something is wrong with permissions in the unified sources:
pinkybox d2x-xl-src # ./configure
bash: ./configure: Permission denied
pinkybox d2x-xl-src #
chmod 777 configure to open up the permission causes this on run:
pinkybox d2x-xl-src # chmod 777 configure
pinkybox d2x-xl-src # ./configure
: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
pinkybox d2x-xl-src #
btw...instead of playing tag every other hour, why don't we agree on a IRC server to chat in?? :3
edit>>>> sweht...I finally got past that sdlgl.c Diedel suggested, it was remove these lines from and ./autogen:
# Check for SDL_image
AC_CHECK_LIB(SDL_image, IMG_ReadXPMFromArray,
LIBS="-lSDL_image $LIBS"
AC_DEFINE(SDL_IMAGE,,[Define if you have the SDL_image library]))
edit #2>>> something interesting to note....when a .d2x-xl folder is present, ./d2x-gl startup hangs w/o any quick window popup....however, when .d2x-xl is not present, ./d2x-gl window pops open and closes immediately, then the program terminates...already having a valid d2x.ini files makes no difference at all