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Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:57 am
by Diedel
Do you have proof for the '.net boss' bashing .com?
Btw, you don't do your .net bashing at .com, you do it here.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:14 am
by *JBOMB*
Here...Here is a thread that proves what im talking about perfectly:
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:22 am
by Hattrick
Points have been made.
It is clear that some people here are happy to live by rules that others feel are to restrictive.
If they wanna stay in this small part of the world and be protected from us \"mean people\", Let em stay. For gods sake don't let them come over to .com and start infecting it with their \"we don't like this, let's make a rule against it\" mentality.
we get enough of that BS in the real world.
just my last 1/3 cent i wish to waste on this subject. -Hat
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:22 am
by Kilarin
War Advocate wrote: I find it insulting that you call my text little old woman text.
Ok, now THAT was funny. Next time I'll say bitty.
*JBOMB* wrote:Ya...not fact there has NEVER been a .net bashing thread over there...all the bashing comes from .net boss...hate to ruin yer vision of "how it is"...
Really? I'm surprised, but I'll take your word for it. And good on you folks.
And, again, you will note that I'm asking the .netters to quit with the bashing of the .commers.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:29 am
by TIGERassault
That only proves that .net people like to bash .com in the .net forum, while .com like to bash .net in the .net forum.
And it's usually better th have someone insult you behind your back than to say it to their face.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:42 am
by WarAdvocat
TIGERassault wrote:That only proves that .net people like to bash .com in the .net forum, while .com like to bash .net in the .net forum.
I do believe that if one is assaulted, it is commonly understood that the victim of said assault may attempt a defense. For said defense to be relevant, it must be in the proper place.
Personally, I'm all for using one, both or neither board. Whatever you prefer, I'm behind your right to choose, 100%. Just don't spew stupid, innacurate, ignorant, hateful, spiteful horse puckey and not expect a response.
PS: If you guys don't knock it off, I'm gonna suggest banning fyrephlie from .com so that he has more time to post over here. So watch yer mouth!
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:46 am
by *JBOMB*
fyre is already banned over here..LOL
but scorch isnt....WB scorch!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:13 am
by Kilarin
I know I told Jbomb that I'd take his word for it, but I just found his claim too remarkable not to check up on it. Sorry. So, I pulled up the .com and did a search on .net. This is just a small sampling, sorry, I really couldn't wade through more and didn't see any point:
Warning! If you are offended by harsh language, or mildly erotic imagery, you should probably NOT click on these links.
WarAdvocat wrote:Just don't spew stupid, innacurate, ignorant, hateful, spiteful horse puckey and not expect a response.
It appears to me that there is at LEAST as much bashing of the .net going on over at the .com. Actually, the .net bashing on the .com looked a lot LESS accurate and more insulting to me, but I'm biased. There were a few people defending .net in one or two of the threads, but in most of them, no one seemed to feel the urge to jump in and "correct" you.
SO, hows about the .commers continue to say whatever they want over on the .com, I don't care and feel no need to jump in and "defend" the .net. I'm willing to let folks look at both and decide which they prefer. After looking through it, it's clear the .com is not for me. So?
And if the .netters will avoid insulting the .commers, then perhaps we can avoid drawing that drivel over here. Let newbies view the old discussions, and take a look at both boards. It should be IMMEDIATELY obvious to them what the differences are, and they can decide which forum they prefer, or perhaps they will like both. In any case, its nothing to be fighting over.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:59 am
by Krom
I check both boards every day, but I read probably 10 times as many topics on .net as .com.
I think the problem here is a couple people on both sides are overly convinced they are superior to the people on the other side. The majority of people on .net don't care, save for a few with a history of being overly dramatic and sensitive who feel the need to listen and respond to anyone who comes over and overcorrects something said about .com.
IMHO the \".com people\" or whatever you want to call them that actually bother to come \"all the way over here\" to defend their precious board and the \".net people\" who eagerly jump on the opportunity to pick up the argument represent the worst overly sensitive, thin skinned ego maniac drama princesses of the whole community. No matter what board you post on, if you bother get so hot in a topic where 95% of the community is indifferent you are an idiot.
Perhaps I should found a DBB.complain so both parties can flame and debate endlessly all they like and the rest of us won't have to skim over it in regular topics anymore.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:59 am
by TIGERassault
Does anyone else feel that this topic has completely turned into a flame war, and think that it should be locked?
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:03 am
by Kilarin
Krom makes sense, and Roid PM'd me with some sense. I think its best if from now on I just ignore any .com/.net bashing threads. Don't respond and perhaps they will go away. If they don't, I can ignore them.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:29 am
by Duper
Sooo... with all that being said.
Welcome Back Scourch!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:41 am
by Bet51987
Krom wrote:I check both boards every day, but I read probably 10 times as many topics on .net as .com.
I think the problem here is a couple people on both sides are overly convinced they are superior to the people on the other side. The majority of people on .net don't care, save for a few with a history of being overly dramatic and sensitive who feel the need to listen and respond to anyone who comes over and overcorrects something said about .com.
IMHO the ".com people" or whatever you want to call them that actually bother to come "all the way over here" to defend their precious board and the ".net people" who eagerly jump on the opportunity to pick up the argument represent the worst overly sensitive, thin skinned ego maniac drama princesses of the whole community. No matter what board you post on, if you bother get so hot in a topic where 95% of the community is indifferent you are an idiot.
Perhaps I should found a DBB.complain so both parties can flame and debate endlessly all they like and the rest of us won't have to skim over it in regular topics anymore.

Awww.. I don't know why I like you so much.
Sorry for causing the mess in the first place....
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:57 am
by Scorch
Duper wrote:Sooo... with all that being said.
Welcome Back Scourch!

Thanks Duper... Just like old times
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:02 am
by dissent
Jebus; is everybody done; can I get some sleep now !!!!
p.s. - howdy Scorch!
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:04 pm
by Pun
Hello Descenters.
I haven't posted on this board in many months. I felt that it would be better for me to refrain from posting in the midst of all the controversy and flaming that took place with the split. But now, I feel I'd like to clear the air for people who really want to know the truth about the split. There has been much speculation as to what motivated myself and my friends to create a new board. Some of it has roots in truth but has been sensationalized over time. Some of it is completely false. The fact is, most of the people that offer commentary on why the split happened have no idea why it happened because they were not party to the conversations that took place over months of time on this board's VIP Forum. It's funny, because most of the people that actually know what happened don't say anything.
A while back, maybe a year and a half ago, things got really bad with some of the moderators here. They were abusing their power in various ways. This caused some arguments amongst the staff and a state of general unrest. To further complicate matters, during this period of time, the site's administration responsibility was given back to it's rightful owner, KoolBear. KoolBear wanted to make some changes, not only to the look and feel of the site, but to some of the policies that had adopted over time. He felt that the family atmosphere of the board had been compromised and the board's moral standards had degraded. He suggested these changes in our staff-only area, the VIP Forum. Huge arguments ensued, causing some of the board's staff members and one admin to resign their positions. Myself and some of the other staff members argued that the DBB's policies had changed to reflect a difference in the demographics of the membership; that the DBB had matured over time as it's core group matured as human beings. KooBear was insistent, sticking to his moral values and beliefs. I believe he felt what he was doing was right, which it may have been. It's a very subjective issue.
Meanwhile, the abusive mods kept modding and the members kept complaining and a few members even left the board. The arguments in the VIP Forum escalated. I was a staff member at the time and was privy to the inner politics of the site, obviously. There were a few \"straw that broke the camel's back\" moments. I dont really want to go into detail, but needless to say, things got pretty hot. I do remember one incident where a young teenager posted an innocent post about what they got for christmas and one of the members posted that they got some good sex and a home cooked meal for christmas. The post was deleted by KoolBear and the flaming that ensued was monumental. Hehe, poor guy took a lot of flack for that one. Again, more arguments in the VIP. At one point in VIP arguments, KoolBear said, and I paraphrase because I no longer have access to the VIP Forum, \"I will NOT allow this kind of thing and if you don't like it, make your own damn board!\".
This only further illustrated in my mind the need for a Descent board where things would be different. A board where the members would not be so heavily moderated, where you could say what you want, use vernacular, post a picture of a beautiful woman despite the fact that she wasn't wearing a shirt; something that would be more of a true picture of reality for many of us. A place where the moderators were more facilitators than regulators. Yes! This is what we would do! We would create a place that belonged to the people, not the moderators or site owner. Our moral standards would be what the MEMBERS demanded, not our own.
Enter JBOMB and STRESSTEST. JBOMB had left the board a long time ago because of some heavy handed moderation, and in a discussion in IRC chat had mentioned that STRESSTEST was the owner of, and that they had planned to make a new board, but the project had fallen by the wayside for one reason or another. These guys were in total agreement with this idea and actually had laid the groudwork for doing this a couple years ago by buying the domain. STRESSTEST agreed to let us use the domain and JBOMB and I started building what was to become In the meantime, we asked the help of some of our good friends to assist us in building the board. Iceman, Rook, Bunyip, Instig8, TheCope and XCiter, among a few others were instrumental in the building of the board.
The basic framework of the board was brought live on Nov. 7, 2005 and we worked dilligently until the board's birthday on January 9, 2006. Since then we enjoy a small, but active membership of over 200 Descenters and we've posted almost 18,000 articles to the database to date.
There you have it. In addition, here are some more answers, straight from the horse's mouth:
-We did not create this board to spite anyone. We had a symbiosis in mind from day one, and myself and other members read .net regularly.
-We do allow the use of profanity on our site. Real life people use profanity sometimes and we feel that most of our posters know when and when not to use profanity. We do not moderate this.
-We do allow nudity on our sitebut only in a member's only area that minors are not allowed to participate in. The body is a natural, beautiful thing and there's nothing wrong with showing it. We do NOT, however, allow pornography or nude pictures that degrade women (or men, for that matter.)
-We do NOT allow gruesome death pictures or graphic violence on our site. (ala, consumption
-We do NOT tolerate racism on our site.
And that's about it. in 9 months and amost 18,000 posts, we've had to moderate the board just a handful of times. It seems as if the board strangely moderates itself. We even allow necroposts. If it was interesting 6 months ago, it most likely is interesting now.
I hear all this talk about .commers and .netters. In my world, there's no such thing. We're all Descenters, and that's what's really important. Live and let live. Don't try to discourage people from going to They might find it is a better fit to their personality.
I wont be posting responses to this. If I left something out or if you want to ask a question, please PM me at
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:39 pm
by Bet51987
Thank you for the explanation. If your telling the truth and I believe you are, then I now know why Koolbear did what he did and why I tend to defend .net. This is not a flame but just look at the posts here by Jbomb,beowulf,and behemoth, for example, and the \"mature\" content of the posts at .com. That could have been here if it weren't for Koolbear.
I belong to several non-descent related places which are namely teen, science, physics, teaching and cosmology forums and none of them comes even close to the \"style\" of .com. Those are the real mature boards.
What you have is similar to a saloon in the wild west. Please don't take this as an insult but your board lacks character and thats why I stay here.
This link was given to me when I graduated in June.
Again.... not an insult.. just what I see.
Bettina... the sick old dry boring whiney little prude teen. GO KOOLBEAR!!!
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:02 pm
by Pun
OK, I'll make an exception for Bettina.
Yes, now I hope you understand our motivations. Many of us have known each other for years and felt it rather constricting to have to abide by a set of moral standards and rules that dont apply in our lives. That's why having two boards was a best case scenario. You have a place where you feel comfortable, and now I do as well.
What you don't understand is, there's nothing to defend. This isn't a competition. Don't try to make it seem as if it is. As I mentioned, we're all Descenters, and the two boards give Descenters of like mind a place to talk that is comfortable for them. What is so wrong with that?
BTW, your very own KoolBear is a member of our NHB usergroup and I'm sure he'll answer honestly if you ask him if he's ever cracked a smile at a dick joke over there.
Again. Live and let live. Dont hate on something just because it doesn't fit your beliefs. This world is made up of all kinds of people. What a boring world it would be, indeed, if they were all the same.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 4:35 pm
by Bet51987
punisher wrote:OK, I'll make an exception for Bettina.
Yes, now I hope you understand our motivations. Many of us have known each other for years and felt it rather constricting to have to abide by a set of moral standards and rules that dont apply in our lives. That's why having two boards was a best case scenario. You have a place where you feel comfortable, and now I do as well.
What you don't understand is, there's nothing to defend. This isn't a competition. Don't try to make it seem as if it is. As I mentioned, we're all Descenters, and the two boards give Descenters of like mind a place to talk that is comfortable for them. What is so wrong with that?
BTW, your very own KoolBear is a member of our NHB usergroup and I'm sure he'll answer honestly if you ask him if he's ever cracked a smile at a dick joke over there.
Again. Live and let live. Dont hate on something just because it doesn't fit your beliefs. This world is made up of all kinds of people. What a boring world it would be, indeed, if they were all the same.
Ok... Fair enough and I understand better now. Thanks. BTW I don't care if Koolbear goes to the NHB because kids can't go there and thats what it was all about with me.
The NHB is like the beer garden at the carnival.. I can't go there and "adults" can be adults without a problem. I just wonder why an NHB is neccessary at .com.
Oh well... leave it at that and I'll see you in the mines... if you behave...
Bettina the prude witch.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 4:46 pm
by Diedel
your short list of .com posts nicely proves my point.
Sorry, .com people, but not everybody likes to get sprayed over and over with the filth you love to wallow in.
It's interesting though how the term 'freedom' can be interpreted so differently. While you want to be free to wallow in filth, I and many others here are happily free from the urge to do so. Well, actually I think that you are not free at all because you need it so badly you cannot live without it, apparently.
Not all .com visitors are like that, but it so very much looks like it's the standard over there ...
what is the NHB here for if not for what you wanted to have all over the place, huh? Sorry, your post sounds reasonable, but I don't think it really is.
- You do allow photoshopped images of other Descent community members showing them in crude sexual activities, suggesting they're badly perverted, purposefully ridiculing them - all with the pretense of just 'poking some fun' (even if it's very clear that it's not fun at all). Why the hell don't you STFU instead making .com look better than it is: A place where people can freely display their lowest side, because their peers will be around to applaude.
Just to make that clear: I didn't like .com before I got a target for some .com-ers, for the very reasons I posted above. There's many on your board who behave pretty sick at times. Well, if that's their nature, it's no wonder they couldn't bear this place.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 5:52 pm
by TIGERassault
Diedel wrote:[.com is] A place where people can freely display their lowest side, because their peers will be around to applaude.
Actually, yes. That's the best description I've heard for it in this thread. But of course, the .net people think that's a good thing to have, hence why they go to that forum.
And Punisher, you're first intention of what the forum would be like was great! However, it isn't like that due to the corruptness of people. Instead you ended up with a forum full of people that dont like obeying the rules, and most people could tell you that that would lead to disaster instantly.
And as a little tip: next time you're trying to write a convincing article, dont put a disadvantage of not having rules right before you say why you wanted a forum without rules. I'm referring to the case of the member replying to the teenager's christmas post.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:49 pm
by Hattrick
ahhh blah. nevermind.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:19 pm
by Lothar
there's nothing to defend. This isn't a competition. Don't try to make it seem as if it is. As I mentioned, we're all Descenters, and the two boards give Descenters of like mind a place to talk that is comfortable for them. What is so wrong with that?
But, pun, I have to say, you .com guys completely blew it by letting Stresstest announce the new board in his oh-so-inflammatory way. It's not a bad board, but the way it was introduced to most of us was \"hey, .net sucks, come to .com where you can flame and cuss and not deal with that jerkwad KoolBear.\" It should not surprise anyone that, whenever .com is mentioned, certain members of this board treat Stresstest's introduction as representative. It will take time for some people to get over that, and certain people's behavior in this thread isn't helping.
You guys made a board because you wanted a place to be comfortable. That's totally cool. We have no reason to whine about that. On the other hand, guys like Beo have no reason to come over here and flame away just because Bettina doesn't like the rules over there. Let us have our board where we're comfortable, instead of flaming us in the name of \"defending yourselves\".
Krom is right on when he says
\"the \".com people\" that actually bother to come \"all the way over here\" to defend their precious board and the \".net people\" who eagerly jump on the opportunity to pick up the argument represent the worst overly sensitive, thin skinned ego maniac drama princesses of the whole community.\" How about this: you .com drama princesses, keep your drama to .com, and you .net drama princesses, let cooler heads answer when someone asks why there are two boards instead of flaming about .com.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:43 pm
by Duper
Duper wrote:Sooo... with all that being said.
Welcome Back Scorch!

Take #2: "Welcome Back Scorch!"
Welcome Back Scorch!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:05 pm
by Top Gun
Long story short: .com or .net, we're all a bunch of ****ing losers who play and post about a game that's been dead in the eyes of the world for years. Everyone pass the Fusion lovin' around, and let's all get back to our normal Internet lives, m'kay?
A little more seriously, I do agree with Lothar somewhat. I would have had far less hostile feelings toward the people who \"left\" if the \"split\" hadn't happened in the exact manner it did. I'm not blaming anyone at all for it, but a simple, \"Here's a new board n'sht\" would have stopped all of this crap from ever happening. I do think that the only divide in this community is the one that we ourselves create, and that this whole mess was initially blown way out of proportion by a lot of people, myself included. I have nothing but the utmost respect for people like Pun who have been part of this community for far longer than I have.
And hell, the only real reason I don't hang around at .com is because I have way too many forums to read on a daily basis. I only have time for one DBB per day, and I've been here for five years, so laziness entails that this is where I stay.
P.S. Scorch, I bet this is just what you wanted to read when you came back, right?

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:38 pm
by Pun
Lothar, I totally see where you're coming from on the Stresstest intro. I would have never done it like that, but we all know Stress has a mind of his own, as he has made example of many times in the past.
Tigerassault. I have no idea what you're saying. Are you saying the forum would be great if it wasn't for the \"corruptness\" of people, so now it's a disaster? If so, please explain how .com is a disaster? We have a great board full of great descenters from all walks of life. We have had to do virtually no moderation whatsoever. We have a lot of laughs. It's very much like this board used to be. Disaster? I think not. As far as your tip about my \"convincing article\". I wasnt trying to convince anyone of anything. I just thought people might like to know what really happened, rather than speculation and/or lies.
I wont respond to Diedel because it's obvious that he's got his mind made up, to put it nicely.
As far as Jbomb, Beo, Bun, Phlie and the others, I really can't blame them for wanting to throw their two cents in when someone bashes the .com board. They're simply over here telling new or newly returned people that .com isn't bad, it's just different.
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:42 am
by roid

some ppl are so serious. it's teh internets people!

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:05 am
by Duper
Dude.. seriously.. those shoes... o_0
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:13 pm
by JMEaT
Hi Scorch!

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:38 pm
by TIGERassault
punisher wrote:Tigerassault. I have no idea what you're saying. Are you saying the forum would be great if it wasn't for the "corruptness" of people, so now it's a disaster? If so, please explain how .com is a disaster? We have a great board full of great descenters from all walks of life. We have had to do virtually no moderation whatsoever. We have a lot of laughs. It's very much like this board used to be. Disaster? I think not.
Sorry if what I said came out as .com being a disaster. I just meant that it didn't turn out quite as great as you had first expected it to be.
punisher wrote:As far as your tip about my "convincing article". I wasnt trying to convince anyone of anything. I just thought people might like to know what really happened, rather than speculation and/or lies.
Good point.
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 5:12 pm
by Beowulf
I disagree Tigerassault. I think the .com is exactly what the creators had in mind. It's fun.
This is what I don't understand. You think that because I (and others on the board) cuss and post dirty jokes on the Internet, it's a reflection on my lack of character as a human being? You think that I can't function without being a disruption, a delinquent who simply disobeys for attention?
I would agree with you, if my actions took place in real life. Roid, in his ADHD rainbow style, hit it right on the nose. It's the Internet. It's escapism at it's finest. The is the Fight Club of nerds. We use it to blow off steam; our own little corner of life where the rules don't apply. Don't you see? It's all just a big joke.
Anyone, and seriously I mean anyone, who reads something posted by someone anonymously on an Internet bulletin board and thinks he knows the strength of that person's character needs to be put in a padded room.
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 5:25 pm
by TIGERassault
Beowulf wrote:I disagree Tigerassault. I think the .com is exactly what the creators had in mind. It's fun.
Did you actually read Punisher's posts?
Beowulf wrote:This is what I don't understand. You think that because I (and others on the board) cuss and post dirty jokes on the Internet, it's a reflection on my lack of character as a human
Beowulf wrote:being?
Basing on the link Bet gave us; yes.
Beowulf wrote:You think that I can't function without being a disruption, a delinquent who simply disobeys for attention?
We don't care what you can and can't do; we care what you do and do not do. And you
dofunction being a disruption, a delinquent who simply disobeys for attention.
(actually, I thought you disobeyed for fun)
Beowulf wrote:I would agree with you, if my actions took place in real life.
Umm... Beowulf?
This IS real life! You really are typing a message for other people to see! Other people really are reading those messages! It's all real, whether you like it or not!
Beowulf wrote:Anyone, and seriously I mean anyone, who reads something posted by someone anonymously on an Internet bulletin board and thinks he knows the strength of that person's character needs to be put in a padded room.
Are you saying that when you make a post, your character completely dissapears and is replaced by a temporary one that comes out of nowhere?
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:21 pm
by Beowulf
I don't see this as real life. I don't know you, you don't see me on a daily basis. You're not my friend. You don't know my likes, dislikes, fears, desires, or anything else about me. This is total anonymity spaced across hundreds and thousdands of miles. So no, this isn't real life. If it is to you, I pity you.
I think you misunderstood my post entirely. The Internet is a catharsis. It's simply a release from the pressures of real life due to the fact that everyone is nameless and faceless and it allows us to let it all hang out because we can with no reprocussions. Well, unless being hassled by you mouth-breathers is considered a reprocussion.
In the end, I just goof around on here to have fun and relieve stress, and sometimes actually learn a thing or two, or simply to look at funny links and jokes. I don't \"live\" here. You're just a bunch of pixels on a monitor.
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:26 pm
by Krom
Then why do you always take everything said about .com so personal Beo? If it is just some escape, quit taking it so seriously.
You say one thing but you do something completely different.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:33 pm
by Beowulf
Whose takin it seriously? It's fun to see people get all up in arms. I'm just stirrin the pot. Allah ou akbhar.
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:36 pm
by Krom
Sure Sure. I believe that. The universe revolves around the earth too right?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:38 pm
by Beowulf
Nope, around me.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:13 pm
by Honest Bob
Funny, I just stumbled back on here myself.
so much dramma... you people are nuts...
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:26 pm
by DCrazy
Hey HB, long time no see!
Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 8:48 am
by Hattrick
heya HB!
welcome back!