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Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 9:05 am
by Zuruck
I guess the woman is going to testify today behind closed doors. Rape experts expressed troubled feelings behind this routing of the rape shield law. My take:
The woman should have to testify in open court. If you accuse someone of something that has a possible influence on the rest of your life, you should not be able to wash your hands with it. Her sexual history is very suspect, she WENT TO HIS HOTEL ROOM VOLUTARILY, I'm not stupid, I know when you're in a hotel and you go to someone's room you only mean to do one thing. And the fact that someone else's baby batter was on her silkies suggests even more indiscretion. She was just raped and now she's having sex with another guy? I hear of rape victims that can't have sex ever again because they are so traumatized. Yet, she has the audacity to do it again in a 24 hour window? Please...
Your take?
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 9:16 am
by Gooberman
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:18 am
by Dedman
I think Goob has the right of it.
NBA players are notoriously hounded by female fans who want to sleep with the players for either prestige among their friends or for the money they can get when the player has to settle a claim.
Kobe is not completely innocent here however. He was a dumbass for letting her into his room in the first place. He cheated on his wife and violated that trust. That is something he has to live with.
All that said however, I don't think he raped her.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:46 am
by bash
I believe the claim is that she had sex with upwards of two other men within the days
prior to the incident with Bryant. If true, this girl not only gets around she's got some nasty hygiene habits if they could figure that out just from her underwear.

The main reason victims' advocates are concerned is that the natural legal defence is to portray the victim as a slut. The victim becomes the focus of the trial and not the defendant, and becomes *victimized* a second time (assuming the charges are jsutified). That sort of attack makes it fairly simple to introduce reasonable doubt in a jury as to whether the sex was consentual and gain the defendant an aquittal. Without the protections currently afforded to rape victims, the argument is they will be less inclined to testify or even report the crime for fear they will be held up to public ridicule and embarrassment if their past sexual history is allowed to be investigated and made public. That's a compelling argument, imo, and that's why we have a Shield Law here.
Apparently, in this case, the defense was successful in arguing that her sexual history is pertinent to the incident with Bryant and it is being explored in private so as not to violate Colorado's Rape Victim Shield Law (thereby not setting a precedent for other lawyers to use). Either way, even a private hearing is a bit erosive of the law, imo.
Granted I haven't been paying any attention to this case but I believe the prosecution is claiming vaginal/anal injury as part of it's evidence that the intercourse was forced. The defense is trying to discredit that evidence or even bar it from admission and claim either one of the other two partners she had could have caused the injury. That is probably why the Shield Law is being bent to allow private testimony about her recent sexual conduct. Anyway, that's my uneducated take on it.
btw, Z, going to someone's hotel room is not a tacit agreement to have intercourse any more than going out to dinner or to a movie is.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:10 am
by Gooberman
This is a loose loose situation, if kobe wins then other famous people might get the impression that they can rape anyone they want and use the "why would I rape anyone, I can get a girl any night" defense.
If Kobe looses then it sets the president that through the court system you can become a million doller--one time--prostitute.
To argue along side Bash...

He is famous; what basketball fan wouldn't want to go kick-it in Michael Jordans room and get to know him better? Kobe is pretty far up there as far as talent goes. Is she guilty of being Naive? Yes. Guilty of having the sex automatically be consensual? No.
I hope the evidence can decide this one. Rape is tough on the courts in general. It is not a crime, or is a crime punishable for 1/3 of your life, soley based on the other participants state of mind. The exact same actions can occur, yet in one scenario it is the second most vile crime you can commit, and in another it is precieved as a wonderful expression.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:29 am
by bash
This one is a tough call, Goob, because IIRC it seems she entered into it consentually but then Bryant was basically *doing her like a prostitute* and she became humiliated and then tried to put a halt to it. I think he ignored her pleas to stop and thereby it went from consentual to rape while the act was occurring.
Again, I have to repeat I haven't been paying much attention to the case (Hell, I don't even know what team Bryant plays for that's how little I care about basketball or it's pampered *stars*) so I could be talking out of my anus.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:38 am
by Tyranny
Why is it some black men seem easily swayed by trashy white girls? Kobe being a dumbass is an understatement. With the wife that man has got, wtf would you even THINK about cheating on her, let alone actually go through with it.
You've got a fine peice of ass (edit: a

ss) at home Kobe, you didn't need to bang the pasty white girl!
From what ESPN has been reporting she was involved with 3 different guys in atleast a 2-3 day period prior to the sexual act with Kobe. This to me says she gets her jollies from having sex and thought since Kobe was in town at the place she works he'd be a target of opportunity.
I don't think he raped her at all personally. The only crime he committed was adultery.
Note: We can use dumbass but not a

ss? interesting...
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:47 am
by Gooberman
"Why is it some black men seem easily swayed by trashy white girls?"
Because for years if a black man slept with a white woman he was hung from a tree. Consent had nothing to do with his punishment! It was viewed that white women were so pure that none of them would willingly have intercourse with the black beast. Black men having sex with white women was the most despicable act that could occur in the minds of most racists.
One of the first films ever made, 'Birth of a Nation,' involves this topic, and the KKK are shown to be the heroes of the film. In the film a white woman commits suicide as to avoid "a fate worse then death", (that is an actual title card in the film). That fate of course: having sex with a black man. I can, and have, written essay upon essay on this topic. But the short answer is that they were denied them for a very long time spawn. And it is only recently more "tolerated." It is a form of resistance, and a very complicated issue in its own right.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 12:52 pm
by Lothar
Tyr, what ESPN has been reporting is that it's "rumored" she was involved with 2-3 different guys in the days leading up to the incident.
We don't know where that rumor comes from, or how much truth there is to it -- it might be completely false.
We're sure Kobe had sex with the girl, and that alone makes him a loser (cheating on his wife... when she's hot... and they have a one-year-old... extreme loser. Also that BS goaltend / inadvertent whistle in the Lakers@Nuggets game.) We're also sure that she went into his room willingly, and sure that within a few minutes of leaving his room she was in tears and saying she'd been raped.
What we're not sure of is when she changed her mind -- whether she willingly had sex, and then decided to be a gold-digger (no rape)... or whether she willingly started to have sex, and then told him to stop and he didn't (probably rape)... or whether she wasn't even willing at the start (definitely rape). What injuries she has, and how she got them, will probably come into play pretty significantly in this trial.
I'm glad I'm not on this jury.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:37 pm
by Tyranny
Loth, I know they're rumors. All information about something of this nature and the processes involved reported by the media is hype, speculation and rumor at this point. Well, besides the obvious

It was ESPN afterall, they're pullin for das Kobe
Goob, thx for the school report, but it really wasn't necassary

White girls are easy, some of them anyways, and it is the white girls attraction to the mystique of the black man's unit size that usually leads to this type of stuff these days. Better yet, how about the attraction between a heterosexual "man" and "woman", forget the racial bs. I don't buy that all of a sudden it's some deep south or 100+ year old national repressed desire to sexually associate interracially.
and I'm through

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:32 pm
by Beowulf
Okay, famous basketball players do not invite FEMALES into their bedroom to just "kick it." Maybe if it was a friend or a -male- fan or someone, but even that is probably pretty unlikely. But it was a chick. Come on now, lets be honest here, he wanted to bang her. This chick is a trashy hoe, and here is this really famous handsome basketball player who wants to bang her. Of course she's going to go along with it.
As for the vaginal injuries...she's a white girl in a town filled with only white people...and Kobe is a big black dude.
Kobe is going to get off (no pun intended).
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:49 pm
by Gooberman
"I don't buy that all of a sudden it's some deep south or 100+ year old national repressed desire to sexually associate interracially."
What an enlightened stance from someone who has never studied the issue. I would give my arguments but I get the feeling that you wouldn't continue the discussion since no source that I have read says the difference between the increase in black male white female relationships compared to black female white male relationships is due to "unit size" or "trashy white women".
I fear my friend, that you could use quite a few more "school reports" if that is indeed your argument.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 9:20 pm
by TheCops
is he rapist? dunno, wasn't there.
is she a piece of white trash? dunno, never met her.
did she ★■◆● kobe bryant? it appears she wanted some of it.
do i believe either party involved? why would i? do i follow "the charts" for interesting music? do i read the news as ‘accurate reporting’?
why is there a "stigma" with a black man dating a white woman? i can't answer that because in my experience you are inviting a giant headache, brotha.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 1:43 am
by Ferno
not guilty
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 2:15 am
by Tyranny
Goob, you're completely missing my intentional attempts at being funny apparently. I really couldn't give a damn about the history behind black men being prone to date or associate with white women. Not that it isn't interesting, but it's something for another thread. I didn't mean to take light your knowledge on the matter and insinuate that you know nothing about it. If I did, I'm sorry.
The whole "Why is it some black men seem easily swayed by trashy white girls?" question wasn't meant to be taken seriously, it was a joke based on a common stereotypical perception, and for some reason you decided to take that and make it a focal point.
No need to go around insulting my intelligence just because you decided to focus on something other then the topic at hand. Kobe, Trial, Rape, etc..etc...
Seriously dude, all your schooling and researching must have sapped your sense of humor. oh, and btw, I've done the school thing and somehow managed to keep my funny bone in tact. Whats your story?

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 7:41 am
by Zuruck
I know bash that buying dinner doesnt mean you get laid. But you have to be an idiot to think going back to a HOTEL ROOM doenst mean that. What is he inviting her back for, milk and cookies? I dont like the fact that you can change your mind and then it becomes rape. It's like stealing a car and only driving down the block, then stopping and saying, crap I'm done so I didnt really steal the car. Started, might as well finish

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 8:03 am
by bash
I don't know what to tell you, Z, the law is the law, and making the sort of assumption you feel is justified can be a one-way ticket to the hoosgow. I found myself in a situation like this once. I was at a corporate headquarters hugfest with my peers from all over the globe. The night we all arrived in Detroit we got together for some bar-hopping. One English bird (as they say) was all over me all night long. Initially I ignored it because she wasn't really my type. But by the end of the evening the beer-goggles had sufficiently buffered me from that physical reality and she followed me back (uninvited) to my hotel room. I didn't resist her obvious intent of sleeping with me. She had mentioned during the evening that she had a boyfriend home in England but I figured it wasn't that serious since she had been giving me all sorts of non-verbal come-ons all evening. Anyway, we got in bed together but before anything could happen she got a sudden severe attack of guilt and started making it seem like I was some sort of sexual predator taking advantage of the situation and forcing my affections on her. This was her way of putting it on me so she didn't have to face the ugly reality that she was basically a slut (Hell, so was I) without an ounce of fidelity toward the poor schmuck in the UK. The Jekyll/Hyde transformation scared the bejebus out of me.

Needless to say I was out of bed and back fully clothed before you can say *hide the silverware* and gently escorting her down the hall to her own hotel room. I dodged a bullet, no doubt. Had she chosen to make the same allegations publicly, at the very least I would have lost my job with a very real possibility of spending my Detroit visit in jail. Then, of course, she could have simply declined to press charges and flown off back to Merry Old England, none the worse for wear. The lesson learned is the woman (even a crazy promiscuous woman) is always in charge when it comes to sexual matters, no matter how intense the tease. One-night stands are like playing Russian roulette and a man has only himself to blame if there's a live round in the chamber.
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 2:24 pm
by Gooberman
It will come back in a few months Ty.