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Re: Audio Taunts

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:16 pm
by Nexus_One
zbriggs wrote:Audio Taunts> At this point audio taunts have become somewhat of an industry standard. So yes it will have audio taunts.
Maybe add a conversion program of some sort, the way we used to be able to use winamp, only easier to convert and edit.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:27 pm
by DCrazy
It's not so much the audio taunts that have become standard as the voice communication. Voice communication would be very nice, especially if there are separate key bindings for teamspeaking and alltalking. :D

Re: Audio Taunts

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:30 pm
by Skyalmian
zbriggs wrote:Audio Taunts> At this point audio taunts have become somewhat of an industry standard. So yes it will have audio taunts.
And the option to permanently disable them, I hope.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:55 pm
by Ferno
where at Sky? the client or the server?

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:57 pm
by Skyalmian
D3 does it client side, per pilot. It's in the Configure -> Miscellaneous section.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:40 pm
by Suncho
It's also in the f6 menu

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:54 pm
by Skyalmian
That's only temporary.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:05 am
by Ferno
i know that.. but what I was asking was where would you like it implemented

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:48 am
by woodchip
"also things like cameras/markers and crap in the way from d2/d3... ugly, stupid, no point." Merl

Wrong-o. Cameras are very useful when playing team based levels and defending the base.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:49 am
by Sirius
Client side or both, generally... the server doesn't matter so much, but for some reason some servers might want to disable them.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:11 am
woodchip wrote: Wrong-o. Cameras are very useful when playing team based levels and defending the base.
yeah they are for people without any skillz :twisted:

At least D2 had the "disable Camera View from Markers" option when launching a hosted game

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:29 am
by Neo
woodchip wrote: Wrong-o. Cameras are very useful when playing team based levels and defending the base.
yeah they are for people without any skillz :twisted:

At least D2 had the "disable Camera View from Markers" option when launching a hosted game
I concur. =P

I want longer, higher-quality audio taunts; I want more audio taunts. ^_^ Maybe 44,100 Hz, stereo, and 4 or 5 seconds, and the ability to disable them on the client side. ^_^

Zach, I think that you and the rest of HighOctane should stick with the original game idea, a clone of Descent and Descent II. Other ideas may be good, but remember what made those two games what they are. Remember the weapons that you like and that you already plan to put in the game, like the Phoenix Cannon and Gauss Cannon.


Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:42 am
by woodchip
woodchip wrote: Wrong-o. Cameras are very useful when playing team based levels and defending the base.
yeah they are for people without any skillz :twisted:

At least D2 had the "disable Camera View from Markers" option when launching a hosted game
Yeah right...kinda evens out the skippy phoenii zipping in with a speed hack :wink:

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:11 am
by Sergeant Thorne
woodchip wrote: Wrong-o. Cameras are very useful when playing team based levels and defending the base.
yeah they are for people without any skillz :twisted:
Without them, your base = mine. :twisted: People call me a camera ***re.. but only because typing is their only feasible venue for attack. ;)

P.S. Where's UCTF, Maxy?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:13 am
by DCrazy
Again, why pre-recorded audio taunts? Why not let me say what I want over the microphone?
Zach, I think that you and the rest of HighOctane should stick with the original game idea, a clone of Descent and Descent II.
Then go play D1/D2. I don't think an exact replica would be fun or expected. The guys at HighOctane are definitely aware of the gameplay dynamic of D1/D2; what they duplicate, extend, change, or drop is up to them.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 9:57 am
by Top Wop
I liked the idea of D2's "Cinematic Multimedia". The cutscenes were cool and I love to hear my woofers rockin'! I really miss that.

Voice Communication

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:52 am
by zbriggs
Voice Communication> I don't mind the concept of having voice communication built into the game. My fear with placing VoIP communications into the game is that it will turn out like the voice communication in UT2k4. Most people disabled it because it didn't work nearly the way they had expected it to. I have been thinking about this issue since the start of the project and have come up with a few really good ways to make the VoIP communications function the way people would expect without sacrificing game play or performance.


Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:16 pm
by DCrazy
I'm not a UT fan so I'm not sure what you're talking about with regards to "not working as they expected". Counter-Strike's voice chat is very good IMO (as is Xbox Live's), as long as we have the option of muting specific users or turning off the feature entirely. I just don't want to have to fire up another program just to communicate with my team.

Voice-activated chat would be nice too. One less button to press in an already complicated control scheme.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:17 pm
by Sligar
DCrazy, why not pre recorded audio taunts? that's one of the features I like about online descent, all the amusing audio taunts that are out there. I can't do a credible rick james or howard dean imitation, so I'll have to use a recording for those instances.

That said, ingame voice communication would be really cool too. I would think it would be kind of a bandwidth hog though, wouldn't it?

And as for cameras, yes lets have 'em. But they shouldn't be invulnerable; why should my pyro be able to destroy a bot but not a security camera? At most, a mega missle should be enough to put one out of commission. You'd know someone was coming by the static on your remote camera monitor. Plus I personally don't like cameras all that much, and destroying them would give me great satisfaction.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:27 pm
by Sligar
Here are a few more ideas:

What about a 'bot programmer weapon? One of these would have a limited number of shots, and any bot you shot with it would become your ally. On capture the flag levels you bolster your attack (or defence) forces with bots. If your opponents got hold of a bot programmer they might turn your defence bot against you.

Also, a portable shield (like in halo) might be a good weapon. Basically just a missle that you shoot into a wall, where it grows into a little transparent shield you can hide behind. Or, also along the nanotech vein, a missile that could 'eat' an opponents ship and turn it into a cloud of bots hostile to the opposing team.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:41 pm
by Stryker
I can make a bot-defended CTF level in D3 if I want to...

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:04 pm
by Capm
Built-in Voice communication isn't such a big deal for most teams anyway, which is where they see the most use. For example, the MS has its own teamspeak server, which is used for all our divsions. It does everything we could want it to do, and the voice quality is as good as we want it to be. There really isn't a need to re-invent the wheel here - just make sure it works with programs like teamspeak.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 9:10 pm
by Mr. Perfect
DCrazy wrote:Again, why pre-recorded audio taunts? Why not let me say what I want over the microphone?
Because most of us can't say "Bite my shiny metal ass" quite the same as Bender's voice actor.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:58 am
by AceCombat
Neo wrote:
I concur. =P

I want longer, higher-quality audio taunts; I want more audio taunts. ^_^ Maybe 44,100 Hz, stereo, and 4 or 5 seconds, and the ability to disable them on the client side.

yes yes, higher quality taunts. Neo, taunts are already 4 seconds long.....make them capable upto 8 or 10 seconds, like Counter Strike

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:53 pm
by Killanthype
I'd rather see better support for custom ship logos. Err, custom ship _paint jobs_.... If I want to fly something that is fully covered in yellow and purple poka dots, please let me! Being confined to a little tiney square stuck on pre-determined spots on your ship is boring, nor very good for recognizing ships.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:08 am
by Merl
Merl: Let it go. This isnt Descent 4. If you are so anal about all of that then why not make your own game? You really dont know what you are talking about.
Dude.. whoever wrote that, you don't even need a plug so i won't give you name. I dont know what i'm talking about? I'd love to play you in any descent 1/2/3 or any other FPS/3d game for that matter.

I'm just a DESCENT fan who'd love a game ON XP and newer systems that runs WELL on the internet. You don't know me, don't talk ★■◆●. I don't talk ★■◆●, is speak from my heart and don't mean to offend anyone. I give advice, and if it's not taken, so be it. I don't want descent 4... descent 4 would SUCK. I want a game in the spirit of d1. Ladders like the IDL, ODL, and the orignal cases were the BEST ladders for any game on the next because they fostered a real community. It's how many of us d1/d2 oldskoolers grew up online.

I don't like personal attacks, I'd have to consider you a ★■◆●ing retard for responding like that to me, but that would just bring me down to your level.

Eat ★■◆●, and learn what descent is about.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:10 am
by Merl

only reason i dont like cams and markers is beacuse you can see them. I could care less if they were mounted on a wall or something or just not visible at all. They get in the way. I don't care if people are spying on me, i'll rape them once i get there.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:52 am
by Mr. Perfect
So make the markers/cameras smaller. Just a little twinkly energy orb or something.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 2:08 am
by kurupt
merl, you aint rapin nothin homo ;)

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 9:58 am
by Grendel
I want camaras w/ build-in lasers or missiles that can be operated remotely.. :P

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:39 am
woodchip wrote:Yeah right...kinda evens out the skippy phoenii zipping in with a speed hack :wink:
This is true not all of us can get the D3K speedhack, or playonline games with POS 2Wire Gateways

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:02 pm
by AceCombat
BUBBALOU wrote: or playonline games with POS 2Wire Gateways

thats why i specifically specified getting a Westell instead of a 2Wire POFS. :)

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 6:37 pm
by Zetal
Just in case this was asked, I didn't take the time to read the whole topic (a little too long while half is praise :P:wink:).

I was wondering if you guys were thinking of adding 64 bit compatibility. AMD has had their 64 bit processor out for awhile now. Maybe you could get some good attention from gaming magazines and such by being one of the first games to start using 64 bit.

But of course, the standard would stay at 32 bit. This is just a suggestion of course. I'm not sure how much trouble this would be or not.

Keep the updates coming! :D

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 6:47 pm
by DCrazy
True 64 bit is a MAJOR pain in the ass unless the program is designed for it (especially in apps like games which do a heavy amount of low-level memory management). Intel's 64-bit processors are backwards-compatible with 32-bit code, though there is not much of an advantage to running a 32-bit application on a 64-bit processor.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 7:47 pm
by Zetal
DCrazy wrote:True 64 bit is a MAJOR pain in the *** unless the program is designed for it (especially in apps like games which do a heavy amount of low-level memory management). Intel's 64-bit processors are backwards-compatible with 32-bit code, though there is not much of an advantage to running a 32-bit application on a 64-bit processor.
Well, of course not. Is there an advantage to playing a 16 bit game on 32 bit? :P

"True 64 bit is a MAJOR pain in the *** unless the program is designed for it"

*Raises eyebrow* Really I don't see why that makes any difference. It's about the same as having programs made for 16 bit on your computer. I actually play Descent on 16 bit (it never stays in 32). I never have problems...

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 7:52 pm
by DCrazy
I'm talking about from a coding standpoint. On a 32-bit system memory addresses and numbers are both 32-bit integers. On a 64-bit Intel system, memory addresses are 64-bits, but integers remain 32-bits.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 7:55 pm
by Krom
woodchip wrote:Yeah right...kinda evens out the skippy phoenii zipping in with a speed hack :wink:
This is true not all of us can get the D3K speedhack, or playonline games with POS 2Wire Gateways
D3k has been gone from D3 for almost a year now and they still b*tch about us. That has got to be some sort of new record. :P ;);)


On the 64bit front, are there any good compilers out for the Athlon 64 yet? AMD is not very good at getting a optimized compiler out.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 8:06 pm
by Zetal
"The AMD 64 architecture extends the x86 instruction set architecture to support 64-bit processing, offering full compatibility with both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. It delivers 64-bit capability while remaining compatible with the vast quantity of 32-bit x86 software. In fact, 32-bit and 64-bit applications can run side-by-side atop a 64-bit operating system. Even on a 32-bit OS, AMD 64 enhances legacy applications' performance because of its wider data paths. There's no instruction translation layer or compatibility mode to limit the performance of 32-bit applications."

If you want some more, cli ck here.

This is why I was wondering what you were talking about. :P

Re: Screen Shot

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:55 pm
by Mr. Perfect
zbriggs wrote:This is a sneak peak for a select few that are helping with the project. We will be releasing an official screen shot shortly.
How long is shortly? :lol:

Re: Screen Shot

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:57 pm
by Trackball
Mr. Perfect wrote:
zbriggs wrote:This is a sneak peak for a select few that are helping with the project. We will be releasing an official screen shot shortly.
How long is shortly? :lol:
Too long. :cry: