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360 Degree Shooters
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:39 pm
by Neptin
What are the current 360 shooter games that are out now.. and *gasp* .. Vista capable?
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:33 pm
by Sirius
...none. To my knowledge. Unless you count D2X-XL.
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:46 pm
by Neptin
That's unfortunute
I'm getting a new laptop that is going to me madd crazy... I've been a mac user for the past two+ years.. but it finally crashed. So, I'm switching back.. How's Elite Design?
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:00 pm
by Foil
Ummm... Descent3 is quite Vista-compatible.
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:18 pm
by Neptin
Foil wrote:Ummm... Descent3 is quite Vista-compatible.
Really? I guess we will see shortly. My disc1 broke awhile ago, so I have been without for awhile now
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:17 am
by Strife
Neptin wrote:Foil wrote:Ummm... Descent3 is quite Vista-compatible.
Really? I guess we will see shortly. My disc1 broke awhile ago, so I have been without for awhile now
use no-cd crack like everyone else
Or download disk1 and load it to a drive in alcohol and play it that way.
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:48 am
by Sirius
Neptin wrote:That's unfortunute
I'm getting a new laptop that is going to me madd crazy... I've been a mac user for the past two+ years.. but it finally crashed. So, I'm switching back.. How's Elite Design?
Haha... I wish, man, but they haven't been running for years now. After Obsidian many, many ideas were tossed around, but nothing really got going in a big way, then I think people ran into the usual college/work/whatnot stuff.
Kind of miss them though. Good crew, nothing like anything else I've seen in Descent really. I probably still have some people on file somewhere, but they'd need a good reason to get back together again I suspect.
I've done a few Descent-related things in the meanwhile, that said... DH and I released another D2 single-player set back in 2002 which was a little more subtle with the architecture and used less custom robots (the ones we had were about five times better though, thanks to working out the REAL way to make them).
And then there's my 4500-cube effort which is still undergoing the finishing touches. Hoping to release that fairly soon, so I can get on to other stuff, heh...