Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 12:53 pm
I would like to suggest we draft both Bold 'D' and Palz and ship their butt's to Iraq just to stop them from posting 3 pages lists 

I don't think so. See below.Palzon wrote:i implicitly included this in my argument.Bold Deceiver wrote:Alternatively, they could have sold them to terrorists, but that's not a possibility in your world.
Well, that kind of flies in the face of your attempt to find refuge in the high moral ground of just trying to get to the bottom of things, doesn't it?Palzon wrote: finally, to the question you've been dying to have answered.
Well, my answer is I don't know and I don't care. (Snip diatribe.) [T]o me your question about WHEN is utterly misguided.Bold Deceiver wrote:Since you contend that Iraq possessed WMD, and since you contend that Iraq no longer possesses WMD, when, in your view, did WMD cease to exist in Iraq?
Actually, no -- I didn't ask you "when [the intelligence] went bad", but it's a telling tendency you have, re-stating questions in a manner calculated to assume the fact that the intel was "bad", so that you can use that to leap into worlds of conclusions that would make you a first rate journalist for the New York Times.Palzon wrote:You want to know when it went bad? i'll tell you. some time between the last time hussein used wmd and the time we pulled him out of his hole in Bagdhad.
Sure I do. I'm asking you to understand what others on this board seem to find obvious -- that just as it is possible that U.S. treachery, fabrication and incompetence are not only possibilities.Palzon wrote:do yo even know what you're asking? (snip) WHEN it was actually wrong is academic. the point where it was gone is the same point where our intel stopped being correct.
Sure. If the U.S. intel was accurate up to one week /one month / six months prior to invasion, I would say that's not a mistaken interpretation of raw data, my progressive young Austinite tree-huggin', otter-scrubbin' friend. In the context of a dictator who deploys, then actively conceals WMD, I'd call that good interpretation. Call me irresponsible.Palzon wrote:you're failing to address the fact that if WMD was there, we lost it. And now the threat is still out there.
just answer my question, counselor.