Are there any more?
- Dennis MILLER doesn't seem very funny to me.
- I can't find any standup comedy videos from Evan Sayet, it seems he only speaks to ideologically slanted audiences at conferences from behind a podium, and/or FOX news. And what videos there are of him arn't very funny.
- Jeff Foxworthy is not funny
- Red Skelton, i have absolutely no idea who this is sorry.
Could you guys help me out with some proper funny videos of these 4 guys above, to show that they are actually quite funny?
- (Are you sure Ben Stern is a comedian?) The famous HOWARD Stern is not a Social Conservative, he's Libertarian.
- Drew Carry also describes himself as a Libertarian.
- Bill Cosby though yes he describes himself as a conservative (abiet, not specifically Social conservative but he could well be), THAT'S interesting. I'd like to learn more about that. wrote:Freedom & Virtue: The Conservative Libertarian Debate, edited by George W. Carey, contains essays which describe "the tension between liberty and morality" as "the main fault line dividing the two philosophies."[6] According to Carey's collection, Conservatives hold that shared values, morals, standards, and traditions are necessary for social order while libertarians consider individual liberty as the highest value.