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Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 9:29 pm
by Zer0Cool
Fusion pimp wrote:Tell ya a little story- When I was searching for cars, I had it narrowed down to the Type-r and the PGT/MX-6. I drove the Type-r first and the salesman told me to drive it like I stole it. heh, that was his mistake. Getting on the freeway going into a decreasing radius right-hander I put the front fascia on the pavement and I heard it grind.. The car wallowed like a drunken shopping car. We got back to the dealer and the angry salesman disappeared inside. While we were waiting for him to return(he didn't return- his boss did and literally yelled at me for driving the car that hard) I started checking under the front wheel to see what kind of damage I caused, but I couldn't find any. I started feeling under the fascia and found that a burn hole large enough to fit my fist in under the left side. It was ugly. That quickly turned me off of the Type-r. I think they're grossly overrated in terms of handling and speed. My choice was simple from there.
I'm not a big honDUH fan myself, but from what i've read/seen/experianced, they are probably one of the few respectable honda's.
BTW...Nice Story...silly dealer
The car has to roll some.
Who rated it? do you have the comparison? What were the slalom results?
Something else I should mention. I think they should test skidpad with equal tires on each car. Tires really are the variable.
By no roll i meant significantly less roll. Yes we all know the car has to roll a little. In comparison to my friends cars, and my prior cars(spec V and RSX-S) The roll is significantly less. These cars both pull .91 on pad.
and yes tires are a huge factor...i'll agree with that.
And i'll get you the ratings as soon as i find them. Motortrend, car and driver, and (unfortunatly) Import Tuner all rated my car as one of the single best handling cars...I'll find those articles for you later. It's been a long day @ work, and i need some sleep
Well, that depends. I've seen a CAI installed that cost 200.00 that netted the car a wh00ping 2hp @ almost 6000r's, it was useless, IMO. I've seen a 600.00 catback that actually decreased HP by 7hp almost all the way through the band. I've seen them both added at the same time and the car gained 12hp @5500 but lost 2 at 3500. I've seen people add one and lose HP and then add the other and gain. Sometimes both bolt-ons are the key, it really depends on the car. Add-ons are a give and take, always.
Yes some poorly manufactured bolt-on's can infact reduce your hp, but with decent ones, like you've noted, they can also increase the power as well.
There is no N/A 4cyl that will benefit going from a 2.5 inch exhaust to a 4 inch.
Keeping velocity high is the goal. A Pipe that is too large will lose low end torque as the gas starts moving slower. Pipe that is too small will lose top end power. The optimum exhaust tube size is in direct relation to the displacement. Bigger pipes don't equate to faster exhaust gases, big pipes on a small displacement motor equates to slower exhaust, believe it or not. The idea is not to rely on the motor's exhaust stroke to push out the gases, but rather, create a suction.
Headers play more of a roll in HP/TRQ than exhaust does... nobody can see the headers so they're not as cool looking.

I will agree with this 100%, no NA 4 banger will benifit from a 4" exhaust. I'm also inclined to agree that a header is also as if not more important than the intake and exhuast. rather desent power gains occur with a Header, especially when combined with a good quality intake and exhuast.
I'm well aware BackPressure = torque
Torque = lowend power
HP = Torque over time they are all related.
You can't lose torque, it just turns into hp and you get the gains up high rather than downlow, which is bad for honda's cuz they have crappy lowend already.
FI is a different story: the exhaust prior to the compressor will have just as much of an effect on HP/TRQ than the exhaust after the compressor, often times more.
Yes, being that i drive a boosted vehicle i'm very informed about the way the exhuast powers it.
Now to get back on track i'll give you updates of the ratings for my car as soon as i find them...
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 11:12 pm
by Nexus_One
OK, so I finally got up off my lazy a$$ and took some pics, I'll have emailed out today, and hopefully they'll be posted by tomorrow night.
Just waxed her, and polished the rims and tires, that is one amazingly beautiful car when its just been waxed.
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 11:50 pm
by Jagger
If you ever feel like giving the M3 away, I'm right here willing to accept it.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 7:19 am
by KompresZor
This was my ride Saturday
My buddy called me up and wanted to know if I would drive his Hot Rod to the car show. He was taking two cars and needed another driver. How could I pass that up

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 9:18 am
by Sting_Ray
1999 Camaro Supersport. 320HP, 6 speed manual, 0-60 coming in 5 seconds or less depending on my driving and road conditions. Got most of ya'all beat in a straight line, but it pulls like a .04 on the skidpad... and that's if the tires are half melted and the asphault is 140 degrees...And if I fudge a few measurements...
Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:24 pm
by Jagger
LOL, Stingy-poo! Are those T-tops I spy? If so, they're almost as sexy as the drop top, but not quite as much. Still, those SSii are pretty burly.
Where's the Grand Prix, Komp? If we're racing for pink slips, I at least wanna see the competition.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:48 pm
by Sting_Ray
Of course they're T-tops
Oh by the way, nice choice on cars nexy, you done good =)
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 7:09 am
by KompresZor
I was going to take pictures of the Grand Prix after I got home from the car show, but comming in the door with my arms full I dropped my camera..

I have to break out the old Minolta XGA for a wedding in Oct. so I can get a feew film pics and scan them in. Untill then you'll have to settle for
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 4:03 pm
by Sage
well I just turned 16 so I'm trying to lern how to drive.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:03 pm
by Nexus_One
I sent the pictures to Vindicator today, hopefully they'll be up in a day or less.
Damn I'm sexy.
Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:38 pm
by Gammaray
what I drive ain't much to look at... in fact it looks like shyte from the outside. It Does run though and it was affordable.
1984 Nissan/Datsun 200sx Deluxe.
fully loaded except power locks, 0-60 in about 8 seconds (yes still, even after 210k miles

) I even gave my buddy a run for his straight line dash in a '98 durango... he kicked my butt by at least 3 carlengths, but it was fun all the same.
I have pics but they're not developed yet... besides, I already said it looks like crap

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 10:43 pm
by Vindicator
Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 11:11 pm
by Jagger
Dude, get out of the way. I'm trying to look at the sexy car.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 10:00 am
by Nexus_One
The silver 330Ci behind my M3 is my old 2001. I gave it to my dad when I went back to school. He liked and he could afford the payments.
The difference between the two cars is almost like night and day. The 330 is so civilized and refined, and the M3 is just so raw and forceful. It truly is a great car.
Thanks for posting the pictures Vindi.
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 10:28 am
by Testiculese
That's an M3? ergh, I thought M3 was the little curvy 2-seater.
Too bad the interiors are so blah, otherwise I'd get one. I like the BMW exteriors, mostly, and the performance/handling.
Black car in the middle of Kansas summer heat. Ow!
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 10:43 am
by bash
You're thinking of the Z3 which was replaced by the butt-ugly Z4.
Very nice, ///
M3, Nexy.
btw, I thought you were loving your gig at the hunting lodge. Obviously they were paying you well if you're driving an M3.

What made you decide to go back to school?
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 11:29 am
by Nexus_One
Left the lodge a little over a year ago. Got offered an Executive Chef position with Radisson. I had the distinction of being the youngest Executive Chef in the Company. After that I was hired to design a couple restaurants for a new restaurant company in town.
I got really burned out after those projects were done, so I decided to go back to school to get my Juris Doctor and my MBA.
M3 only cost me $15,000. Great for school, Bimmers last forever just like Hondas. Speaking of which how's your S2000 treating you Bash?
The Z4 like most of Chris Bangle's designs just requires a little time to warm up to it. I understand they drive great.
Testi, the interior is not blah, just not gimmicky like a lot of American cars are. It's business inside, not play time plastics. The Vader seats are great too, very comfortable; and heated too, woot!
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 1:28 pm
by Fusion pimp
Nexus, nice little ride. Always liked the E36 the best out of all styles. Not to burst your bubble, but my best friend is a BMW mechanic and I get to hear all the horror stories. I'll never own another BMW and he won't either. Save your money for those repairs.
I'm almost ashamed to admit it: I've become a Volvo kinda guy.
/old B
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 1:53 pm
by Birdseye
go hug a tree, volks lover
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 2:17 pm
by Grendel
Fusion pimp wrote:Not to burst your bubble, but my best friend is a BMW mechanic and I get to hear all the horror stories. I'll never own another BMW and he won't either. Save your money for those repairs.
Hehe. Take it from someone who lived in germany for 33+yrs -- he's right.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 3:43 pm
by Testiculese
I'm all for plain interiors, but BMW goes a bit too plain for me(and I don't like leather seats). Come to think of it, I don't really like any car's interior other than my Stealth's

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 8:23 pm
by Honest Bob
Here's my beast! Same slow ass GA16DE as snoopy's car but its a 1998 Sentra XE. I'd really like to get an early 91 - 94 SE-R or anything with the 2.0 engine in it.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 11:39 pm
by Nexus_One
Testi, what kind of car do you think has a good looking interior? I've seen the Stealth's interior before, I firmly believe BMW has better interiors than a Stealth.
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 1:58 am
by Vindicator
Honest Bob wrote:Here's my beast! Same slow *** GA16DE as snoopy's car but its a 1998 Sentra XE. I'd really like to get an early 91 - 94 SE-R or anything with the 2.0 engine in it.
Get to work, man! 
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 11:36 pm
by Nexus_One
I'm thinking that could be quite a little race. A pair of little rice burners in action. Woot!!! Ah who am I kidding, I used to race rice burners.
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 2:31 am
by [DWL]Punk
mexican car with some mexican ass tinted windows.. ugh HB
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 9:54 am
by Gammaray
That's not a mexinugget man... I had a 200SX SE-R (1997 year, 2 door equivalent to the sentra) and it was fuqin quick. I managed to net myself a $234 speeding ticket, which was a mere 3mph under the license revocation and car impound laws.
112 in a 75 zone... going uphill on a 7% grade

oops? no way it was fun
Had I been on flat ground I woulda been screwed, cause about 10 minutes before this I was pullin about 130mph, but the computer would cut the fuel flow @ 140...
I had this car since it was brand new... with only 11 miles on it from my test drive, so you can assume it was barely broken in when I got my ticket.