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The Chinese - gotta love 'em!

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:16 am
by Mobius
OK, so you know that every country in the world has a stereotype. The Chinese are inscrutable. The Australians are convicts. The Irish are green, and stupid. The Brits are uptight. New Zealanders are bucolic... And Americans are idiots... JFK JFK!

Actually, funny you bring the USA up, because a good buddy of mine just got back from the US. I asked him what he got me for Christmas. He replied that he thought long and hard about it, and he wanted to get me something uniquely \"American\", but he ended up getting me nothing. I asked him why. He said he didn't think he'd be able to slip through customs with a kilo of coke, or a hand gun.


You have this idea about how people will react to things, and I suppose we all have images of people helping stranded whales around the world, but sometimes things happen which change your perception, and give you a chuckle at the same time. I'm talking about the chinese saving two dolphins - as in the story found here:,,11965-6704463,00.html

(Of course, if you follow the news too, you'll recall that there was a species of near-blind, long nosed, river dolphins in China which they've just announced have gone extinct.)

So, this story cracks me up. The inscrutable Chinese are brilliant: \"Surgery fails because plastic is hard to grip with surgical implements. OK what now? Hey, there's the tallest man in the world just down the road - why don't we get him to stick that looooooong arm of his down the dolphin's throat, and HE can pull the plastic out? That's gotta be worth 90 seconds on CNN!\"

To me this is wonderfully pragmatic. I surmise that a similar problem in the USA would be solved by building a gut-walking robot in 2 days, which would be able to crawl inside and grab the plastic bits using wireless technology, computers, fibre optic lights and video cameras at a cost of $1,500,000.

This leads me to my stereotyping of the three countries I have lived in:

\"In Japan, if there's a problem, throw more people at it.
In the USA, if there's a problem, throw more money at it.
In New Zealand, if there's a problem, don't worry about it. It'll probably go away.\"

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:36 am
You're a sad little man.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:57 am
by ccb056
While I'm not sure about your Japan/People analogy, it does work for China.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 10:29 am
by Firewheel
In Japan, if there's a problem, just ignore it! (See: The bullying-suicide debate.)

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:57 pm
by TIGERassault
In Ireland, if there's a problem, it only means you need to work out more.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 1:09 am
by roid
if Soviet Russia has a problem it forgets about YOU.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:09 pm
by Scorch
TIGERassault wrote:In Ireland, if there's a problem, it only means you need to work out more.
No no, in Ireland, if there's a problem, it means you should drink more until you forget about it. :P

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:29 am
by Admiral Thrawn
In New Zealand, if there's a problem, don't worry about it. It'll probably go away.\"
Yet, despite not worrying about it for quite some time now, you're still around.


Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 6:57 am
by JMEaT
I thought if the Irish had a problem, they got drunk and fought about it?

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:23 pm
by TIGERassault
No, no, that's a common misinterpretation. Only the boozeyards drnk to get rid of their problems, the Irish drink just for the sake of drinking.
Well hey, surely you don't expect us to be drinking much water. Nah, only regular humies drink that. We're the Irish; we only drink the great stuff!