Demigod with out even tring.

Who can't forget that day when the pxo ranks got screwed up.
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:37 pm
by Behemoth
TigerRaptorFX wrote:Shining moments in Descent, well the day I made the rank of Demigod with out even tring.

Who can't forget that day when the pxo ranks got screwed up.
without trying meaning you had someone be your meatpuppet to get kills

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:54 pm
by TigerRaptor
I guess you wheren't around when SOD was messing with the pxo ranks.
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:51 am
by Behemoth
heh, i guess i just didnt catch it
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:43 pm
by Darktalyn1
Probably the time I joined the 1v1 ladder. I started out 29-0 and grabbed the top rank for a bit
Also, any time I managed to beat suncho. I don't know why, but I always found that so enjoyable
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:36 pm
by Neo
heh I can't believe I forgot this one:
I think one of the best moments of me playing this game (or watching it being played

) was watching a certain Demigod play. During that game, his goal was to increase his efficiency on that pilot to 90%. Nobody too challenging was in the server at that time. Man, he really made the game look like an art!!! What was good about him was, he always had a goal, no matter how good he was. That's another thing I got out of Descent:

One must always have a goal, one must never become complacent at his current skill level.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 8:32 am
by Krom
One must always have a goal in Descent? Thats BS, just play the game for fun and don't make it a goal in life.
I never got to see much of a "certain Demigod" play, because that "certain Demigod" always almost immediately abandoned any game I joined. That is what setting a goal does to you, makes some worthless rank more important to you then the gameplay and purpose of the game.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:20 pm
by Money!
The only demigod I've seen was Dark Magician, who just trolled throughout Earthshaker beating up on everyone. He was really good though, and I'm sure his speed bode him well in the real game. He didn't hack.
Which demi are you talking about?
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 4:03 pm
by Krom
Nobody in D2.
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 11:39 pm
by Neo
Yes, it's important to have fun, and while all goals aren't necessarily stats-oriented, it's also equally important to do your best at everything you do, and to improve...whether you're eating, drinking, playing Descent, or whatever.
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 10:41 am
by HaAGen DaZS
The best moment simply would've been XTA, CU vs. RIP.
Bonz and I were on TS. He didn't know it was XTA. I killed him... The obscenity and confusion from both of us was incredible. We were bustin' our guts for a good 10minutes.
As it turns out, I got the most kills for BOTH teams... Absoulute riot!
it was a "had to be there" moment. i'll always remember that game

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:53 pm
by Hostile
Oh god where to start.......
1) Every LAN I went to (about 25 or so) was a shining moment. I started with the Houston LAN crew back in 1997. They had LANs almost monthly back then with D1/2. I joined ROX shortly after. I mean this with all sincerity, "Goob is a cool cat." It is too bad we misunderstood each other for so freakin long. LANs rock for appreciating and understanding people.
2) I think my favorite Descent moment of all time (and I wasn't even playing) was slapping hands with {ROX}Fatal as he won the 50K tournament and me being almost as excited about it as he was. Believe me.....That ruled!!!! Staying in Caesar's Palace for that whole event for free wasn't bad either. Vegas was so good for so many reasons. Darak was supposed to be my 2v2 partner for the tourny. The sign up deadline was only a couple minutes away and Darak was no where to be found and Nirvana came over and asked me to be partners with him. I had really only heard about his legend and lore up to this point. As it turns out, his planned partner (Vander) and Darak had slipped out to get lunch and missed the sign-ups/start of the matches. Anthony and I made it all the way to the finals to be beaten by Birdy and Kufyit by about 10. Along the way WE (read Nirvana) beat Sandmann and Diablo in the quarter finals, one of the most satisfying moments/wins in my Descent history. They gave us Voodoo3 cards for that, which ROCKED!!!! I was humbled by the whole Nirvana experience believe me.
3) The other thing that sticks out the most was hearing (I think it was Vander) scream out to Birdseye.....STOP CHASING THE PHOENIX!!! at Califest to which Birdy repled......I can't!!!!! ROFLMAO. (FIST/ANTS vs ROX in Skin Like Winter). The significance of that moment is complicated heh.
4) My favorite self-performance----At Califest 2003(?the one where J-oh passed), I led the final round of 16 player Burning Indika 3 the entire time until the twin terrors, Bah and Birdy, finally passed me with less than 2 minutes to play. I finished 3rd and got to stand there with those two guys in the picture

. There were A F*CKTON of heavy hitters in that match too. I was a hit and run 56k player for such a long time and had to learn years of in your face lpb fusion bumping in just a few short months after I got DSL. Believe me, that was not easy........
-I was truly honored that with all the history (read animosity) between ROX and D3K and myself in particular, that we had that much fun (at least I did) with everyone playing as me

. I really liked that I actually won a few of those.....not many, but a few (and they went on for several days). Those bastids knew I was the 'dot' pilot "{ROX}Hostile." too Heh.
The weird and possibly sad thing is that I have so many good (and bad) Descent memories because it has been a huge portion of my life (10 years and a couple of marriages) both playing it and thinking about it when I wasn't playing it, let alone the countless hours building levels etc. I could never regurgitate them all. Holy crap, I can't believe how nostalgic I was just feeling to spout out all of that....sorry about that.......

Descent 4 would be the end of me heh.
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:55 am
by WarAdvocat
So come back and create more of those moments. Damn all you "I don't play anymore" pilots anyhow.
I miss you all.
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:39 am
by Foil
Dang, Hostile... you're making
me nostalgic for those days, and I wasn't even there!
Do the demos still exist for any of those classic matchups? I would absolutely love to see any of them, especially the old CaliFest matches with all the old greats.
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 1:00 pm
by Ferno
When FIST beat the crap out of just about everyone.
Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 1:10 pm
by Admiral Thrawn
Here are mine
Any time which I killed Krom. That was fun. I would always make it a point to kill him.
The Kansas City Lan Party. Birdseye is a small dude, but his skillz are damn good.
My first match with Barry. He was new on the scene so I didn't know him, but I was quickly forced to up my game after he got 2 quick kills on me.
Any time people ask me how I got my picture in the game.
Jumping into a game and people assuming that Korrupt is a newb since they've never seen me before. And then hearing the accusations about cheating, etc...
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 7:45 am
by Thundercat
Making the UT and the first re-birth of {DmC}.
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 7:52 am
by TheCope
Thundercat wrote:Making the UT and the first re-birth of {DmC}.
Holy ★■◆●!
When i first was practicing with {DmC} Thundercat was outraged that i wasn't spawn killing... like actually mad.
how's the family?
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:58 pm
by Ferno
holy ★■◆● he's back!
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 3:00 pm
by Thundercat
TheCope wrote:how's the family?
Growing. Healthy and growing. Might also get crowded if the inlaws have to move in (stinky poo). Hopefully sometime in the next ten years I'll get a chance to play Descent again...
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 3:13 pm
by Money!
WarAdvocat wrote:So come back and create more of those moments. Damn all you "I don't play anymore" pilots anyhow.
I miss you all.
You have no idea how much I can relate to you here... I fell the EXACT same way. I've already begged a few people to come back, and I'd love to play Hosti again.
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 4:12 pm
by Krom
Whoa, haven't seen TC in forever.
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:14 am
by Admiral Thrawn
damn, Hey Thundercat. Speaking of Thundercat, that reminds me of the "legendary" thread over on the volition forums when Red Faction was coming out. Talk about fun
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:51 pm
by Thundercat
That was a fun thread...
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:59 pm
by TigerRaptor
Those where good memories.
Nice seeing you again TC it has been a long time.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:12 pm
by Sirius
Oh yeah, that was a classic (and actually the name Thundercat always reminds me of it... hah).
Especially because I recall so many people took it far too seriously.
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 1:47 am
by Money!
I'm gonna add one from about 10 minutes ago.
Me getting my ass BEATEN HORRIBLY by Behemoth in 4 sucessive games of BI3. I averaged about 2 kills a game.
But it's fun getting my ass kicked by good people.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 3:44 am
by HaAGen DaZS
14-man indikas were always a great laugh!
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 3:51 am
Stadium, blues and conncusion only, no abcooler or quadlaser, couple days ago.
Great dogfighting
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:54 am
by Behemoth
LEON wrote:Stadium, blues and conncusion only, no abcooler or quadlaser, couple days ago.
Great dogfighting
yeah, i enjoy that stuff

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 9:43 am
by will_kill
The only thing I see wrong with those matches are the lack of supers...the fights are too long with blues only.
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:14 am
by Pun
Admiral Thrawn wrote:damn, Hey Thundercat. Speaking of Thundercat, that reminds me of the "legendary" thread over on the volition forums when Red Faction was coming out. Talk about fun
Best thread EVER! Man, wonder if it's out there somewhere...
way back
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 7:38 pm
by Redbone
edited: inflammatory. contribute or stfu, redbone. -Pun
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:06 pm
by TigerRaptor
punisher wrote:Best thread EVER! Man, wonder if it's out there somewhere...
That was over 4 years ago I think it still can be recovered.
Shining moment
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:08 am
by Jesus Freak
Biggest highlight: D3 Chicago LAN 2004
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 3:30 pm
by Vander
Hmmm, so many moments to choose from.
I think it was watching Diablo leave the room after the 50k quarter final match with Nirvana, Sfuzzi, Diablo and I. No offense to Diablo, but that was pretty priceless.
Notable mentions:
ROXfest in Houston. This had to be my favorate LAN. The venue was perfect. Big LAN room in a nice hotel, with a bar 20 feet from the LAN room. Memorable moments from this LAN are playing a 1on1 with Sandmann right after I polished off a bottle of jager, the drunk tourny later that night, and the ROX/FIST match where I watched TTrek "accidentally" unplug Nirvana's computer.
More 50k honorable mentions: Smoking a doobie with Wavetrades in the parking garage of Ceasars after meeting him a few minutes earlier.(knowing him for years on Kali) Smoking dope with Kufyit before we both had 50k Semi matches. Walking back into the LAN room after that was surreal. Watching Nirvana eat a cigarette. Watching drunken Nirvana almost fall over while telling Matt Tochslog (sp?) "Dude, Descent is the best game ever!" at the party after the tourny. Watching people marvel at someone using the Tank was pretty funny, too.
Another honorable mention was the glob of fusion I caught from Barry at one of the Califests in Gladius the Pimp, I believe. It may have been the greatest moth in history.
I also remember one dogfight I had with mordrim in SLW that was perhaps the best dogfight I'd ever been in. We had played each other for years, and were both pulling out all the stops. The dogfight seemed to last forever. We ended up killing each other.
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:48 pm
by JazzyJet
Wow I've had so many fun times.
3on3's with Darak and Vlider at califest 2002 was a blast and then the 2on2's with Vlider.
Sfuzzi's houston lan was a blast with Rock and Datguy and everybody.
The 2on2's with Suncho and all the games at the last chicago lan. Incredible so much fun with everyone.
Learning to play with Readyman and Datguy were great times back when I really sucked.
The 59 team games were always a blast back in the day. Teaming up with Spud and later Tweety and then Buzz for incredible 2on2 games at the MI lans.
The ladder 1on1 games were always so much fun with everyone
One of my fondest moments was when I got called up with the right ticket 3 times at the last califest to get some sweet prizes rock hooked us up with. And I remember looking out at everyone each time and hearing Joh yell Yeah Jazzy!!!! louder than everyone else with a big smile. I always see that moment when I think of him.
Clays fun lans and wifes eggs and hospitality.....
Dang I want to go on and on but I'll stop cus I don't wanna get mushy=p
It's been incredible much love to everyone who's Danced the great Descent Dance with me.
Hope to lan again=)
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 6:33 pm
by Beowulf
WP, D3k, SYN, DoA, III - teams that own people. Any time I played against D3k or ROX and beat them back in the WP days. Playing against ANTS in Pyroglyphic. Playing with Jazzy any time. Being in OSS and being on TeamSpeak with Arthur, Crown, and the rest of the old team. I remember Arthur would yell at people for talking. Playing on I had a lot of fun with Descent, it's a shame I have no interest anymore.
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:15 pm
by Hostile
Vander wrote:Watching people marvel at someone using the Tank was pretty funny, too.

Dude, your display and refusal to use anything else at Vegas was THE reason I used the tank from then on out.....heh. Kufyit stomping me in the semis with it in CORE helped too though. God that sucked LOL.
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 4:15 pm
by xceptional1
I have to say playing xeon, the demigod, in earthshaker. Greatness.