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Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 4:49 pm
by Kirby
just noticed a serious bug during gameplay:

Whenever you fire you primary or secondary weapon, the weapon/missle doesn't just draws itself in front of the ship, and it doesn't move. After about 10 seconds, the laser or missle disappears. You can even fly around the missles and reenact a scene from the matrix (but that's not the point)....also, not all area experience this problem. Sometimes the weapons do shoot like they suppose to, but most of the time they don't

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 5:02 pm
by kaelan
This is probably due to the vector calculations (vec_mag_quick I believe). One of the usages (vec_dist_quick?) was changed over, but I had to change both over for the OS X port. Perhaps it should be both for Linux as well.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:11 pm
by Diedel
Kirby seems not to have the most recent source code. That bug has been fixed in 1.5.27.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:12 pm
by Kirby
Diedel wrote:Kirby seems not to have the most recent source code. That bug has been fixed in 1.5.27.
you mean 1.5.28 :P

one serious bug to go: The robots are hyperactive when it comes to their movements. One second I'm alone in a hallway, and the next second I get rammed a thousand times by one of those hornet robots (for a second there, I almost typed horney :p )

Also (just introduced with 1.5.28 )...when I try to quit, KDE literally locks up....can't do a CTRL+ALT+ESC or a CTRL+ALT+Backspace....I have to reset every time now.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:51 am
by fyrephlie
Kirby wrote:
Diedel wrote:Kirby seems not to have the most recent source code. That bug has been fixed in 1.5.27.
you mean 1.5.28 :P

one serious bug to go: The robots are hyperactive when it comes to their movements. One second I'm alone in a hallway, and the next second I get rammed a thousand times by one of those hornet robots (for a second there, I almost typed horney :p )

Also (just introduced with 1.5.28 )...when I try to quit, KDE literally locks up....can't do a CTRL+ALT+ESC or a CTRL+ALT+Backspace....I have to reset every time now.
deidel ... this is what i was talking abot on linux forums ... 1.5.27 guidebot smokes crack and does speed and robots seem to be all sorts of incongruent :)

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:37 am
by Diedel
Hm. I had found a vector math function that works on Win32 not working on Linux and Mac OS X, so I had replaced a call to it by a function that does what it's supposed to do.

After your continuous (justified) complaints, I have now investigated further into the matter and found that the broken function is called at several other places.

A quick fix for you is to open maths/vecmat.h, search for "fix_vec_mag_quick" and replace the non-WIN32 branch of the function with the following (yellow) code:
maths/vecmat.c wrote:fix vm_vec_mag_quick (fix a, fix b, fix c)
#ifdef _WIN32
_asm {
vms_vector v = {a,b,c};
return vm_vec_mag (&v);

I will post a source update in the next few minutes as well.

I am really asking myself why in all the earth this works on Win32, but not on Linux (even with comparable hardware), or on Mac OS X. Probably a compiler problem (different code generation). The assembly code I have written for the Win32 version is the exact equivalent of the C code for the other OS's.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:08 pm
by Kirby
very is perfect now :)

now the only problem left is the lockup when quitting (either from the main menu option, or the window's X button) Upgraded to KDE 3.5 and the latest source code of D2x-XL didn't fix it...

btw...KDE 3.5 is freakin' sweet :)

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:18 pm
by Diedel
hrmpf ... no lockup with Gnome ...

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:20 pm
by Kirby

It must be something you did between the 1.5.27 and 1.5.28 releases.....cause it was quitting fine before then

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:31 pm
by Diedel
Maybe kaelan did it. ;)

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:16 am
by fyrephlie
1. appreciate the work you are doing.

ok, now here is my current issue. i just compiled your new source (1.5.29), although i have not seen so many WARNINGs during a make in my life, it finished and i was on my way back in. menus work fine, but when i get into a game the screen blacks and the monitor clicks as if not syncing. this wasn't a problem before. any ideas?

*edit* front screen says version 1.5.28. also, i have sound, and input works (i can hear myself shoot :))

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:12 am
by Diedel
Linux is not yet at 1.5.29. You'd need to check out the source code from the SVN to get up-to-date source code. I will check this and come back to you later.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 11:09 am
by fyrephlie
Diedel wrote:Linux is not yet at 1.5.29. You'd need to check out the source code from the SVN to get up-to-date source code. I will check this and come back to you later.
yeah... like i said in the edit it is 1.5.28, i was going by the header top of the page. i will check out the svn tonight when i get home from work and let you know. if you can take a poke at it too i would appreciate it, 1.5.27 looked great... the robots were just psychotic.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:35 pm
by Diedel
No problems here. If you have a ~/.d2x-xl, put a semicolon in front of the fullscreen option and see whether the program works in windowed mode.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 1:47 am
by fyrephlie
running it windows helped me figure something out. windowed it bounces back and forth between 1280x1024 and a much smaller automap which is one of my 'cockpit windows', this is the case with every resolution i run. if i switch pilots and don't use the map window i have no problems, if i switch (F3) to the widescreen mode, it runs fine. so it appears that for me it is the map windows. any ideas on this one???

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 6:21 am
by Diedel
Yeah, your gfx driver.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 4:59 pm
by fyrephlie
so you dont have the same problem running the automap in a cockpit window?

it seems odd since this is something new, this worked find previously.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:23 pm
by Diedel
Actually, I can't tell until monday.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 10:28 pm
by fyrephlie
well until then ... i will just play without the automap in the cockpit windows, seems like a pretty small thing. im not about do go digging through driver archives to find an older driver just yet, i wanna hear for sure that no one else is having trouble, espcecially since this wasnt a problem before the last update. :)

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:38 pm
by Diedel
If your drivers are up-to-date, don't bother changing them. I find this pretty amazing though, as I wouldn't know of any recent changes to the OpenGL code.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:46 pm
by fyrephlie
yeah ... well i am using the same nvidia drivers ... 7676, and nothing about this system has changed between your builds.

i am baffled by it as well, but i will continue to wait until i find out if you have any issues with running the automap in a cockpit window.

it is strange.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:25 am
by Diedel
No problems here (v1.5.33 currently) with openSUSE 10. Low end NVidia gfx card.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:14 am
by fyrephlie
well damn... time to start messing around. i have 1.5.30, but i get 1.5.33 and see what happens. then i will start messing around with gl libraries. but man ... i am really confused why it worked... then it didn't lol.
worst cast scenario is that i dont get to use that automap feature.

(i dont suppose there is a way for you to add the ability to change which cockpit windows you are using in the options menu...) :D

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:16 pm
by Diedel
You can toggle through all cockpit window types with Shift+F2 and Shift+F3 (left/right window).

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:37 pm
by fyrephlie
except when experiencing the problems that i am with said cockpit windows. shift+f2 only recognizes f2... or shift... but never both :(

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:30 pm
by Diedel
This works for me on my Linux box (openSUSE 10.0). You do have SDL 1.2.8-8 installed?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:46 pm
by fyrephlie
Diedel wrote:This works for me on my Linux box (openSUSE 10.0). You do have SDL 1.2.8-8 installed?
yup... how do you think i got it installed in the first place. :)

(openSUSE 10.0)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:00 pm
by Kirby
with the new Linux 1.5.34 release, my freezing problems just got a hell of alot worse....

Linux freezes now on startup of d2x-xl (before the intro movie even plays)...of course, the only way to get by now is to reset my machine.

what's going on here?? :?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:53 pm
by fyrephlie
Kirby wrote:with the new Linux 1.5.34 release, my freezing problems just got a hell of alot worse....

Linux freezes now on startup of d2x-xl (before the intro movie even plays)...of course, the only way to get by now is to reset my machine.

what's going on here?? :?
u can't kill x? (ctrl-alt-backspace by default)

linux normally doesnt lock up... its the x server / window manager. just a suggestion. :)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:16 am
by Kirby
correct....can't kill X, can't switch between different sessions. Only thing I can do is restart

There's little I can do on my part....I could recompile xorg and update to the latest ATi drivers (ugh...ATi). And if that fails, I could try compiling the debug version of d2x-xl again, and hopefully an error prints out before the freeze....but other than that, I dunno.... :/

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:47 am
by Diedel
Get v1.5.37 first, just updated it.

I have none of the problems described here with d2x-xl on Linux, so unfortunately I cannot help you here.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 1:56 am
by fyrephlie

alright, here is the problem now. everything copiles just fine, but when running the executable binary, the d2x-xl window opens for a moment then immediatly closes without an error message (exactly as it did when i had the game data in the wrong directory before). since the game data hasn't moved, i am wondering if you know why this would be?

./configure --enable-release=yes
rename d2x-gl d2x-xl
strip ./d2x-xl
cp ./d2x-xl /usr/local/bin
cp ./d2x-xl /usr/local/share/d2x-xl

seems i just making all sorts of backwards progress here, everything worked great at first, then you updated and the robots went crazy, then you updated and my automap cockpit window went crazy, now i can't get the damn thing to run... lol ... i should quite while i was behind.

please help! :) (is the current executable on your site 1.5.37?)

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 3:56 am
by Diedel
Usually this happens when d2x-xl doesn't find something ... I will check this again.

Current Linux binary is 1.5.37 (binaries are always sync'd with source).

Edit: d2x-xl linux doesn't find the data files if they're in the D2 main and not the data subfolder. Grrrr. Everytime I fix this for one OS, it fails on another.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:17 pm
by fyrephlie
hmm... all the data is in its respective directories, not in the main... i did use a script to rename all the files as lowercase... out of habit, since we all know linux has issues with files that are 'differently cased'. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:26 pm
by Diedel
Try 1.5.39 (1.5.40 on the way, btw. :roll: )

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:29 am
by fyrephlie
lol ... :) ok

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:42 am
by fyrephlie
your executable on the site did the same thing, so tomorrow when i am awake i will try to compile it. but i don't have much hope. :(

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 4:35 am
by Diedel
Can you post a directory listing of your D2 folder with all subdirectories and their contents please?

I will also prepare a binary creating some informational output to ~/d2x.log to hopefully give some hints about what's going on here.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:17 pm
by fyrephlie

Code: Select all

fyrephlie@linux:/usr/local/share/d2x-xl> ls
afi.plr     cambot.hxm           d2x-h.mvl    d2x-xl          descent2.exe  descentg.ini          endnote.txt   groupa.256   ice.256      palette.256   setup.exe
alien1.256  credits.256          d2x.ini      d2x-xl-old      descent2.ham  descent.hi            eregcard.exe  groupa.pig   ice.pig      pcxview.exe   src
ALIEN1.256  d2_1x_to_12.exe      d2x-l.mvl    d2x-xl-src.tgz  descent2.hog  descent.ico           eregcard.ini  hmidet.386   intro-h.mvl  readme.txt    water.256
alien1.pig  d2.bat               d2x-sdl      default.plr     descent2.s11  Descent II Win95.exe  fire.256      hmidrv.386   missions     water.pig
alien2.256  D2 Win95 Readme.doc  d2x-w32.ico  deisl1.isu      descent2.s22  descent.png           fire.pig      hmimdrv.386  modem.lst    robots-h.mvl
alien2.pig  d2x-gl               d2x-w32.png  demos           descent.cfg   drgnfli.plr           fyre.plr      hoard.ham    other-h.mvl  robots-l.mvl

Code: Select all

fyrephlie@linux:/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/missions> ls
ambage.hog  cd1225.mn2    d2chaos.hog   descent.b50   dissent2.mn2  hashbash.hog  min69.mn2     minerva5.hog  neptune.txt   pullteth.mn2    thas.hog      (unttl)2.mn2  yeeha.mn2
ambage.mn2  chaos.hog     d2chaos.mn2   descent.faq   dissent2.txt  hashbash.mn2  minerv21.hog  minerva5.mn2  nirvana.htm   pullteth.txt    thas.mn2      vamped.hog
ambage.txt  chaos.msn     d2x.hog       descent.hog   getsmrt2.hog  hashbash.txt  minerv21.mn2  minerva5.txt  nwtr.hog      revival_13.rtf  thetoe.hog    vamped.mn2
carma.hog   crazines.hog  d2x.mn2       descent.m50   getsmrt2.mn2  keparty2.hog  minerv21.txt  neptune2.hog  nwtr.mn2      revnic.hog      thetoe.mn2    vamped.txt
carma.mn2   crazines.mn2  dementia.hog  descent.phx   gunner.hog    keparty2.mn2  minerva3.hog  neptune2.mn2  panic.hog     revnic.mn2      ultraes.hog   wizzer.hog
carma.txt   d2-2plyr.hog  dementia.mn2  descent.pig   gunner.mn2    kparty2.txt   minerva3.mn2  neptune.hog   panic.mn2     stadium2.hog    ultraes.mn2   wizzer.mn2
cd1225.hog  d2-2plyr.mn2  descent2.adv  dissent2.hog  gunner.txt    min69.hog     minerva3.txt  neptune.mn2   pullteth.hog  stadium2.mn2    (unttl)2.hog  yeeha.hog

Code: Select all

fyrephlie@linux:/usr/local/share/d2x-xl/demos> ls
descent2.dem  descent.dem

Code: Select all

you already know whats in /src

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:36 pm
by Diedel

d2x-xl v1.5.41-Linux has some logging to ~/d2x.log built into it. Get the binaries, run the program, and post the contents of that file here please. :)