New mod updates

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New mod updates

Post by Dakatsu »

Well, I have worked a bit on the mod, mainly behind the stuff ideas, such as features, weapons, and stuff, but I have a few graphics to show off.

First of all, some of the camoflauges of the Skorpshjuze and Shoudo military:
Row 1:
  1. Skorpshjuze Mercury Camo
  2. Skorpshjuze Mars Camo
  3. Skorpshjuze Ganymede Camo
  4. Shoudo Mercury Camo
  5. Shoudo Mars Camo
  6. Shoudo Ganymede Camo
Row 2:
  1. Skorpshjuze Venus Camo
  2. Skorpshjuze Ceres Camo
  3. Skorpshjuze Europa Camo
  4. Shoudo Venus Camo
  5. Shoudo Ceres Camo
  6. Shoudo Europa Camo
Row 3:
  1. Skorpshjuze Terra Camo
  2. Skorpshjuze Io Camo
  3. Skorpshjuze Callisto Camo
  4. Shoudo Terra Camo
  5. Shoudo Io Camo
  6. Shoudo Callisto Camo
In my mod, each country has a unique scheme for its camoflauge. Each side will get a color scheme for all the planets in the game you will fight on. The main difference is how it is set up (Skorpshjuze using traditional camo compared to Shoudo using digital camo)

The second graphic is the Nekoketsukei T92 Fragmentation Grenade:
This thing works very simply, it acts like a normal frag. When tossed it will detonate with a large explosion. The grenade has three fuse selectors: 5 second, 2.5 second, and impact. When you are ready to toss, just press the square detonation button, and get ready to throw.

I hope you guys like it so far :)
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